wozza2k's pursuit of vanity

Quick session tonight, squats felt good once i got into the grove of it, bench a bit meh, clean and press I increased the weight and lord that was killing me

60 5 5 5
100 3 X 5
110 5 5
120 3 X 3

50 10 10
60 3 X 5
70 4 4 4

Clean and press
40 5 5 5
45 3 2 1
Fasted session this morning.

Felt weak and sore as hell after a session of bouldering last night which was followed by too many attempts at a muscle up, so maybe back work today wasn't a good idea.

60 10 5
100 5 5

60 10 5 5 5

Pull ups
BW 5 5
BW + 8kg 3

Cable tris
As per usual, need to push harder and add more weight and work through more reps. Happy with the C&Ps

60 3 x 5
100 3 x 5
110 2 x 5
120 3 x 3

40 3 x 5
45 3 x 5

45 10 10 5
60 3 x 5

Lu raises

40 10 10
60 3 x 5
Last night:
Quick session although with about only 4 hours sleep last night I figured I'm lucky to manage anything today.

60 10
100 5 5 5
120 5 5
130 3 3 3 3

Lu raises

Seated DB OHP
18 10 10
20 8 8

This morning:
Fasted morning session, happy with squats being comfortable at 120, just need to grind through for the 5 x 5 now.

60 5 10
100 3 x 5
120 5 x 3

60 10 10
70 5 x 5

50 10 10
60 8 6 5 5
70 5 5 5

Wide pull ups
BW & 8kg 5 5 5

Cable tris
So so session tonight, was hoping to get a couple of sets of 5s of squats in but quads were so pumped by the time I got to 120 that it was too painful to push for 5s, admittedly maybe should have pushed for 4s.

C&Ps is still wiping me out in a different way to normal lifting so I'll keep on with that.

60 10
80 10
100 8 8 8
120 5 x 3

Floor press
40 10
60 10 10 5

40 5 x 5
45 5 3 5 3

Lu raises

Wide Pull ups
Short session but happy with deads which felt comfortable for the most part. Need to add BSS back in they were a massive struggle

60 10 10
100 3 x 5
120 5 5
140 4 1 1 1 1


Good times, 120 squats for 5s then 125 for doubles! Although should probably stop neglecting upper body :D

60 10 10
100 5 5 5
120 5 5 5
125 2 2

40 10 5 5
45 3 x 5

Lu raises

Cable row


Bosu ball work

Wide pull ups

Bit of a fatigued session so really struggled with the bench and deads, will be taking the whole weekend easy to recover and hopefully come back better

40 10 10
50 10
60 8 8
70 5 x 5

60 10
100 3 x 5
120 3 3

Seated Leg curl

Cable rows

Sled circuit

Bit of a rushed session whilst being slightly tired so happy with some of the progress achieved here. So much for exceeding precious PBs for the year though :/

60 10 10
100 3 x 5
120 3 x 5
125 2 2

40 1 3 4 5
45 5 5 5 8
But under the weather lately and forgot to log last weeks session.

Last Saturday:

Fasted session, happy to pulled the weights I did it did mean being too exhausted to do anything else of note.

Trap bar DL
60 10
100 8 8 5
120 5 5
140 5
150 5
155 3

Wide pull ups
BW & 8kg 5 5 3

Fasted session, thought since I took the week off I should really try and push myself so alternated between between squats and deads, needless to say I'm really feeling it now.

60 5 5 5
100 5 5 5
120 3 3 3 3

Trap DL
60 10
100 5 5 5
130 3 3 3

40 10 10
60 8 5 5 5 5

Lu raises
Blessed session, felt solid and strong today despite a weekend of late nights and very little sleep!

60 10 10
100 8 8
120 5 5 3 3

40 10 10
60 10
70 5 5 5

70 10
110 5 5
140 5 5
Session was a grind, after bench just didn't feel like doing much :/

40 10 10
60 3 x 5
70 5 x 5

40 10 10
60 3 x 5
70 5 5 5 3 3

Cable rows

Wide pull-ups

Boss ball work
Fasted session, another poor session which is probably a result of body still recovering or I've got full maggot in a week :/

70 5 5 5
110 5 5 5
140 1 2 1 1 1

Trapbar DL
110 5 5
140 3 3 3

40 10 10
60 8 5 5
70 5 5 5

Cable row

Cable tris

Last night:
Bit of a bad idea this session as wasn't feeling 100% and ended up feeling like I was dying at the end of the session despite not really pushing anything amazing, few more days off me thinks.

40 10 10
50 10 10
60 5 5 5
65 5 5 5

Strip the rack press
30 10 5 5


Sled x 20m
65 3
Still recovering from this stupid cold/cough thing I've got but today was a much needed session. Felt pretty good considering not 100% hips felt great squatting and the C&P wasn't too taxing as expected, nordic curls however not sure why I tried to do those...

60 3 x 5
100 3 x 5
110 3 x 5
120 3 x 3

40 3 x 5
45 3 x 5

Cable tris

Cable rows

Nordic Curls
Session with the girly so bit of everything but only lifts worth logging are below, happy with the deads but not 100% certain weights are right as skinny bar.

60 10
100 5 5
120 5 5
140 5 5
145 3

40 10
60 3 x 5
70 3 x 5

Sled push / pull
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