WoW really does screw your life...

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shimy182 said:
if you live in lincoln look out for a old blue/purple mini with 2 white stripes. also it should squeek when turning corners.

Can't say I recall seeing anything like that, if you know where they are, I might be able to be tempted into going and tapping on the window and explaining how daft they are :p
I would link to that video but I can't find it, was posted on here blummin' ages ago I think.
It's what you make it out to be. I play WoW but I go out daily with friends etc and have a brilliant social life. I can stop playing it at the drop of a hat and go out with my mates.
shimy182 said:
2 of my friends who plays WoW pretty much 24/7 went to a guild party in Lincolnshire. When they came back one of them decided his life was crap... So he put his PC in his mini and went over to his mates who had just been cought looking at pron and was having a argument with his parents so he just put his PC in the mini as well. They then went to another friends to get directions and drove back up to Lincolnshire to start a new 'life'.

last night they spent the night on a mini parked in a mcdonalds car park...
and they only have 700 pounds to live on.... just a cash book.

some life eh
Err.... Well the main thing is they chose Lincolnshire, If they get to hungry send them to me and I will cook them a meal...
shimy182 said:
guild was called something like arcane imperial

Well, I had a look on their guild forum, and your friend Sicilis only seems to be raiding around 3 times a week and has only been raiding 2 Saturdays in the last 2 months. That isn't obsessed by a long shot, and especially not for the server he is on. To be honest, they look like a relatively new and casual guild.
Jamie1984 said:
i agree that wow isnt to blame, but as a former MMORPG addict (anarchy online, not this WoW crap!) I do find some irony in your post.

Im not sure about wow as cant speak from experience, but to enjoy high level content in AO raids could last from 1-4 hours and I felt a sense of duty to the friends i made over the 3 years i played. I will admit I do have an addictive personality and am full of regret that i picked up the game...but the combination of the game mechanics and the social side to the game meant playing required 100% concentration for hours at a time. So yes, I made the choice to play, but by playing to high level i was forced to spend hours at a time to achieve anything in the game.

As i think back, even the guys who werent that hardcore, still 'had' to make sacrifices to advance their player character (be on at xxxx time for xxx hours for xxx raid to gain xxx item)

But the problem is, is that the OP is blameing WoW for their friends situation. I dont see anything wrong with playing a game for hours at a time. What I was trying to get across in my post was the people who dont shower because they have to raid, or dont take breaks because they have to have the next great item. Or the people who move out of their house at 17 and take their computer with them, sleep in a Mini and then hope to live with their guild leader. These are the people who need to be locked in a room without a computer and they have no one else to blame but themselves. WoW is not to blame.
jcb33 said:
Err.... Well the main thing is they chose Lincolnshire, If they get to hungry send them to me and I will cook them a meal...

jesus your nice!. these people aint exactly game freaks. they have many friends who dont play WoW. im sure jarret will mow your lawn etc etc.

anyway i will let you know how they are doing.

you nice person ;)
WoW is VERY addcitive. You need to play it for hours and hours to get anywhere.

I got to a point where i was playing it every spare minute i could. I was even checking my auctions when i got up at 6am before walking the dog before work! *lol*

I'm married with two kids & it got to the point where i wasn't spending hardly any time with my wife in the evenings after the kids went to bed. How sad is that! Ended up having a big row, so i put my PC in the cellar out of the way.

I still play occasionally, when i get a spare hour. But rarely have any length of time to quest etc now.

The only bad thing is that we now row as I refuse to watch all of the crap TV that my wife watches lol :rolleyes:
shimy182 said:
atleast there relationship went somewhere. :rolleyes:

Can you please tell us what you mean by this? Both me and fox have said something about it but you havnt told us if what you mean by it?

Are you being serious or are you using sarcasm?
Spacky said:
I have the Wang Sword of St Viagra + 10 Charisma, +10 Stamina, - 20 Fatigue.
Lol, I'm actually crying with laughter. :D

TBH I think what's happening to these guys could end up doing them some good. Especially if they have to sell their PCs.
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“if guns did'nt exist no one 'would' get shot would they , and anyway I'm not saying to ban WoW, I'm just saying that it is an addictive game.”
Bit of pointless devils advocate here but plenty of people would get shot if guns didn’t exist.
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