Worst tv advert?

miming ? googled you're talking about this -> heycar | 60 second TV advert | hey, buying a car never felt so good
don't dismind that it's honest about peoples sentiment for their cars.

miming here &song was good WATCH ME | All-Electric Ford Mustang Mach-E | Ford UK ,but - the androgynous (ethnic!) driver. ?

You can’t call something racist just because it depicts someone of a certain colour in a humorous way. That KFC ad was completely harmless and the fact people see it as racist is just a sad indictment of the modern perpetually offended society.
you read the report - it is not the humerous aspect, it is negatively stereotyping eg. if you are portraying people as of low intellect ..
ASA are reconsidering their opinions anyway
ASA insights on racial & ethnic stereotyping in ads - still very much a work in progress..

... tries to think of an add where an ethinc person advertises something as an intellectual/considered endorsement - celebrity-wise maybe Lenny Henry,
high-value products like cars, usually a white guy driving the car. ... like heycar
I record shows as i loathe been forced to watch ****** ads.

But if i catch an ad, it is usually the Go Compare or especially the WBAC Schofield one's that have me reaching for the remote.
I record shows as i loathe been forced to watch ****** ads.

But if i catch an ad, it is usually the Go Compare or especially the WBAC Schofield one's that have me reaching for the remote.

schofield looks greedy for money doing such stupid adverts, he is reportedly worth near 9 million already
high-value products like cars, usually a white guy driving the car. ... like heycar

That might just be perhaps because the UK is overwhelmingly white and as soon as you go outside of the cities its even more so. If you want to target your largest market for an SUV, you put a white late twenties, mid-thirties woman behind the wheel.

Not everything is racist, or sexist or whatever else. Companies don't give a **** about race beyond the fact they get **** from people if the united colours of beneton are not represented in every group scene in an advert. They want to make as much money as possible so they advertise to their market.

Notice how Coke adverts are all "cool" young people having a great time drinking Coke. Thats because thats their target market.
They want to make as much money as possible so they advertise to their market.

Cynically, if ethnic characters are (well) used in advertising that increases brand positivity in the USA, for white purchasers, anyway,
so a USA add like this for for an electric mach-e wins, across the board.
All Electric Ford Mustang Mach E - Extended Version with Idris Elba
that's not demeaning like the mercedes app, advert, or the tesco unboxing, I linked earlier.
that's not demeaning like the mercedes app, advert, or the tesco unboxing, I linked earlier.

The point is that adverts are all different and go for different tactics. It’s not racist just because it shows a black person in what you consider a less than flattering light. They have the same kind of adverts with white people in them. It’s just a ****** style of advert that grates on you, it’s not demeaning to anyone.

Car adverts in general are a bunch of aspirational twaddle. SUV adverts being especially awful trying to sell you a sense of adventure when Karen is just going to use it to take little Tarquinius the 500m to school before she parks over someone’s drive to make sure he doesn’t have to walk a step further than is necessary.
During lockdown, the Wickes advert with the Zoom meeting and a colleague asked this woman to remove her background. The woman had an oldish kitchen.

if anyone told me to remove a Zoom background - I would shove something up their backside
another tooth one

The prep like Mo was a drugs reference for me

but this add sound forced and contrived with respect to any real conviction from him to use the product - but I suppose you can ask what celebrity endorsements do sound genuine.
Toothpaste, and brushes are a hard sell though, maybe the Mo advert is meant to sound like a parody;
there's not enough humour in adverts for this product type.
The prep like Mo was a drugs reference for me

but this add sound forced and contrived with respect to any real conviction from him to use the product - but I suppose you can ask what celebrity endorsements do sound genuine.
Toothpaste, and brushes are a hard sell though, maybe the Mo advert is meant to sound like a parody;
there's not enough humour in adverts for this product type.

clearly they wanted Mo for his nice white teeth and didnt care how forced the words would sound...

There is no low below which advertisers will NOT go...
The worst adverts are those you don't remember, by definition these must have been pretty good.
I kind of agree with this, off the top of my head I can't remember that many terrible adverts but I know I've seen some.

  • Shane Warne advanced hair loss studio or whatever it is
  • Cinch
  • Computer game adverts with "Not actual game footage" subtitles - puts me off because it implies they can't find an actual gameplay segment worthy of showing
  • Modern KFC ads with all their 'street' vibe
  • BT advert with some woman slashing up her router in slow motion
  • Ryanair "Just jab and go!" around the start of the year when thousands of people are dying every day
  • General overuse of knowing references to the pandemic like "the new normal" or "after everything we've been through" in adverts last year. I don't know why but it irked me a bit, like some sort of bandwagon advertisers felt they had to get on
  • EE Kevin Bacon adverts
If you watch the comedy channel then you might have encountered this heinous set of adverts..

ID mobile.

There's 2 in particular that drive me nuts, it's as if they got the worst actors and worst scripts on purpose just so it's so annoying I can't forget it. Wouldn't surprise me if this is a marketing oliy of some sort.

One has a guy going 'turn, turn, turn the camera' to someone on the phone, argghhhhh.
The other is a girl who's trousers won't come off.

******* hate them both.
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