Worthabuy - Illness?

Beggars belief that mugs Go to work to earn money to give to this guy to sit on his ass all day playing games.

I've never understood this either.

Giving money to youtubers/streamers for playing games must just be about the most retarded thing I could think of!
Mack's health issues are obviously serious enough to make him decide to cut off his only source of income in order for him to be able to recover, he's obviously not just throwing his toys out of the pram over some negative comments. Personally if I had enough disposable income I would support Mack's work as he makes me laugh and I've always found his comments about games to reflect my own experiences so I have relied on his reviews to guide my purchasing decisions in the past so he has saved me some cash. If that makes me a retard in some peoples eyes then fair enough. I could see the disparity in Mack's comments about Far Cry New Dawn and his previous stance on all things Ubisoft but if Ubisoft have finally released a game that for the most part he honestly enjoyed playing why can't he be allowed to say so without all the hate?
I've never understood this either.

Giving money to youtubers/streamers for playing games must just be about the most retarded thing I could think of!

I've never quite understood either but truth be told, I'm pretty jealous of them, some of the big streamers earn more in 1 month than I do in a year and have become millionaires from playing games. I'll spend my life in an office from 9 to 5 and never have as much money as them. Lucky sods :)
Mack's health issues are obviously serious enough to make him decide to cut off his only source of income in order for him to be able to recover, he's obviously not just throwing his toys out of the pram over some negative comments?

He hasn't cut off his income, he still makes around 3k from patreon a month. Also I think people were more upset, not that he liked the game but slated everyone else because they didn't. Mack has a serious problem of "everyones wrong and im right" and called out a couple of publishers and youtubers on this which people took objections to.
I've never understood this either.

Giving money to youtubers/streamers for playing games must just be about the most retarded thing I could think of!

Yeh I think it's crazy as well and would never do it. I know some people who do and they explain it in the same way that I pay £10 a month for Netflix to be entertained, they throw a couple of £ a month at somebody online who entertains them.
Saw this on Reddit yesterday. Apparently it wasn't the Far Cry video, but a video released shortly after where he basically lambasted people who's opinions differed from his.

I've not seen the vids so going of hearsay.
He hasn't cut off his income, he still makes around 3k from patreon a month. Also I think people were more upset, not that he liked the game but slated everyone else because they didn't. Mack has a serious problem of "everyones wrong and im right" and called out a couple of publishers and youtubers on this which people took objections to.

People won't keep on giving him money for nothing forever though, if he doesn't go back to making content he will shed patrons slowly.
Giving one fiver (which is basically the cost of a pint) to a bloke for spending his own time and money on reviewing **** games, so you don't have to waste £50-75 each time? No different to dropping a couple quid to the Dev of an app you enjoy, really.

I guess if you look at it that way, its sort of comparable to the £5 we used to pay each month to buy an issue of PC Zone or PC Gamer magazine (or my beloved Crash magazine...best...magazine...ever) in order to read reviews of games you were interested in back in the old days when us old farts used to buy those hold in your hand paper things every month and waited with baited breath for the next issue because it might have screenshots of the latest title :D
I guess if you look at it that way, its sort of comparable to the £5 we used to pay each month to buy an issue of PC Zone or PC Gamer magazine (or my beloved Crash magazine...best...magazine...ever) in order to read reviews of games you were interested in back in the old days when us old farts used to buy those hold in your hand paper things every month and waited with baited breath for the next issue because it might have screenshots of the latest title :D

Ah, the days of old, when games reviewers wheren't constantly moaning and getting triggered by women in computer games...
He posted this a yesterday.

Its so weird that someone who speaks on youtube daily, talks on discord, plays online games interacting with other people, can be so worried about having to talk to someone in a supermarket. The human mind is a truly bizarre thing.
Its so weird that someone who speaks on youtube daily, talks on discord, plays online games interacting with other people, can be so worried about having to talk to someone in a supermarket. The human mind is a truly bizarre thing.

I'm not terribly surprised that someone who has chosen to make their living interacting with the outside world via a computer has social issues. Still, hope he gets help and sorted out.

3200 USD gross per month is pretty crap money for the hours you have to put in and the negative health impacts.
Probably spent too much time shutting himself off to the world indoors. It's all well and good his job being to play games, but it sounds like he needed to spend more time connecting with the actual world too.
Its so weird that someone who speaks on youtube daily, talks on discord, plays online games interacting with other people, can be so worried about having to talk to someone in a supermarket. The human mind is a truly bizarre thing.

It's not that weird. You're describing pretty isolated activities (no physical contact, body language etc) amplified by the fact it's his job and life.
It's not that weird. You're describing pretty isolated activities (no physical contact, body language etc) amplified by the fact it's his job and life.

I suppose so, its probably easier to interact with people when you're a bodyless voice than having to interact with people face to face. The human mind is still a bizarre thing though :)

Its most likely only weird to me because I have no anxieties of anything so I always find it fascinating when others do. I do wonder at times whether the old stereotype that gamers are antisocial/socially awkward/inept etc, has a grounding in truth, perhaps gaming does attract a certain type and often that type is the people who have issues with the social aspects of life.
That's a really sad situation. Hope he can get on the road to recovery soon. I absolutely love his youtube content. Personally speaking, I don't think I'd get wound up about some randoms comments on my youtube videos, I don't think I'd care less. This however is not the situation for Mack and it has affected him completely differently. I hope this doesn't get him down and force him to close his channel.
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