WoW 1.11 Patch

fdxd said:
Wh do blizzard have to be so unorganised? No other game has this much problems when patching. Only 1 website has the file since morning. Whats going on? :mad:

Perhaps its to do with the fact that WoW has more than 10 times the amount of subscribers than was thought of the TOTAL number of people played MMOs before its release.
v1bez said:
I'd post some but their all from my guild, don't think they want their bandwith getting raped. One of our guildmembers downloaded it all before the problems and hosted his wow-patch-backup.MPQ and i renamed it to wow-final.mpg and it's fully updated now.

Please post it :(
badgermonkey said:
Perhaps its to do with the fact that WoW has more than 10 times the amount of subscribers than was thought of the TOTAL number of people played MMOs before its release.

Perhaps because Blizzard are stingy idiots.
Yeah they're idiots. I was trying to rectivate my account last week. Took me 3 days of trying to be able to get onto the sodding account management so i could give them money!!!!
badgermonkey said:
Yeah they're idiots. I was trying to rectivate my account last week. Took me 3 days of trying to be able to get onto the sodding account management so i could give them money!!!!
Thats probably due to a rush of account being created under the trial account :P I was one of them.

Servers are still down :(
Dont get me wrong i like games it just annoys me that many game companies keep under delivering on the expected services. Such as being to download a patch and login.
Fair point but I expect it's rather hard to get all the hardware and services in order to serve a few million people all within 24 hours with a new patch. It's not like the servers are down every week is it?

And as the game says, its an MMORPG. Possibly the most server stressing program?

I wonder what internet connections they use....
NightmareXX said:
Fair point but I expect it's rather hard to get all the hardware and services in order to serve a few million people all within 24 hours with a new patch. It's not like the servers are down every week is it?

And as the game says, its an MMORPG. Possibly the most server stressing program?

I wonder what internet connections they use....

There is this thing called planning. No excuses they have the statistics before them.
blizzard has been pre loading this patch for the last week if you havent noticed the blizzard downloader in the background but still its not enough it seems im stuck at 84% like the rest of are guild


jesus i just downloaded 1 mb in a good few hours lmao
badgermonkey said:
Perhaps its to do with the fact that WoW has more than 10 times the amount of subscribers than was thought of the TOTAL number of people played MMOs before its release.

Yeah but they still take my money. They have turned over 1bn dollars since wow was released and they cant even supply a decent patch server. Their CS is none existent, try getting a response when you complain about being disconnected in BWL for the 20th time. Then you post on the official forum complaining at how shoddy you are being treated because its the only place you can go to, and then get your post deleted and a temp ban for posting harraassing and insulting behaviour. gg blizzard :rolleyes:

If it wasnt for the guild i would have told these morons where to shove it.
Edinho said:
Their CS is none existent, try getting a response when you complain about being disconnected in BWL for the 20th time.
I've contacted a GM twice in game and they've been extremely helpful. Better then any other CS I've had.
v1bez said:
I'd post some but their all from my guild, don't think they want their bandwith getting raped. One of our guildmembers downloaded it all before the problems and hosted his wow-patch-backup.MPQ and i renamed it to wow-final.mpg and it's fully updated now.

I think that's the link I just downloaded from, or a copy of it at least. Got everything working now, just need to wait until the problems with the servers are sorted.
Edinho said:
Yeah but they still take my money. They have turned over 1bn dollars since wow was released and they cant even supply a decent patch server. Their CS is none existent, try getting a response when you complain about being disconnected in BWL for the 20th time. Then you post on the official forum complaining at how shoddy you are being treated because its the only place you can go to, and then get your post deleted and a temp ban for posting harraassing and insulting behaviour. gg blizzard :rolleyes:

If it wasnt for the guild i would have told these morons where to shove it.
lol yeah bwl is a pain for dc's

not good when you have ba on vael and get dc = dead raid lol
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