***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Anyone tried the Legion Beta yet? I had got added to the beta a while back but still have to get around to installing it.
So I took the free week and upped my wizard all of 3 levels to get to level 90. Last time I played WoW I think it was just after Cataclysm then other games dragged me away..

I have just got my 'Garrison' and built two buildings in it, but what is the point of the garrison, is it important to try and upgrade ? I am a bit clueless on it to be honest. I will hopefully get time to plow into WoW, at least until NO Mans Sky lands. 8o))
Well, apparently it is a good way of making pennies, although I have invested far more in it than I have got back so far!
At lvl3 with the various things needed for pennies (well, they need upgraded too)


I'm just hoping the Pre-Legion patch doesn't come out for a while so I actually make some pennies back!
Handy for mats for lvl'ing alts professions though.
Long story short, I've been given a month of free playtime, with WoD unlocked on my account. I've not played in about 2 (3?) years, last expansion for me was Cata. I've just logged in, and I've got my good old priest there, and I suddenly realised "I have no idea where to go, what to do, or anything like that".

So, where do I start? It's almost like being a noob all over again but with a partially levelled character, I have no recollection of proper builds, how to set up my mods, etc etc etc.

Depending on level you'll need to start with the appropriate expansion. So that would be Mists of Pandaria for you, assuming you maxed the character in Cataclysm.

I believe the breadcrumb quests for the likes of Pandaria are in the main capital cities, so Stormwind/Orgrimmar.

Builds/talents and the like can be found on Icy Veins or looking through the stickies on the MMO Champion forums.
Anyone tried the Legion Beta yet? I had got added to the beta a while back but still have to get around to installing it.

I'm playing the beta. It's a familiar levelling experience so far in that you're ushered through a zone via a series of hubs and story unfolds as you go. In terms of types of quests though I haven't seen anything I haven't seen before, though i'm only level 102 on two chars at the moment. The big difference is being able to pick which zone you go to, as the enemies adjust to your level. Maybe it's because the cinematics are missing but I've gone through two different zones on two characters so far and felt a little underwhelmed by the storyline / settings.

The artifact weapon system seems good, and there's a little quest chain attached to each spec to get the right artifact. These are based on the lore connected with the class and it does add atmosphere.

The garrison hasn't featured at all so far - I unlocked mine using a premade 100 toon but nothing new has made reference to it (yet). There are however followers to recruit and send on quests from your class hall so I'm not sure if we've swapped one garrison for another (I've only scratched the surface of this so far).

It seems Dalaran will be where we all hang out on our rare / expensive mounts and while I love Dalaran, I spent 2 years hanging around in it and it hasn't changed much (possibly excepting the underbelly, but that's been disabled due to phasing issues!). I don't know if I'm expecting too much but the lack of a new city to explore the nooks and crannies of when I'm not out questing or doing dungeons adds to a growing feeling of it being a little lightweight (and I'm still not over alliance not getting black temple as a capital).

Demon hunters are good fun but if anything the novelty of a new class to play really underlines the fact that everything else (bar the artifact weapons) is pretty much same old same old. That said, I haven't tried professions or done any dungeons yet.

I'm doing my best to reserve judgement because it's in beta but I'm really hoping it has hidden depths that I haven't seen yet (or will have 4 raid tiers, launched every 3 months!) or I can't see me playing much longer than a couple of months after it's launched.
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Part of me wants to give this a go again, but the full retail priced expansion and ridiculous sub that went up recently is a big put off. :(

Amazing you guys let them get away with it lol
Part of me wants to give this a go again, but the full retail priced expansion and ridiculous sub that went up recently is a big put off. :(

Amazing you guys let them get away with it lol

Since they've introduced Tokens, I haven't 'paid' for WoW since. Garrisons bring in such an insane amount of gold that there isn't any need to pay.
I've started playing again the last few weeks, however I've pretty much had to start from scratch.

I used to play on the US servers with some other friends but given play time restraints on my end I've decided I can't be dealing with the time zone difference, so I've reinstated an old EU account.

I have a 660ilvl Mage and am levelling up a Paladin currently on Outland-Alliance.

If anyone wants to add me: Oniram#2693
I've got 3 weeks of free playtime at the moment, having not played since Cata. Hit level 87 today, just wondering if there was any chance of a friendly clan on here taking in a BE Priest?

Used to be a reasonable healer/DPS in Cata, but a lot has changed so I definitely have some noob/rusty tendencies at the moment. Looking to play for a few weeks and see if I still want to invest in WoD.

I'm on Bloodhoof.
I've got 3 weeks of free playtime at the moment, having not played since Cata. Hit level 87 today, just wondering if there was any chance of a friendly clan on here taking in a BE Priest?

Used to be a reasonable healer/DPS in Cata, but a lot has changed so I definitely have some noob/rusty tendencies at the moment. Looking to play for a few weeks and see if I still want to invest in WoD.

I'm on Bloodhoof.

I can't help with the guild side as I'm currently unsubbed! But a quick look at your class rotation on Icy Veins will soon get you decent enough to pug up and get some raid experience at 100.

Gear wise, once you reach 100 I'd get that garrison to level 3 for the Tanaan quests and farm Baleful gear, you can be 670+ in under a week with the right drops.
(or you could cheese PVP in Ashran... personal preference)

I re-subbed a few weeks back from the free WoD 90 offer they did, just didn't have the time to play but I did reach 100 and quite enjoyed gearing again. :)
Gear wise, once you reach 100 I'd get that garrison to level 3 for the Tanaan quests and farm Baleful gear, you can be 670+ in under a week with the right drops.
(or you could cheese PVP in Ashran... personal preference)

What do you mean by cheesing Ashran PVP?

Tanaan is definitely the place to go to get your gear then once you have enough ilvl you can do Raid Finder HFC and get more gear. Tkae down Kazaak once a week too for a chance at 700+ ilvl gear.
I always forget to unsub for like 6 months after i stop playing, luckily this time i noticed after a couple of months.
I haven't played hardcore since WotLK, pretty casual since but I've not touched the game for about a year. Just realised I never unsubbed...
What do you mean by cheesing Ashran PVP?

Tanaan is definitely the place to go to get your gear then once you have enough ilvl you can do Raid Finder HFC and get more gear. Tkae down Kazaak once a week too for a chance at 700+ ilvl gear.

You'll wrack up enough honour from being there without doing an awful lot if you are stuck on a piece of gear, I had to get a 700 ilvl cloak in the end as baleful wasn't dropping, it was the last green I had.

By the time you have done the intro quests for free honour you barely need to be there.
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