WoW 1.11 Patch

fdxd said:
Alliance only

Rachet flight path is for both horde and alliance. Horde also has a booty bay flight path. I was Horde on the public test realm and went from XR to Rachet many times (usually to wipe my pvp flag ;p).

Tom1138 said:
Rachet flight path is for both horde and alliance. Horde also has a booty bay flight path. I was Horde on the public test realm and went from XR to Rachet many times (usually to wipe my pvp flag ;p).

nice nice. Someone was complaining about this to me earlier that there is no Horde flight path
Yup I just noticed that :D

About time too. I was getting twitchy without my WoW.

Oh and BTW if the WoW updater torrent thing is being horribly slow, try downloading the full thing from the above links ^^^^^ (previous posts).

It takes about 30 mins at 100K/s
Moonglade is back up but I can't collect my mail or talk to NPC's.

We have now got key rings as well which is quite cool.

I think im actually stuck at rank 7 ya know..... i hope its just a bug lol but the champions hall was full of people.

just over 15,000honor last week, I know tis not much but i missed it last week by milimetres so how did I miss it again...... totaly livid.
well first reports in ...

I can currently only log in with TWO out of eight characters!

one level 25 alliance druid and a level 20 Undead mage :O

can't get to either of my 60's :O
I think im going to start questing again on this and get proper into it. Seemed to have let it go whilst i had exams at uni. Summer time though now so no better excuse to play!
OtherSide said:
Wooo hooo.. omw to blasted lands as we speak... GUILD RAID :D

yeah someone said something on Thunderhorn about Blasted lands being full of 60's ...

whats that all about since I cannae get either of my high end characters logged in....
hmm well i tried to patch it got some error. did repair thing started game. must say the starting move is a nice touch to the game.

i then tried to login, said patch was ready so began patch again, same error. doing the repair thing again as we speak better work.
Velocity219e said:
yeah someone said something on Thunderhorn about Blasted lands being full of 60's ...

whats that all about since I cannae get either of my high end characters logged in....

Argent Dawn rep farming :P
Patch went fine and dandy.... well so far. But Titan Panel has been a nightmare I couldn't get the page to load for ages let alone download the file :( Seems to be sorted now though :)
ok well i get the same error over and over with the patch from blizzard downloader and file shack, tried repairing it like 3 times still hasnt helped. looks like a complete reinstall for me :(

Edit - heres the error

The patch "AhnQiraj_30_49.adt" could not be applied. (CRC mismatch: expected 0xcba136d6, actual 0x0360fe45.) If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate::PTCApply)
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What the **** have they done with the LFG channel? It's abysmal! I tried for an hour and a half to get a group for ZF tonight, and only managed to get one other person. You know why? 'Cause the LFG channel looks like this:



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