WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

I think we need some kind of council to decide substantive stuff. Its going to get a bit messy when we get to proper clan issues like banks, disruptive players, organising events or runs for lewt, recruiting and stuff like that. I'll post some more on the reroll forum.

Still havent got my frikkin authenticator sorted! gah. so may not be on this weekend.

Have a leader and maybe 3-4 officers who make all joint decisions? keeps it fair
Oooh, you've got me so very tempted coming back to this thread and starting to see things pan out...

Thing is, I've rejoined a handful of friends on my old realm and have started playing my old toons again. However, things are a little up in the air right now as to what's going to happen come Catacylsm so don't rule me out just yet!
Afternoon every one.

Been contemplaying starting a new guy for a while now. I would like to join you guys on the server.

As you are all re-rolling would any of you be interested in doing the RAF. I'll assume you know what this is. I would be willing to pay half the costs which I believe are now £4 for vanilla £4 for BC and £8 for wotlk. plus some gametime but the inviting account will get a month free.

I dont mind which way round this is done. I.E, I can create the new account.

Let me know if there is any one interested in this and times ect your available to level.

If I can find another RAF, I hope to be level 60 by this time next week giving the weekend to get to 80.

I think I'll just roll a new char on defias, I don't fancy missing out on grouping and if it all goes well then I can just transfer the higher level char over aswell.
Have a leader and maybe 3-4 officers who make all joint decisions? keeps it fair

Couldnt agree more, too many cooks spoil the broth and all that.

I have a feeling i am going to be a slow leveller, but after having a 2 year break from wow i am coming back to enjoy all of the new content, not rush to 85.

Whats this Authenticator i see being spoken of? it something i should have?
I'm already on Defias Brotherhood, this re roll guild based on there?

Yeah we are just getting set up over the next few days as more and more people re-roll across there.

I'll happily get the guild set-up so everyone make sure you add;


as a friend when I am online I will start up the guild and invite people as we go.

i'm not particularly keen on being long term leader so Nathan or Coals who seem to be in charge of the thread can happily take the reins as far as i'm concerned :p

No1newts - Zagoshi
PixieLandGirl - Lexii
Silent-Lucidity - Sluice
zootfloot - Munsen
andypandy33 - Sovo
oddsbodikins - Copperblue
Deadbeat - Deadbeat
Le Josh - Trullkin
Parsifal - Elladriel
Trixxy - Galvene
Tummy - Lexical

Keep adding your names in the thread as well please so I can invite people and we all know who to look out for and I will keep updating this list. See you all over the next few days.
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horde or Alliance?

I have a 80 undead mage and a 71 dorf hunter.

Just been playing on a gnome priest at the moment.

Either invite me or if you need help setting up I'm more then happy to, Lexical < add.

Will be online tonight.
Couldnt agree more, too many cooks spoil the broth and all that.

I have a feeling i am going to be a slow leveller, but after having a 2 year break from wow i am coming back to enjoy all of the new content, not rush to 85.

Whats this Authenticator i see being spoken of? it something i should have?

Keeps you even safer from getting hacked, you can get a digi one if you have an i-phone plus it gives you a free, and pretty cool, pet if you buy it. You can get one online at blizz store.

horde or Alliance?

I have a 80 undead mage and a 71 dorf hunter.

Just been playing on a gnome priest at the moment.

Either invite me or if you need help setting up I'm more then happy to, Lexical < add.

Will be online tonight.

Horde, the guild actually isn't up and running yet but I will add you when things get going over the next few days.

Cool :)

I'll re roll a goblin probably at some point when Cata comes out, until then I'll be bumming about on my mage / alliance characters.
Were going Horde.

Im going to transfer my mage simply because my current server is terrible. I went through 80 levels and only got jumped twice. So no loss there.

Re: RAF - Im kind of thinking of enjoying the content with cata especially as its all going to be new. Plus not having much time irl, going to be a low leveller :)
EDIT: changed my mind, just transferred my BELF mage over to play around with, along with allll heirlooms and some money ready for cataclysm :D
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No1newts - Zagoshi
PixieLandGirl - Lexii
Silent-Lucidity - Sluice
zootfloot - Munsen
andypandy33 - Sovo
oddsbodikins - Copperblue
Deadbeat - Deadbeat
Le Josh - Trullkin
Parsifal - Elladriel
Trixxy - Galvene
Tummy - Lexical
.Sean - Kaline
Indie - Sunflash
pre1twa - Gorothúl
russ0r - Metzjin

Give me a name Indie and I will stick you on the list.

@ people who are paying transfers across all I want to say is be careful. We all have intentions of the guild going well and everything going brilliant but its early days so I would advise caution just on the unlikely chance that things do go wrong as I, and I am sure the rest of the guild, do not want people wasting money if things do go wrong. But don't let me disuade you if you are set on the idea :p I'm sure things will go swimmingly!
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Sunflash :)

probs wont be transferred yet though :)
dont mind about paying the xfer fee! my friend will be there with me regardless, bonus with ocuk being there :)

regarding RAF.. is it still only upto level 60?
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@ people who are paying transfers across all I want to say is be careful. We all have intentions of the guild going well and everything going brilliant but its early days so I would advise caution just on the unlikely chance that things do go wrong as I, and I am sure the rest of the guild, do not want people wasting money if things do go wrong. But don't let me disuade you if you are set on the idea :p I'm sure things will go swimmingly!

This is good advice; I believe one of the points of bitterness from the last OCUK based guild came about because a good few people paid for server transferes and the guild did not live up to their expectations. It would be much better if people simply created a new character specifically for this guild (unless already on the same server) and see how things pan out.


Please add my toon:

Gorothúl - Undead mage
I've rolled a rogue. Primarily be playing my main on Frostmane but I'll come level on DB when I'm bored :D
Name is Metzjin
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