Hmm starting a new job soon'ish and once i have the pennies i think i'll transfer my paladin over and level him up with the goal of healing / tanking (mainspec / offspec respectively) not looking for a solid raid spot as i'm not really sure how predictable my working pattern will be from week to week.
Might pop on and start levelling a goblin shaman if i have the time to see how i get along with you guys and whether you get along with me!
Right guys I am sorry but I am going to quit WoW, I liked it and found it fun but with everybody being so far ahead, I would just prefer a game where I could start again and be equal with others. So I am going to play RIFT instead.
It was a fun time and I wish you luck in the future, also if any of you are going to play RIFT then have a look at the RIFT topic on here and put your name down as we are trying to prepare a OcUK RIFT guild.
Thank you.
I hope you enjoy your rocket mount bud Again I would like to say thank you for all the fun times, especially the Bigballz jokes And if I ever do want to come back, I will give you guys a shout.
I hope you enjoy your rocket mount bud Again I would like to say thank you for all the fun times, especially the Bigballz jokes And if I ever do want to come back, I will give you guys a shout.
Rids what?
Rids what?
looks like he left ?
Why did Rids leave?