WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

yeah that reroll was ossum, had a good 40 OCUKers playing :)

lets hope this can be even better.....and with the event of cata and with so many people starting over.......this should be perfect for a lot of people.
Oh god the little voices are saying "give wow one more try" again havn't played since TBC but the thought of a new server without the spamming of GS etc is a nice idea.

it would, but sadly i think even on a new server the GS/recount/link ach crowd would not be far behind, its just the way wow sheep are...

if someone starts using something then all the ovines must use it too in case they are somehow missing out; and whats the point of getting all those ICC rares --umm sorry epics if you cant show the casuals <oops sorry> i mean scrubs how imba you are ??

I dont know what to think of this .. the idea of actually getting to do stuff with semi normal people and actually.... yknow have fun is really tempting but i have just quit wow ( 12 days clean!) and i feel so much happier ! no random abuse, no tools with <the ashen verdict> telling me how world class AWESOME they are ragequitting because the healer has the gall to queue for HoL with a blue cloak.

I think i will keep an eye on the thread -- best of luck to all of you though :)
Haha I think if you are 12 days clean you should stay away for 6 months or so then when you give it a try you look back at yourself like a ex alcoholic and think how did i manage to drink in that **** 5 hours ever night and live!

Count me in! This sounds like a great idea!

My guild split up in February so I've taken a break for the first time in five years and I am now just waiting for Cata.
welcome along, sign up to the forums where we are discussing how the guild will operate and some of the important choices such as server, faction etc etc
I'll definately be interested in this as a change to my regular guild. Not that we have any problems or anything, it's just refreshing to play with new people and plus we're on a low pop server which has it's own disadvantages.
I'd be interested, as long as the rubbish that was the unit isn't repeated and people are in it for fun. I've got an 80 Mage on a rubbish server be ause of that nonsense.

I would be interested if I'm still playing WoW at that time. I was in the Unit guild (forum thread was posted) which as you know ended terribly. So I hope this guild is abit more open and honest as apposed to the last guild leader who disbanded without a word leaving a whole guild in the lurge. I also think re-rolling brand new characters is an excellent idea, mainly because so many people paid for paid-transfers for the old guild only for it to be wasted.

Anyway will register on the forums later and will look back nearer Cata time :)
I would definately be interested in a casual-friendly mainly PVE-targeted guild.

I recently resubbed and start leveling a warrior - its tons of fun ripping through instances with full heirlooms.

I started up a guild on my server (burning steppes) and would consider a paid transfer to join you guys!

Anyone looking for a casual guild is welcome to roll a character and join me, I've got a lvl30 odd warrior, 2x paladin and a couple of lvl80s :)
I can hand on heart say that the vision that I and many others have of this "to be formed" guild is going to be all about fun. I don't have the hours to pour in to intensive 25man raiding. As I said in my OP, I'm up for some causal playing, some beer driven 10man raids with a heavy emphasis on being on vent and having a laugh. I don't want anyone being held to deadlines or feeling that they have to log in.

So far we have a small but quickly growing people who all seem of the same mindset, alts, PVPholics, arena teams, naked lvl 1 raids, causal, very casual are all very welcome.

I'm looking at the possibility of getting a small mumble/vent server sorted out in the coming months. I know some people that are currently playing (I'm not but I know a good few of you are) maybe arranging small meets on random servers maybe to get to know each other a little before re-rolling come cata.

I assure you this isn't a recruitment scheme for a 25man raiding guild. Its to be a fun guild made mostly from OcUK'ers.
Were also hoping that Cata will bring new servers, so no fear of paying to transfer your existing chars until at least a month or two down the road in which time you will have plenty of time to meet, greet and decide if its for you.

For the best part, its all about re-rolling and exploring the new world having some new people to chat to and without having to pug your way to 85 :D
I'd consider it. I'd level either a warlock or rogue for DPS, and a DK or paladin for a tank (I like doing both...)

If that's cool? Likely warlock or rogue would be first.
I was hoping for a tight knit guild able to field the casual (1/2 times a week) 10man raid group.

Blizzard has already announced that 10man raids will have the same loot table as 25man raids so this should mean that ppl dont need to run both!!

I think I will roll an alt then transfer if it kicks off, like you suggest!
its a casual guild, will never be anything more than a casual guild for people to have fun in.

if we have the interest to run 25 mans it will be done, if not then 5/10 man is where it will be at.

We will also be running battleground premades, arena and world pvp ganking of opposing faction towns/cities.

also, at the start rolling what you find fun is what it will be about. We may start recruiting for certain things down the road.

obviously tanks and healers are nice to have ;)
its a casual guild, will never be anything more than a casual guild for people to have fun in.

if we have the interest to run 25 mans it will be done, if not then 5/10 man is where it will be at.

We will also be running battleground premades, arena and world pvp ganking of opposing faction towns/cities.

also, at the start rolling what you find fun is what it will be about. We may start recruiting for certain things down the road.

obviously tanks and healers are nice to have ;)

We at OCUK don't need tanks or healers. We just come in and pwn things.

Seriously though, I like tanking on DK or paladin. Likely It'll be a DK, but depends of what's happening.
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