So I was thinking of kicking up a poll for server type on the cata reroll forums, but it seems I can't create threads. Is there anyone who can look into that or create the poll in my stead?
I have never played wow but may give it a shot if there is a few starting and starting from scratch, have played a ton of MMO but never wow, so if this so still going ahead and you guys are starting new toons that we can semi level together, gimme a shout
Be warned that you'll need to buy all the expansions from scratch - everything up to Lich King can be had for £20 all in, just make sure you don't buy a copy that isn't new or doesn't explicitly state that the license keys are unused. I've personally never levelled a character higher than 73, and only one past 30, so for the most part I'm pretty new too - though I'm a pro at the starting zones
Count me in.
Post up what realm when it goes live on the 7th and i will be there
The plan is to start the guild from fresh on launch day as far as I am aware. Until then it is a case of decided on a guild name, realm, faction and realm type.
I'm interested but the problem is I'm a casual player.
I got work and 2 kids = (
I'm interested but the problem is I'm a casual player.
I got work and 2 kids = (
No one is going to be raiding as the plan was to start from scratch.