Check out what some of these people, living nr the Missisippi River have done to avert a flood. Built their own personal levees.




I find this pretty amazing! Anything to protect your home!
How about this waterspout near the New South Wales coast. Wouldn’t want to be near that in a boat:

This is a great video of a decent size tornado over a river, caught buy a tower cam:

Crazy tornadic weather here in the US so far this year, huh? The South is getting it bad, even by their standards.....and then places like MA getting hit as well :confused: I live just outside "Tornado Alley" so every storm right now (and there have been plenty) sets me on edge!
Crazy tornadic weather here in the US so far this year, huh? The South is getting it bad, even by their standards.....and then places like MA getting hit as well :confused: I live just outside "Tornado Alley" so every storm right now (and there have been plenty) sets me on edge!

Much better weather in New York State, I moved here with fam. from the midwest in mid July last year. The worst storm so far has been nothing compared to what I am use to. It doesn't get nearly as hot also, which is very nice. If it gets to 90 F. here, that is a very hot day & it hardly happens at all. Not sure how true this is, but it is scary OMG!!!
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