WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

Joined forum but not able to post yet!

I have jumped ship from my current guild so i dont know if anyone can invite me befor i have posted on banshammer forums but my ingame name is Legendairy!
As Coals alludes to above we had problems certifying accounts for forum access. It should be sorted now so if your forum app was rejected just try again now.

Guild wise we are still welcoming all players in a social aspect though raiding wise we have a pretty settled team now so you would probably need to speak to raid officer before transferring over.

We just got our first guild run going now that everyone has levelled and downed Magmaw first night :) not amazing progress like the leet guilds but a nice start after a long journey for the guild :) unfortunately not a raider myself so I can't get the sexy lewtz :p
Hmm starting a new job soon'ish and once i have the pennies i think i'll transfer my paladin over and level him up with the goal of healing / tanking (mainspec / offspec respectively) not looking for a solid raid spot as i'm not really sure how predictable my working pattern will be from week to week.

Might pop on and start levelling a goblin shaman if i have the time to see how i get along with you guys and whether you get along with me!
Hmm starting a new job soon'ish and once i have the pennies i think i'll transfer my paladin over and level him up with the goal of healing / tanking (mainspec / offspec respectively) not looking for a solid raid spot as i'm not really sure how predictable my working pattern will be from week to week.

Might pop on and start levelling a goblin shaman if i have the time to see how i get along with you guys and whether you get along with me!

No bother bud! Come on over. Just find an oficer in game and get an invite.

Right guys I am sorry but I am going to quit WoW, I liked it and found it fun but with everybody being so far ahead, I would just prefer a game where I could start again and be equal with others. So I am going to play RIFT instead.

It was a fun time and I wish you luck in the future, also if any of you are going to play RIFT then have a look at the RIFT topic on here and put your name down as we are trying to prepare a OcUK RIFT guild.

Thank you.
Right guys I am sorry but I am going to quit WoW, I liked it and found it fun but with everybody being so far ahead, I would just prefer a game where I could start again and be equal with others. So I am going to play RIFT instead.

It was a fun time and I wish you luck in the future, also if any of you are going to play RIFT then have a look at the RIFT topic on here and put your name down as we are trying to prepare a OcUK RIFT guild.

Thank you.

But.. but... you got me my rocket mount :(. It's a shame you don't want to press on, there's plenty of room at the top - keep in mind that if you do cancel your sub your character's going to be demoted & eventually kicked in due time, but you're welcome back if ever you fancy giving it another whirl :)
I hope you enjoy your rocket mount bud :) Again I would like to say thank you for all the fun times, especially the Bigballz jokes :p And if I ever do want to come back, I will give you guys a shout.
I hope you enjoy your rocket mount bud :) Again I would like to say thank you for all the fun times, especially the Bigballz jokes :p And if I ever do want to come back, I will give you guys a shout.

Your choice mate but the guild can't ge ballsless :o

would be good if you pushed on as there are plenty of fun times when you get up there. But if you can't that's fair enough mate and you will ve welcome back when rift falls down as another wow pretender! :p
Why did Rids leave?

Doesn't seem to have told anyone. Just transferred realm and disapeared off the face of the world (of warcraft :p)

Anyone who is still wanting to come across we would be especially keen if any holy/disc priests/rest Druids/resto shams want to transfer across.

The guild has started raidiing now but could do with another healer or two who can raid a couple of times a week to help get the team filled out. Apply on the guild webbie or just have a chat with one of the officers if you are interested! :)
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