would you go for this interview

27 Jan 2005
Games firm rang me for a job interview over the phone.

Got a 2nd phone interview, all seemed to go great, although one question i got stuck on.

now they have asked me to go see them in person in France. Problem is i have to foot all the bills for travel and staying there.

Added up it comes close to £450 as its short notice and i lose at least two days work and pay.

But the job would be great. What do you think are the chances of being asked to o this and then being told we dont want you or could this be part of the test to see how much i want the job?

Would be a great job, but the cost to get a no, that would sting... i think im 85% certain im going for it....

I'm gonna make a flying guess that this might be for Blizzard, as thier European HQ is in Paris, IIRC.

I'd say if they've actually asked you to come to a seperate country at your own expense, they're fairly interested in taking you on, and it may also be a test to make sure you get on in the country, especially if you may have to visit frequently/live there for the job. If you join the company, they may also let you reclaim some of the costs at a later date.

I'd say if you can afford it, you may as well agree to it and go see, if nothing else you could take a couple of extra days on top of whatever they ask and have a small holiday/booze cruise connected to it :)

And if you get the job all the better haha :D

I agree though, its a little funny how they can drop this sort of thing on you without prior warning, because thats not an insubstantial outlay.
Considering even interviews in the UK are usually paid its a bit much for them to expect you to visit and foot the bill. Personally id request they cover some of your expenses - if they want 2 days+ of my time with no guarentee of any benefit on my part and leaving me out of pocket when they trying to recruit me, I wouldnt expect much more from them as a company.
Would think it would show some feeling of self worth too. It does, of course, depend on the job and the pay entailed.
Job isnt great, pay is even worse, but it will be doing a job i will love and enjoy. Compared to what im doing now, where i get paid a fair bit, but have to work from home and endure people i would rather see run over by a bus at times...

Still, its a dream job for me, so think ill risk it for a biscuit and go wander over to France for a day or two and see what happens... only money! or a 24" dell TFT.....

Think pay is somethign silly like 23000 euros a year lol...
If you want the job, go for it, even if you do have to pay to get to the interview. Good luck!
Hmmmm - tis a little sucky on the pay side but if its something u really fancy doing and you have the money to hand.... :)
have a look at the job spec and make sure you meet the requirements

perhaps phone and ask how many people are being interviewed over there

no point going if you don't stand a chance realistically

however you seem to be hellbent on going for it - in these situations its best to follow your gut rather than regret it.

saying that it does make a statement of intent re: your committed approach etc...
Skyfall said:
/me still wonders what the job is... Its not a WoW game master is it?

Being a game master is less fun than you think, Community Support team is much better. There was an article available to read which was taken down a while ago from an ex GM for Blizz EU, can't remember it exactly but basically it was all bad - not just the job but the living circumstances too.
Skyfall said:
/me still wonders what the job is... Its not a WoW game master is it?

Nope - its for a network guy. guess there will be some user support now and again but im more about network and servers.
If they really wanted you, you should be able to get some expenses out of them. If they wont give you anything, i'd wonder if [a] they really are seriously interested in you and more importantly if you really want to work for a company that tries it on with people in that way. Don't be a mug.
Simple answer is NO. If they are not willing to foot the travel costs then don't go.

A few months ago I had an interview with Lycos in Germany and was given a budget of 600 euros to cover flights and hotel.

They might be using it as a test to see who really wants to work for them.
If it was really really the job that I really wanted and I knew I would be happy in it for a long time then the money wouldn't be an issue.
So let me get this straight:

-Your current job lets you work from home.
-It pays more money.
-It (probably) doesn't involve anything to do with the French.
-You would have to pay £450 just for the interview.
-You will lose at least two days pay.

My opinion, give it a miss. I mean in terms of take home pay from the new job you are probably talking the best part of 3 weeks pay just to go to the interview with no guarentee of getting the job.
Yeah, I agree with the three posters above.

It's a big risk to you to pay to go out there, and not even be guaranteed of the job. The employer knows this, so they should provide at least some, if not all, of the expenses.

Money only grows on trees at the Blizzard HQ!!! :D
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