WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

Ok i feel like I have missed a lot in the last 5 hours I have been in the pub. Too many questions to answer when the can of stella is fa
lling over to the left and the pizza to the right. :p

the guild will be started tommorow I will recruit a few as officers. This is not necessarily the final guild setup i just want everyone in. Right now I'm trying to look at my iPhone but all I see is naked irish girls dancing in tandem so I will sort things in the morning. Good night chaps
I would like to become Officer/leader if possible.

I've been wanting to help manage a guild and I think I would be able to do so quite efficiently. :)
also don't mind helping out managing in an officer type roll, have done this in most guilds ive been in since vanilla. Don't want to lead again though! don't have the time to do that anymore ^^

Edit: currently playing on a new mage Indié if you wanna add me to the list, thought it would be easier calling it my OcUK name.
Sunflahs was just a transfer to take over heirlooms/gold/bags for the fresh re-roll :)
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No1newts - Zagoshi
PixieLandGirl - Lexii
Silent-Lucidity - Sluice
zootfloot - Munsen
andypandy33 - Sovo
oddsbodikins - Copperblue
Deadbeat - Deadbeat
Le Josh - Trullkin
Parsifal - Elladriel
Trixxy - Galvene
Tummy - Lexical
.Sean - Kaline
Indie - Sunflash/Indié
pre1twa - Gorothúl
russ0r - Metzjin
Oizu - Cantu
bobbydigital - Sothianius

Im alive again after a few too many beers last night :p

Go to clean the house as its a tip but after that I will get online and get the guild started. Even if I use randoms to sign the charter and kick them I will somehow get things up and running today (I hope :) )

edit: If I have missed you off or you are still joining please keep adding names to the thread!
Do the allow apostrophes for guild names?

Bans' Hammer?

If sho, it should definitely be Ban's Hammer, not Bans' Hammer.

What's the command to crate a channel? I figure if folks log in and try to join the channel but it doesn't work, we can assume it's because everybody left. Then whoever's online can make it anew.

Given that I've only got the info from Newt's last population post to work from, I'd swing a vote behind Newts, LeJosh & Indie for officers, singling out Newts as leader (because I hate you :p - but actually because I think you'll do a fine job). I'd also like to nominate myself for officer position. My only previous experience in officer role was in the OcUK LOTRO kinship, which ran quite well until people started peeling off, and I'll be on at some nice, unusual hours because I work a weird shift pattern.

Edit: OK, list updated, but my votes still stand :D
Ok i feel like I have missed a lot in the last 5 hours I have been in the pub. Too many questions to answer when the can of stella is fa
lling over to the left and the pizza to the right. :p

the guild will be started tommorow I will recruit a few as officers. This is not necessarily the final guild setup i just want everyone in. Right now I'm trying to look at my iPhone but all I see is naked irish girls dancing in tandem so I will sort things in the morning. Good night chaps

Cheers for getting things set up No1newts... Seems like no one was really intersted in leading so its good of you to take the bull by the horns. I spoke to a couple of you in the OCUK channel last night; its probably a good idea to keep this open so we can request invites in there.

Coals and Nate (though we haven't heard off him in the thread in a while) will have to be officers/leader as they were running the thread and really started things off here.

Apart from that I guess we'll just stick a thread on the guild website and people can nominate themselves for officership in there.

Nothing grand about being an officer considering the fact that the guild is not being set up as a raiding guild (though that may of course come if people want it enough at 85) it will be more just dealing with anyone who acts the fool, recruitment and just organising some fun events to make sure that we can all have a laugh together which is what this thing is being set up for!

edit: only the hoovering to do and I will get myself online, cleaned the whole house in an hour and a bit i'm that desperate to get online. This expansion has brung back the WoW love for me :D
Maybe it's just me, but I'd be unhappy with a grmmatically spastic name like Bans Hammer. PUG'd with a group last night with a guy from a guild called "pewpewgankincrew" - I'd feel little better about Bans Hammer, to be honest. I'd rather something liek Hammer of Ban, even if it sounds a bit lame.

*Prays for apostrophe*
Maybe it's just me, but I'd be unhappy with a grmmatically spastic name like Bans Hammer. PUG'd with a group last night with a guy from a guild called "pewpewgankincrew" - I'd feel little better about Bans Hammer, to be honest. I'd rather something liek Hammer of Ban, even if it sounds a bit lame.

*Prays for apostrophe*

If they wont let me have a ' in our name I will try my luck with a GM about it and if that fails I will keep whining like a girl to them until they give in :p
Coals and Nate (though we haven't heard off him in the thread in a while) will have to be officers/leader as they were running the thread and really started things off here.

Damn, forgot about them. Of course, Coals & Nate would be top of the list.

Edit: Arrgh, getting withdrawl symptoms! It sucks, I'm on 15hr days (including travel time) from now until Monday, Which I suppose will give a few of you a good chance of catching up to me level-wise. ProTip: SFK is an XP farm. If you don't gain at least a level and a half from a fast run, there's something wrong.
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Got my warrior to 15 but I'm not enjoying the class (quests are great though). I think I might start a hunter or something. It'll be called Donatello so add that to the list. :)
Online now for a while before work so if you want to invite me or whatever :)

I'll be on Lexical doing nothing :D
As proud namer of t'guild ('apotrophes pending) I think thats enough responsibility. I wont be nominating myself for officership simply because I have no time with kids and all and am gonna be casual. happy to help with any mage advice, use the mage for fun runs and once my authenticator is sorted ill get a character on defias - if i havent got a couple already. Glad to see were moving at last.
No apostrophes :(

I will mail a GM and begin my whine fest as soon as possible.

Tummy is our official first signator to the guild :)

I will gather more as you all come online today.
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