WoW Legacy Server (if only)

I'm confused. If you play this server. Get to level cap and play all the content, then what? (i appreciate this will takes months to do)

I imagine it will be like a couple of legacy EQII servers have done, give the vote out. If they want the next expansion, cool, if not. No.
Just had a quick look, Nostalrius planned to eventually open a, separate, TBC realm which would run independently from the other server(s), characters would be able to be copied over to the TBC server but they would then be deleted from the vanilla server.

Not sure if Elysium will go down a similar route or not.
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Just had a quick look, Nostalrius planned to eventually open a, separate, TBC realm which would run independently from the other server(s), characters would be able to be copied over to the TBC server but they would then be deleted from the vanilla server.

Not sure if Elysium will go down a similar route or not.

That's what I'd love. I'm really hoping this Legacy server has the sense of community that live WoW is missing.
Is the plan for people to wait till the new server is released (whenever that may be) or are people rolling now?

I am rolling now with the hope that I can transfer to new server later. It will take me ages to level due to other life commitments, but still happy I can play Vanilla again. :)
Well I have rolled a Troll Hunter called Droolingimp (someone took my name, so had to use it with one g) Im on the Nost PvP. Currently sat at level 5 grinding some mobs before I go to Senjin Village. Nightmare yesterday but seems much smoother today still taking ages to kill mobs due to the vast number of new toons in starting areas. Best thing to do is find out where the mob is you need and camp its spawn point. when the corpse fades you will se new mob fade into the world and them spam your quickest ability before anyone else does.

For single quest mobs like Sarkoth, Zalazane etc group up and repeat above technique. You will find 30 or 40 players stood over mob corpse so you have to find the mob them spam until its spawned agaain.
If you like a long haul MMO with great PVP and abilities to unlock after level cap I cannot stress enough to check out Dark Age of Camelot. The long awaited free classic server opens Jan 6th!! Google Uthgard server.

I played WoW for 6 months back in the day and it is great, but I have been playing DAOC for over 14 years :D
will this work wit the same client as the original nost server? The client downloads seem to have been removed! and i dont really want to use a torrent. But still got the original nost client on my laptop,

edit, ok im in, any vanilla wow server run on same client 1.12.1 or 1.12.2.
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I hope someone can help. I've installed the game and I've created a character. I've turned all the settings up to max and turned the resolution to 4K. Every time i right click on my mouse the screen turns green. As soon as i lift on the right click it goes back to normal. Left click is fine only the right click. It's bizarre. Anyone experienced this please?
I hope someone can help. I've installed the game and I've created a character. I've turned all the settings up to max and turned the resolution to 4K. Every time i right click on my mouse the screen turns green. As soon as i lift on the right click it goes back to normal. Left click is fine only the right click. It's bizarre. Anyone experienced this please?

Not quite 4k but I have everything on max on 3440x1440 and I have no issues whatsoever. It actually looks better than I was expecting tbh.
So anyone sorting a guild for this, think I may give it a go, as I never played wow at start, in fact besides a week or so with a ocuk guild (that only lasted a week or so :() I have never really played the game.

So think this legacy server would Be quite interesting to have a look at.

Played LOTRO during the wow beginning era.
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