WoW 1.11 Patch

afraser2k said:
What a nightmare the looking for group channel has become. They've made it global. It's like The Barrens has invaded everywhere! :eek: :(

Its truely awful, its even on in BGs lol.

Had to turn it off, finding a group to somewhere is gonna be a right pain.
Sweey said:
People are spamming LFG for the sake of it on Kul Tiras. Absolutely hideous.
Same on Executus. I would imagine it's going to be the same everywhere, it was a mistake, think I might be switching it off.
the global lfg is aweful, odd thing is i logged in whilst in the barrens so i didn't notice it four about half an hour :p

but just made a new general chat window for it, they ahve to change it so bad :( it makes kitttens cry
Velocity219e said:
yeah someone said something on Thunderhorn about Blasted lands being full of 60's ...

whats that all about since I cannae get either of my high end characters logged in....
whats so interesting in blasted lands? (same server btw :) )
Muban said:
Same on Executus. I would imagine it's going to be the same everywhere, it was a mistake, think I might be switching it off.

Same on Frostmane too. I've left it on for now, as I'm hoping that it's just a novelty to most of the spammers. It was a good idea, but there are always going to be idiots who spam all the time. I've just added guild and party chat to my whispers window for now though.
Loving this patch already! We just got royally ****** over at Ragnaros. Not exactly sure what happened, whether the sons spawned early or what, since the CTRA timers are a little dodgy. All I know is he didn't submerge when they spawned, so he was just there one shotting people whilst we were fighting the sons. Sigh :/

Those AD rewards are rather nice, think I'll start grinding for those later...
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Mr.Stu said:
Kazzack, world boss, spawns in blasted lands.

oh that, thought it was going to be something interesting.

MiGSY said:
Loving this patch already! We just got royally ****** over at Ragnaros. Not exactly sure what happened, whether the sons spawned early or what, since the CTRA timers are a little dodgy. All I know is he didn't submerge when they spawned, so he was just there one shotting people whilst we were fighting the sons. Sigh :/

I've never actually seen rag submerge, he always just stood there like a scarecrow for me, it's a well known bug but he was never doing any damage or hitting anything.

Speeduk said:
Do you still keep pvp rewards (if your rank lowers)?

yes, when the first pvp rewards came out if you lost rank you could no longer wear the item but they changed that some time ago, if you've earned the rank you can always wear it even if you go right back to private.
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The wind rider in Ratchet is my favourite addition so far. That's probably due to me only being a low level so I can't go into any uber dungeons yet.

Steamwheedle Cartel is my realm. Doubt anyone else is on it :p

Wow, checked my domain stats and I had 53 hits on the WoW patch :D Totalling to just over 3GB of transfer. Busiest my server's ever been.
<De@thW!sh> said:
yes, when the first pvp rewards came out if you lost rank you could no longer wear the item but they changed that some time ago, if you've earned the rank you can always wear it even if you go right back to private.

Say you did start off as a private, how long would it take to get to a stage where you can buy something with the rank. (What rank do you need to be for this?)

Do you just have to do PVP or can you kill stuff?

The new flight paths are definately the best feature of the patch. Should be a lot quicker for low level characters to level up now with the amount of running reduced, although I expect the <some place> to Ratchet travel quests will have nerfed XP rewards.
MiGSY said:
Loving this patch already! We just got royally ****** over at Ragnaros. Not exactly sure what happened, whether the sons spawned early or what, since the CTRA timers are a little dodgy. All I know is he didn't submerge when they spawned, so he was just there one shotting people whilst we were fighting the sons. Sigh :/

Those AD rewards are rather nice, think I'll start grinding for those later...

We cleared MC last night without any trouble on Ragnaros, are you sure he was "active" ?
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