Look on the bright side, if you actually manage to smash the pasty you'll also get 10% off your shopping!
awww come on! Tell us her name..and location..
Even better at Co-op as staff get double discount on Thursdays!
Sounds like a setup for disaster, a queue of people watching while you ask out a total stranger who hasnt a clue who you are and is probably ****ed off from working all day
if i dont do it, i feel ill miss out.
Never regret anything you've done....only the things you haven't!
Dunno if you have yet.. but if not get in there and do it..
Whats the worst thing that can happen?
Ok... Rejection is kinda embarassing but.. its a hell of a lot easier to deal with than regret.
you never know... she might say yes.
To the OP !!! This says it all.
If that fails then do what he says here.
Never regret anything you've done....only the things you haven't!
That's extremely creepy.
Flowers are fine for a first date, but not to present a girl who you've never had a proper conversation with.
Just go up to her and ask if she fancies getting a drink later in the week. Easy.