Worthabuy - Illness?

Except there's no way to verify that....if he simply made his Steam user page public then it'd be a lot more genuine and there's no real reason not to if he's allowing comments on his Reddit page or youtube videos.

Does it really matter? He says he is suffering from burnout and needs a break. either believe him or dont that is up to you but publicly intimating he is a liar without proof is off imo.

as for steam stats.. they are pants anyway, he could just log in and then go to bed if that is such an issue to rack up the time.... hell, according to steam i have played Elite Dangerous for only 450ish hrs (from memory) but i have actually got over 1500hrs in that game.
I'd just like to chime in on hours here because there's clearly some comments being made not based on actual experience, but from assumption.

You can easily, and I mean easily spend a day editing a relatively short video.
A lot of people say that about a lot of things. Justin Bieber's music, for example. It's just an opinion.
Mack will usually, at least, back it up by explaining that supporting such games encourages and endorses things like Loot Crates, unfinished releases, badly done console ports, sloppy writing, or whatever... and given some of the screaming fanboy comments he has gotten - Yep, they really are ******* idiots!!

Aye but there have been a few videos of his that would slam games for the smallest issues, and he has influence enough to stop potential buyers and grow the communities, that's going to rile up some people. Granted they way some act about it and the levels they sink to is absurd but that's the internet lol.

Gamepad, or controller? If the latter, Mack uses one himself sometimes. Doesn't mean he has to like it, and again he gives reasons for it.

Sure, he gives reasons for preferring mouse and keyboard and he's in his right to like whatever he wants, but he doesn't share that attitude, if you prefer to use a controller in any situation where it's an option you're automatically an idiot in his eyes, doesn't matter if he gives reasons for them being inferior, it's choice. Majority of the backlash he receives will be identical to what he's doing here. If you open others up to insults you open yourself up too.

How come I couldn't do that to you here, without getting perma-banned, then? I have the right, no? You're putting your opinion out here on the internet so I have the right to rip you to pieces with personal insults and death threats because I disagree with your opinion, no?
You do have the right, this site is way too PG but that's the way it is. I've never heard the same said about YouTube. Google doesn't care at all about viewers writing nasties to the content creators, so it's all fair game imo. Don't get me wrong I've never even had a conversation with a YouTuber except Etika way back to tell him he's got a good thing going (I was super right), but I don't think that content creators are anymore entitled to 'safety' on the internet than anyone else, and harassment/bullying is unavoidable on the net no matter who you are. You ignore it or you leave your PC, to properly remove it all would require borderline censorship and it would only serve to protect internet personalities, who are no more entitled to safety than anyone else. There's either a system to magically remove all nasties from the internet for everyone without breaching any sort of freedoms or everybody is fair game. If somebody can't handle that then idk man, you're not built for it. Imagine the absolute filth the really big YouTubers would have read at various points in their careers, 0 complaints just soldier on and do their thing.

I like Worthabuy btw, more than most YouTubers but he is definitely not in the right line of work if words on the internet are giving him anxiety.
Barely any more influence than people posting here.. and he's just a bloke with a Steam Account, like all of us. Plenty of people here would slam a game for piddly little issues, but just that's the nature of subjective opinions. I almost always automatically pass on any game where the characters are wielding swords five times bigger than they are... but hell, I played and enjoyed Dragon Age in spite of their oversized weaponry, so come at me for my outrageous inconsistency bro, and tell me how you're gonna come **** my cat with a rusty chainsaw, or whatever.
If you're worried about some ranty little Northern bar steward with a receptionists' bell killing off the market for your AAA game, then your game is probably a pile of badger **** and deserves it!! :D

You recognise the sword thing as being a non-issue and personal distaste though, I doubt you'd attempt to make an entire game out to be utter hogswash due to not liking such a small thing, completely overlooking all of it's strengths and positives because of something silly you dislike.

Given how much crap I've gotten just because I preferred (and in truth could only afford) to ride a motorcycle, I'd have to say - Who gives a ****?

My dude motorcycles are awesome. Also you're exactly right, who gives a **** what some petty idiots have to say over somebodies method of transport, tell them to go sit on their gearknob and stfu :D

I was automatically an idiot in other people's opinions, for being a biker, for not liking football, for being a gamer, for so many things in life that I fail to see how this is in any way even relevant.
The guy has his opinion. That's all that's going on here. The fact that he frequently justifies it by pointing out how M&KB is not only better suited to the type of game generally, but how the devs catered to the controller crowd at the expense of decent (or simply just reconfigurable) M&KB controls, only substantiates his opinion.

But what is 'better suited'? I play Apex for example on keyboard and mouse just to stop my friends from having a stroke but I would be much better on gamepad, despite FPS games being considered KB&M or go home. It's just what I'm comfortable with and naturally better at using, it's still an opinion and none of it is objective - especially not in a casual single player game which is his usual topic. He has calmed down a lot recently though on the subject so I guess he simply grew as a person.

Preeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure I don't.... but feel free to provide contrary evidence, internet links, statistics and whatever else you feel like.

You do though. There's a reason nobody runs to the police if you call them some nasty names. Yeah on this website in particular you don't because it's a small isolated community with rules and policing, but places like YouTube are used by 100s of millions of people and having people going around and banning anyone who calls somebody a twot is just wrong. Most people when they see a mentally unstable fanboy mouthing off in a comments section rip them a new one or point out how idiotic they are, a bumhole is a bumhole and everybody treats them as such, doesn't mean they don't have a right to speak.

Fair game? **** it, then. "With statements like that, ***** like you deserve everything you get and when you meet someone bigger than you, your inevitable bitching and whining will go unheard. You might as well roll over and ******* die now, save me the bother of having to come and burn you with something... "

Disclaimer: That was just an example. I don't even know you, let alone actually believe any of it... But that's the sort of thing you're saying is perfectly OK? Fair game? I don't share your opinion, so I'm entitled to *destroy* you for voicing yours?

Yeah death threats are silly, I've had a ton of them on Reddit lol. I criticised the vile Black Israelite movement on r/politics and got called a racist and told I should die, but still people have the right to be idiots and clowns and it didn't bother me much but I wouldn't care if people who use death threats got done in by the internet police. They're lowest of the low.

But everyone is still entitled to safety and freedom from harassment, especially when it's disproportionate and not even related to the content they've created. They're also entitled to express opinions, that they might find others with similar opinions and form things like friendships, since that's what humans generally do.

Just as everyone is entitled to giving people stick, granted I will budge and say death threats should 100% have some avenue to track and punish the offender but everything else is fine. Not once did I say people aren't entitled to express opinions, I think you're strawmanning me a little with that tbh. My only opinion on the matter is that you should not be scared to have an opinion on the internet because all people have is words. Also, who measures what is offensive? That is entirely subjective and what offends one person might not offend anyone else, does that mean the 'perpetrator' deserves punishment?

Do you know about the Twitter arrests recently? People having opinions like trans-gendered women aren't women (the 'evil villains' want debates too, they weren't posting memes or hateful rants) that has gotten them arrested, this sort of 'protection' trickles down and ****s everybody over in some way, because it is censorship.

You mean shut up and say nothing, in case someone else doesn't like it?
Err.... **** off. Just because it can happen, doesn't mean you should expect it, let alone accept and welcome it.

Not at all, what I mean is who cares if somebody talks **** to you over the internet, say what you want where you want because all these types of people have online is words and they're not capable of anything without anonymity.

I suppose you don't ever go outside either, in case someone doesn't like the colour of the shoes you choose to wear and beats you up because of it, yes?

Difference between reality and the internet is anonymity, people rarely do anything in the real world because they're either too scared or just don't have that feeling of power that anonymity gives them. Like I said it's part of the territory online and there's really nothing that can be done about it.

They're not.
He's already said it's overworking making him physically and mentally sick. Nothing to do with comments.
Then I have no idea what we're talking about :D
I just did, though.
I generally do the same for any anime-type game with things like big-breasted blue-haired cat-eared schoolgirls...

So why is Mack getting flak for doing the exact same to people who are upset over his preferences?
Double standards, there...

Go play Mass Effect 2 on a controller, scan the planets and tell me that's easier on a controller. Same for any strategy or point & click type game. Most people will concede that a mouse is far better suited to things like that, just as controllers are better suited to driving and fighty games.
Yes, there are always a few exceptions, but in the main there's a definite preference.

Lemme be clear - I have NO such right and I'm sure there's a Mod with a Banhammer ready to slam me the very moment I start thinking otherwise....

But it does mean they have no right to get personal and make some quite serious threats - That does cross the line.

If you want to complain about strawmanning, look first to my earlier assertion that most of the abuse has nothing to do with an expressed opinion and is just direct harrassment of the individual rather than anything constructive. Additionally, it's not even about that, so much as what being constantly abused like, by strangers for no reason and over things not even related to the channel, does to a person.

There'll be a general consensus throughout society on where the line is.

Nope. I don't even have an account. I do know that words can be enough to drive people to suicide and there's been some court actions over that sort of thing before, though...

If they were to do that to a customer services agent, that could result in a court case. There are also other laws that would be breached by such behaviour in public places. The internet should be no different, really. Doubly so for content creators who have to sift through all that just to find the constructive comments - You probably don't have to put up with all that abuse at your workplace, so why should they?

Kinda my point from earlier in the thread.

You have some really good points and tbh a lot of my opinions on the matter came from thinking WAB was losing his mind dealing with the internet bullies. In regards to the semi tangent about peoples behaviour on the internet, my stance is that threats aside the way things are now is where it needs to be. You give somebody an inch and they will take a mile - that is human nature. Once people are okay with a censor on what others say to 'prevent abuse', it will quickly spiral into people being censored for their opinions and subjective 'wrong think'. You are already seeing this on Twitter with police arrests and account banning for simple opinions, even if they are bigoted. YouTube are also shameless in this act by demonitizing videos for any opinion that they do not agree with or condone, PewDiePie was hit big with this on any video in which he pointed out a certain political leanings hypocrisy, yet when he criticises the other side nothing happens. It is also the absolute responsibility for certain large scale media platforms to actively avoid censorship of any kind, but that isn't what is happening.

Okay that was another tangent, I'm gonna shut up :D Also I would multiquote again but hotel rooms aren't cheap :cool:
Coming back this quick after his "illness" plays into the hands of those that suggested it was all a hissy fit and attention seeking over the backlash he got for his Far Cry review.

His reviews can be entertaining but I can do without the drama queen stuff.
You never know with these things. If you fall off a horse the best thing you can do is get back on. His support circular may be closer to help him deal with further backlash and take the positives forward. Likely he is struggling (didn't get divorce not so long ago and has a kid?) and he also struggled with the backlash and had a hissy fit that made his personal situation worse. Can't argue with that really and you can't argue with him trying to somewhat protect his IP while he gets sorted by down playing it. Many others would do the same.

That said I fell out with his content and recycled attitude to reviews so no longer watch. Nothing personal, just became less objective and no longer entertaining despite some of his comments being quite funny here and there. I don't think his channel will grow much more staying the way it is, it needs to evolve a little. Keep the runny reviews but maybe do more objective reviews or keep his personal banter to some sort of monologue at the end to set him apart from other generic reviewers.
The worry would be that this has happened before with him, in which case this isnt an isolated issue. He really ought to take a proper break from it if its causing him added anxiety and using up 70-80 hours of his time. He owes nothing to the viewers and who knows what will happen to all these youtubers when the youtube bubble eventually bursts.

I dont particularly like his reviews because of the silly bell gimmick but Ive said it before 70-80 every week of work just isnt sustainable. If I was him, given the past issues its caused for him I would seek another line of work and just do the odd youtube thing as a hobby rather than a career choice. Not sure why he doesnt do that, I guess he has his reasons, lets just hope those reasons dont keep causing him repeated issues.
I'd argue he does (or feels he does) owe a little something to any Patreon donors, though, at least and that's probably part of what's pushing him to keep working.

I would agree that HE feels he does owe something but the reality is that he doesn't. Equally I don't owe my employer anything despite them paying me money, if I worked 70-80 hour weeks and decided that it wasn't doing my health or mental state any good, I wouldn't feel that I owe my employer anything either and would look for alternative work rather than distress myself and my loved ones. The boat he is in is the same imo and in that respect he owes the viewers nothing.

I think one possible difference is that people can get addicted to the attention they get from social media whereas not many get addicted to their work.
That's actually for him to decide.

Well, I don't like to be pedantic if I can help it, but reality isn't for him to decide. Its for him to decide if he FEELS like he owes them but the reality is that he doesn't owe them and that's not something he can decide on as its just a fact that he doesn't owe the viewers anything, I hope he understands that before he does himself serious harm (either in regard of health or family)

I think you'd be surprised how many get addicted to their work, or at least some element of it. I've been there before and I know members of this very forum who work as many as 15 hours a day, up to 7 days a week, often losing money in the process. Could be the work itself, could be they like helping people out, could be many other reasons...

Possibly yes, cant say that I understand people like that, goes against my philosophy of life. I don't live to work, I work to live. I would never even consider working 15 hours a day nor 7 days a week and absolutely most definitely not if it meant I lost money. Everyone is different of course though.
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