WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

Voltage is fine, although unfortunately he's no longer joining us in the project.
The forums have been taken down and I've been meaning to put up something new for us to use.
Its a shame as we did have some bits and bobs of info on there, but nothing too much to loose as the details on Cata up to now have been sparse.

Apologies, I've just been so busy the last few days at work that I've not had the time quite yet. Hopefully we can get some momentum on the new forums, Cata is yet a long way off but it would be nice to get to know a few others that are thinking of rolling a new toon when the expansion hits.

TLDR; The re-roll is still planned and still active. New forums will go up shortly. Until I can get a definite number of people interested it will be a free ****** guild portal most likely or a free phpbb forum. When we get a good collection of people using the forums I will develop and design a more unique and wow-ish website for our use, set up a mumble server and other such things.
That sucks, any reason on why Voltage isn't joining us? I'm still interested although it seemed to be 3 of us generally active and that was me nathan and voltage lol.
Do we know which side we will be rolling when Cata comes out? Or are we going to form two guilds one on each side?

Quite a lot of discussion about things like that was on the re roll forums, that doesn't work now.

I think NathanT is setting something up but I am happy to get the ball rolling if people are still interested.
Ive literally just resubbed and made a new character on karazhan server. Im playing as a human warrior called Sair. I wont be rushing and probably only put in an 1-2hrs a day if that on some days. Im a very casual player so dont expect any elite play from me:D
i have unfortunately pulled the plug on my involvement in the project for reasons i do not wish to mention on here.

good luck to anyone who decides to pick it up :)
Just re-subbed myself for some casual pvp/heirloom gear farming pre-Cataclysm, but would very much like to reroll (preferably on a new realm, but that may not be an option).
Hopefully we'll get some info in the coming months as to whether we'll be seeing new realms, else we'll have to decide on somewhere to allow people to get any gear/heirloom/gold stashes over there in good time!
Sorry Coals, I did get your mail, my trust account gets checked but not very often, and then I have to sift through piles and piles of junk and spam.

Will chuck up a basic forum tonight, and will post a linkie here. I wont have time to be full time moderator/admin but can extend admin privs to anyone that wished to help.

We did have some polls running on the old site, the general cencus was more people wanted to play horde on a PvE server.. but almost everyone wanted to at least roll a worgen/alliance to maybe check the new content from the other side..

Brb with a site :)
At present the board comes pre-loaded with the free hosting.

At the moment I would not have anywhere to host a vB licence, I'll look in to getting some hosting set-up as getting established then moving it again will be a PITA.
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