Hh, his English is better than yours!:rolleyes:

I never attacked his English, all comments by me in this thread are from an entirely separate thread, tenuously related to this one, merged by the mod team here. I don't have to give anyone a break, as I never called anyone out. What we do need is for the 'amazing' weather topics to be kept in this thread, out of GDs way :)
Ok back to the weather.

How about this guy's fight to save his home due to flooding from the rain-swollen White River:

It's quite an amazing effort. :)
I never attacked his English, all comments by me in this thread are from an entirely separate thread, tenuously related to this one, merged by the mod team here. I don't have to give anyone a break, as I never called anyone out. What we do need is for the 'amazing' weather topics to be kept in this thread, out of GDs way :)

not very convicing but ok.
Just got back from a couple of weeks in Florida and the last day we had an epic thunderstorm. The lightening was constant and the hail literally a few blocks down was the size of 10p pieces! It was the lightening that was most impressive though, barely 5 seconds between each strike. Tornado warnings on the local tv was quite scary but I don't think we had one fortunately.
Following on from the previous post this video shows the extent of the devastating floods along the Mississippi River this month:

Grimsvotn volcano

I think this is just about the best photo i have seen from this latest eruption.

Check out what some of these people, living nr the Missisippi River have done to avert a flood. Built their own personal levees.



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