wozza2k's pursuit of vanity

This is the strangest 'cut' I've been on, either that or I've not been pulling my weight recently. Deads at 140 felt somewhat easy so pushed it up a notched, DB press was ok at 22 (couldn't get the 24s up at all).

60 10
100 5 5
120 5 5
140 5
145 2 1 2 2

Trap dead
60 5
100 5
120 5 5 5

DB Shoulder Press
18 10 10
20 8 8
22 6 6 6 6 5

Bar - Some

Neutral grip pull ups
8 5 5 4

Cable push/pull downs
Quick session before holiday. Nothing out the ordinary or worth noting.

60 10
100 5 5 5
120 5 5
130 5
140 5
145 2 1

40 10 10
50 10
60 5 5 5
70 5 5 5
More or less two weeks out due to holiday, feeling slightly under weather today but did OK considering, will probably be reducing number of sessions a week due to work commitments but will see how things progress.

60 10
100 5 5
120 5
130 5
140 3 X 3

Pull ups
BW & 8kg 5 X 5

Face Pulls

DB Seated OHP
18 10 8
20 5 X 5
Oooo Wee what a struggle, need to mobilise a lot more for squats and really do more back work

60 5 10 10
100 3 X 5
110 3 X 5

50 10 10
60 3 X 5
65 3 X 5

40 10 10
50 7 7 5 5
60 5 3 4 5 3 3

Cable push down / curls

Cable rows
Fasted session, felt like death after said session. Body doesn't like arm training

60 10 10
100 5 5
120 5
130 5
140 2 2 2 2
145 1

Seated DB OHP
18 10 10
20 8 8
22 5 5 5

Pull up
12kg 5 5 3 3

Cable tris/bis
Bit of a weird session, loaded up on free sandwiches and fruit from 'lunch meetings' over today's football so thought would be full of energy for the session but after stretching and as I was about to start squatting my right kneecap just felt weird. It almost felt as thought my kneecap wasn't 'tracking' and was separate from the knee so was sore to say the least, with this in mind I kept things simple with just a few reps here and there just to see how t went but since it was sore I didn't really push in the session.

Bench and rows were ok thankfully.

60 1 2 3 3 3 3
100 2 2 2 2 2 2

40 10 10
50 8 8
60 5 5
67.5 3 X 5

40 10 10
60 3 X 5
65 3 X 5

Cable bi/tris/row
Fasted session, went really well upon reviewing it. No 22s so stuck with 20s for the DB press, 24 I couldn't get up at all. Threw in a sprinkling of squats in there just to see how things are so I can report back to the physio on Monday. BSS need to be incorporated more regularly as I clearly have imbalances and balance issues so I figure they will help.

60 10 10
100 5 5
120 5
140 3 3
145 2 2 2

Seated DB OHP
18 10 10
20 8 8 8 8 5

60 10
100 5 5

Cable bi/tris

Pull ups
5 5

So physio told me I should curl whilst standing single legged on a bosu ball to improve my balance hence the addition of curls, nothing to do with vanity or fact the girl said I should work on my arms...

BOR and bench went well but not sure whether that's a result of not squatting today. Oh and BSS are still killer

40 10 10
50 10
60 3 X 5
70 5 X 5

DB row
22 5 5 5

Cable row

Floor press
40 10 10

Bench press
60 5 5 5
67.5 5 X 5


Bit of an energy Sapper of a session, AC not functioning in the gym probably didn't help but onwards!

60 10 10
100 3 X 5
110 3 X 5

40 10 10
60 3 X 5
70 5 X 5

40 10 10
60 8 8 5

Bit of a mess about session as helping the girl train and not fully recovered from Thursday antics. Deadlift was comfortable which is all positive, OHP standing is hell of a lot harder than seated :/

60 10 10
100 5 5 5
120 5 5 5

18 8 4 5


Bosu / Curls

Super quick session today just to get the day going, someone stole the 1.25 plates so stuck at 65 on bench which I really should have done 5 sets looking back. Pull ups I need to add back in again but time is an issue with sessions.

40 10
50 10
60 8
65 3 X 6

60 10 10
100 3 X 5

Pull ups
BW + 8kg 6 5 4
BW 5 5

Cable Bi/Tris
Progressing on squats need to row harder!

60 10
100 3 5 5 5
110 3 X 5
115 2 2 2

50 10 10
60 5 5 5
70 5 X 5

Pull ups
8kg 6 6 6

Chin ups
8kg 4 5 3

Cable tris

Face pulls

Cable rows
Felt a bit meh going into this session, glute was a bit sore and tight for some
Odd reason managed to DL 140 quite well today so happy with that. BSS still slaughtering me :(

60 10 10
100 5 5

60 10
100 5 5
120 5 5
130 5
140 3 2

Shocking session, just never got into the swing of things so abandoned pretty quickly :/

40 10
60 5 5
70 5 5 5 4 3

Pull ups
8kg 5 5 5 4 3

5 5 5 5

Neutral pull ups
BW 5 5

Cable tri/bis
Pretty sure you could do 150 now, prepping 140 for a few

Probably might give it a good this weekend...


Really didn't get into this session at all, not sure what's happening lately but upon reviewing the session it didn't go that bad.

60 10 10
100 3 X 5
110 3 X 5

Floor press
40 10 10

60 3 X 5
70 5 5 5 5 4

40 10 10
60 3 X 5
70 4 5 3 3 2 2

Cable tris/bis

Seated Cable rows
DBSS slayed me, really bad, seriously need to work on it more as massive struggle doing one leg vs the other

60 10 10
100 5 5 5
120 5 5
145 3 3 2

Seated DB Press
18 3 X 10

30 10 6 5 5
35 3 X 5

Fasted session. A bit tired going into this session so just powered through and got out, pleased to have hit the 5 X 5 on bench as last rep was a grind.

40 10 10
60 10 10 8
70 5 5 5 5

40 10 10
60 3 X 5
70 5 X 5

Pull ups
8kg 5 5 4


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