WoW Legacy Server (if only)

So, what's the consensus of the new server? I jumped onto the current Elysium one for half an hour and found it unbearable to play due to being so over crowded and laggy. Obviously this is a free game to play so no complaints! I just can't play like that.

Are most on here staying on the Elysium server or will everyone be moving over to the new server?

If so, I'll join later in the month as I want to be able to actually quest lol

likewise, tried an undead rogue on the pvp server, far far too many people in the starting areas, it took over an hour to kill ~16 level 2 mobs because virtually all spawn spots were being camped.

ill wait till the novelty has worn off for a lot of people
Here is the second part (it includes first part too) when the server came back up. Got my orc hunter to level 6 hehe.

Wont be doing any more videos or even playing as the queue is 10,000. was in a 4,300 queue, client crashed and now im at the back. Its not going to change any time soon either.

Oh well....... :(
Wont be doing any more videos or even playing as the queue is 10,000. was in a 4,300 queue, client crashed and now im at the back. Its not going to change any time soon either.

Oh well....... :(

Yeah, was always going to be the case, its why I decided to stay on the current server
Yeah could certainly do with it atm. Gotta be careful they don't end up with a load of half empty realms once the hype has died down a bit though. The great thing about the Nost/Elysium servers is how busy the world is imo. Although the original Nost PvP is still busy after the new one has opened so who knows.

Got to 13 anyway. Probably not gonna be able to get on next week though as by the time I've got back from work and joined the queue I wouldn't get in till it's too late.
Got to 13 anyway. Probably not gonna be able to get on next week though as by the time I've got back from work and joined the queue I wouldn't get in till it's too late.

You can teamviewer on to your PC from your phone and join the queue early.
Had a little more time last couple of days and gave this a bit more time. Not far from level 10 and enjoying it very much. Earlier I had the Echo Isles quests to do, Zalazane, michinas skull etc. Made My way over to the islands and there were a few others there doing the same. We grouped up and completed them all, all the time chatting and having a laugh. One player stayed in the group after the others left and we carried on chatting and doing a few more quests. He/she is on my friend list now. We discussed our classes, they rolled a hunter, their first ever one and myself, a warlock (we are both orcs). I never played Warlock from the start, I used my 90 boost on my retail one.

I am having so much fun in this game. The leveling takes longer but it's more immersive and you really get to pull your weight with your chosen class. Chatting to other is better too, better than retail as we just stop and find a mob free area to chat and get to know one another.

Excellent experience so far.

Edit: I am on the Nostralius PvE server. No intention to change to a different one currently
Cheers, not a bad idea. Just got home and queue was 12.5k :eek:

God i had to do that all the time, i used to have a few guildies log me in a few hours before the raid back in the day but after a while blizzard started supsending accounts when logged in from different countries. Teamviewer saved my ass, also it made camping rare spawns so much easier before realm switching :)
Just relogged in I think as long as you transfered your characters over from the old server they are still there if you haven't then you have probably lost them.
Just relogged in I think as long as you transfered your characters over from the old server they are still there if you haven't then you have probably lost them.

Yup, as long as you transferred characters (or you have new characters) you kept them, I imagine most people who intended to play seriously on the Elysium servers will have already moved their characters by now, so really very little impact.
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