WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

I'm looking to join a guild as a "casual" player, since I've only just re-subbed since WotLK and my raiding days are over due to time restrictions, interested in the occasional dungeon-run and a bit of guild support though. Not sure if you lot are "raiding only" ?

Have registered on the forum anyway, didn't know if was worth asking there or here... :)

Hmmm, haven't played wow for almost a week now, stood on my laptop charger and snapped it in my foot, so i'm not going to be playing until payday.

Edit :- i meant played not pkyed, im not a player killer.

I'm looking to join a guild as a "casual" player, since I've only just re-subbed since WotLK and my raiding days are over due to time restrictions, interested in the occasional dungeon-run and a bit of guild support though. Not sure if you lot are "raiding only" ?

Have registered on the forum anyway, didn't know if was worth asking there or here... :)


I don't Believe they are, i'll be joining with similar aims to you, my random working hours simply don;t allow for a consistent raid schedule from me.

Quick question to you guys though, how are you guys inclined towards pvp, as in do you do arenas and rated bg premades? looking at probably getting back into pvp.
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I haven't played much in the last 2 weeks, but it's a friendly guild and there are a number of players involved in all activities. Raid instancing is perhaps where most are heading, but the PvP side is reasonably active too. If you want to play WoW at all I'd certainly recommend joining the OcUk guild on Defias Brotherhood ( playing WoW without a guild is just murder - the community can be so awful otherwise ). Alternatively, if you are less PvP orientated there is PvE OcUK guild on another server ( can't remember which one ).
I'm looking to join a guild as a "casual" player, since I've only just re-subbed since WotLK and my raiding days are over due to time restrictions, interested in the occasional dungeon-run and a bit of guild support though. Not sure if you lot are "raiding only" ?

Have registered on the forum anyway, didn't know if was worth asking there or here... :)

Nope you'd be more than welcome. It is exactly that, a casual guild that raids occasionally. Very helpful and supportive guild and you'll always find someone around to have a casual dungeon run with or to level with.
If you folks have trouble registering on the forums, feel free to send a Trust message to OldCoals :p

Well, the raiding community is getting bigger, but that certainly shouldn't put you off - we're still running an alt night for low-level grouping, there are still players strung out from 1 to 85 and even at the top end there are plenty of people up for running HCs or even normals. I'm really surprised at how well we've done as a guild - the guild levelling and dungeon/raid achievements, sure, but more that it's a social success. After the horror stories of the last WoW OcUK guild, I sort of expected the whole thing to disintegrate, but the game really is only half the fun - there are good laughs to be had, and if I do say so myself, we're a great bunch. We've even got token oestrogen.
If you folks have trouble registering on the forums, feel free to send a Trust message to OldCoals :p

Well, the raiding community is getting bigger, but that certainly shouldn't put you off - we're still running an alt night for low-level grouping, there are still players strung out from 1 to 85 and even at the top end there are plenty of people up for running HCs or even normals. I'm really surprised at how well we've done as a guild - the guild levelling and dungeon/raid achievements, sure, but more that it's a social success. After the horror stories of the last WoW OcUK guild, I sort of expected the whole thing to disintegrate, but the game really is only half the fun - there are good laughs to be had, and if I do say so myself, we're a great bunch. We've even got token oestrogen.


Guild level 14 or 15 (I'm away and can't remember now :p) still over 150 members with the raiding side going but still great laugh for socials like myself.

Just had a guild acheivement night and cleared all 25man TBC content in one evening. Great laugh on vent and out lucky 71 hunter won the legendary bow that kil'jaedan drops. Couldn't beleive my eyes :D

so get yourself across if you fancy it!
err..... i won the bow but out of the goodness in my heart i passed it on :P

True a warlock doesn't need a bow but it was a nice orangey colour.

We were fine with your needing on plate and bows and everything else that had a roll attached to it - even a lv70 weapon you can't equip would be worth chcking your way to see if it helps your ****-poor DPS :p
Please come aboard we have great need for more social players.

We have 6 for our next dungeon run so we really need 4 more to have two runs at it. Would be great for two teams to run stockades at the same time to see who wins the guild achieve :D
Yup, looking for actve social players and raiders.

DB how about you start a new thread showing our merits and achieves to get more interest? As a lot of us are at end-game. :)

Or do you want me to do it?
It's a public forum. :confused:

We were born from OcUK, it would be nice to get more people from here. And it has all been a team effort.

I was thinking of doing that. This thread can be a chore to track down the useful information in here.

It's a bugger to do on an iPhone though :(

I'm looking for an active guild at the moment so I think I'll head on over with a new char!

welcome in advance bud
The original ocuk guild is still active and going better than ever after little over 3 years of playing together :-)

We're on shattered halls and pretty much a progression focused raiding guild, cleared normal content with 1/13 hc down and 1 or 2 close to being toppled in the next few days.

We're always looking for new raiding blood and we've got a pretty solid community of people outside of raiding for anyone after something a bit more social.
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