***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I play on Alliance side Doomhammer had a queue on Friday of about 600ish took 30-40min to get in been all good since then.

Server seems stable and been able to setup to garrisons with ease and quest in SMV without issue.
I'm absolutely loving this expansion, even though my server is far too full. Been having 4/5 hour queues on Tarren Mill. Got my Rogue to level 95, but I am taking it very easy as I am enjoying taking in the new zones, they're well above any of the other expansions IMO.
Those with queuing issues need to either roll on a new server, or stop the moaning. If you're playing on an overpopulated server then queue's are to be expected.

All my toons are on Saurfang and I'm yet to queue once. Straight in everytime :)
Bit of a leveling question, currently playing Tauren Shaman with Enhancement spec, is this still the best PVE leveling spec or would I be better swapping over to Elemental?


The great thing about the gear which drops in Draenor is that it will change the primary stat when you change spec, so if you switch to ele your Agility will become Int.

Just go with what your havin fun with mate, enhance was always one of my favourite specs in the game, ele has a lot of potential for aoe also.

Come to think of it shaman is just a great back of tricks :p
Managed to get a few heroics done last night with a few friends. Druid tanks seem really quishy compared to Paladins at least.
What do people think of healing at 100? I'm 99 at the moment on my priest and it's hard work keeping everyone alive in my opinion as people never seen to move out of things fast enough.
What do people think of healing at 100? I'm 99 at the moment on my priest and it's hard work keeping everyone alive in my opinion as people never seen to move out of things fast enough.

Doesn't sound like your problem, if people can't avoid unnecessary damage like standing in fire they deserve to die. :p

Healing the beginning of an expansion isn't the easiest thing in the world due to gear and people not being familiar with the fights, things will get easier.
The great thing about the gear which drops in Draenor is that it will change the primary stat when you change spec, so if you switch to ele your Agility will become Int.

Just go with what your havin fun with mate, enhance was always one of my favourite specs in the game, ele has a lot of potential for aoe also.

Come to think of it shaman is just a great back of tricks :p

Ah I did not know about the stat switching, will look at that.

I like Enhancment as get to hit people with big sticks :)

I might give Ele ago, will go look for some decent spec guides
Took me 3 and a half hours to get in last night :p

I just started it away and went off and done other things, I'm only 42 so didn't see the WoD hassle. Still debating whether to sub or not.
No problems at all on Chamber of Aspects, apart from when **** hit the fan for everyone Friday. Transferred the character I'm currently levelling over here and not looked back.

If you're still having problems, I would say level an alt somewhere if you don't want to move mains...Because the problems are definitely not server wide.

Do we have a guild I can join on CoA? Was in the last re-roll guild that went belly up here.

I can't quite believe I managed to stay away from WoW for 10 years and only started playing because an advert for the expansion pulled me in.

I've played most other MMOs as well yet stayed away from the said "holy grail". I must say outside of the issues it's quite clear it's still the best MMO for end game (with the exception of maybe EQ back in the day). I wish GW2 was like this as I much prefer the art style but it will never be as good PvP wise.
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We will be recruiting for our guild on Twisting Nether, Horde. Looking to be hardcore progressive raiding. Hours will be from 4pm-2am CET Monday-Friday, 5pm-2am Sat/Sun. If you have experience raiding please leave a comment in this thread with your application. Currently we are full on tanks and melee dps, so looking for ranged spell casters and healers specifically priests.

Still looking, open to any class atm.
Took me 3 and a half hours to get in last night :p

I just started it away and went off and done other things, I'm only 42 so didn't see the WoD hassle. Still debating whether to sub or not.

Im quite confident that this is going to be one of the best expansions in WOW history, when you look outside the server issues the feedback is wholly positive about the game, the zones, the visuals. I know its that expansion time when the game seems so active but i dont think ive seen so many old players be drawn back, and have positive things to say.

And all this is before raids open, before the majority of players are max level etc.

Im having a great time in it, even if you take the price of the game + a month sub your talking £35-£40. For that you will easily get a months entertainment, for me thats value :)
Yeah I'm really really enjoying leveling atm, its the most fun I've had in a long time. Nagrand is my favourite zone in the entire game so really looking forward to going to the WoD version soon. Just finishing up Spires of Arak, trying to finish all the quests in every zone :D

Thinking I should maybe start AFK'ing in RFC to combat these, although I saw a tweet from one of the Blizzard devs saying they're looking at ways to fix this.
genuinely don't have the time to wait 7 and a half hours in a queue to play.

Logged on this morning at 11 hoping it would be better and I could get a couple hours played today but I was greeted by a 3800 queue.

I'm paying a monthly subscription to sit and wait in a queue for half a day. Being forced to xrealm is not an answer. This needs sorting ASAP.
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