wozza2k's pursuit of vanity

Not quite 'proper' deadlifts but trapbar at the moment until she gets used to the movement.

Fasted session today, squats felt good and relatively comfortable, upper body is where I struggled, started doing strip the rack press to really teach myself to keep the shoulders pinned back whilst in a pressing motion.

Really unsure why I'm trying to kill myself with Nordic curls again but I'm getting better at them, pull ups I seem to have reverse progressed :(

60 10
100 3 x 5
120 5 x 3

Strip the rack press
30 3 x 10

Nordic curls

Wide pull ups
BW 5
BW & 8kg 3 3 3

Cable bis
Last of this niggling cold/cough still with me but happy with tonights session, adding a rep each set of the WS squats. Pull ups are still down from before so will focus on them and maybe do them every session till I'm strong at them again.

60 10
100 5 5 5
120 5 x 4

40 10
45 3 x 8

60 3 x 8
70 5 x 5

Cable row

Pull ups
BW & 8kg 5 4 4 4
Last night:
Bit of a upper body focussed session, happy with the pull ups progress although I feel it's probably because I was 'fresh' when doing them compared to usually.

40 10 10
60 5 5
70 5 x 5

Wide pull ups
10 5 5 5 4

Cable tris

Lat pull down

Sled push / sprints / roped pull

This morning:
Fasted session, after last night upper body focus this mornings session was more lower body focussed. Was really happy with the deads until I found out I was using the 'performance' bar and turns out I was pulling 5kg left every lift :/

60 10 10
100 3 x 5

55 10 10
95 5 5
115 5 5
135 1 3 3 3
Back to a more usual schedule, happy hitting the 5x5 on squats tonight felt pretty solid throughout just really taxing so wanted to take longer breaks which wasn't afforded to me due to sharing a rack.

Currently in two minds about keeping C&P in my program as I do enjoy it to OHP but not sure whether it is the appropriate substitute for it.

60 10 10
100 5 5
120 5 x 5

40 10 10
45 5 x 5

40 10
60 3 x 8
65 3 x 5

Cable Rows

Pull ups
BW & 8kg 2 5 3 2

Bosu ball work
Bit of quick fasted session, nothing amazing. Stuck with 4 sets of bench as couldn't bear the thought of an extra set, decided to deadlift and squat which my legs are already feeing :/

40 10 10
60 3 x 8
70 4 x 5

60 10 10
70 3 x 5

100 5 5
120 5 5

60 10
100 5 5
Fasted session in the morning again, happy with the numbers as squared and deadlifted yesterday so was a little sore and tight coming into this session. Had the intention of doing BSS but energy levels was so very sapped after attempting to do pull ups.

60 10 10
100 5 5
120 5 5 3 3 3

105 5 5
120 5 5
130 3 3 3

Pull ups
BW & 8kg 5 4 4

Cable Tris
Another fasted session albeit much shorter one

50 10 10
60 3 x 5
70 5 x 5
75 5 3 3

50 10 10
60 3 x 5
70 5 x 5

Lat pull down
Another fasted session, felt solid with the 120 deads but 140 was a struggle with grip strength being the main issue.

Squats felt pretty damn good at 120 but really do not want to do more then 3 reps on that!

60 10
100 3 x 5
120 5
130 3 3
140 2 1 1
120 3

60 10
100 5 5 5
120 3 x 3

Cable rows

Lat pull down
Randomly managed to take the best part of the week away from training so was semi hoping I'd come back fresh but doesn't seem that case :confused:

60 10 10
100 5 5 5
120 3 x 3

40 5 5 5
50 4 x 3

40 10 10
60 5 x 5

Lat Pull down

Seated Cable rows
Yesterday morning:

Fasted session, not an amazing session as such but feel good on the squats with the 125, C&P is getting better but bench took a hit which is probably due to hitting that after everything

60 10 10
100 3 x 5
120 3 3
125 3 3 2

40 5 5
50 5 x 3

Pull ups
BW & 8Kg 3 x 5

50 10 10
60 8 6 5

This afternoon:

Fasted session. Good session! Need more of these, felt good on the deads not really struggling until I got to 145s which is probably the most I've pulled this year, DB Shoulder felt best in a while which could be a result of the C&P training?

60 10 10
100 5 5
120 5
140 3
145 2 1

Seated DB shoulder press
18 10 10
20 8 8 8
22 3 x 6

Lat pulldown
Fasted session:

Another 10 days out and some festive eating seem to have helped my lift somewhat, felt solid with the numbers I was working with but will see how the DOMS kick in over the next few days.

60 10 10
100 5 5 5
120 3 3
130 1 2 2 2

70 10
100 5 5
120 5
140 2 2 2

Seated DB shoulder press
18 10
20 8 8
22 6 5

Pull ups
Bw + 8kg 3x5
Nice squats. :cool:

Thanks :) Trying to get them back up again


Fasted session, feeling pretty solid although still slightly sore from the previous session. Aim was to better the previous session the squats and deads which was a success, will hopefully build on these numbers next year.

60 10 10
100 3 x 5
120 3 x 3
130 2 2 2 1

60 10 10
100 5 5
120 5
140 2 2
145 1 1 1 1

Lat pulldown

Seated DB shoulder press
20 10 10
22 5 5
Fasted session, bit upper body focussed whilst the weights were relatively conservative.

60 10 10
100 5 5
120 5
140 3 x 2
145 1 1

Lu raises

60 5 x 5
65 3 x 5
70 3 x 5

Rack strip press
Bar 10
30 10 10
40 5 x 5

50 10 10
60 3 x 5

Pull up
BW + 12kg 2 3 3

Cable tris
Interesting session, never really got going on this one so everything felt like a grind which didn't make sense as I was more than loaded up with energy from a decent lunch and plenty of sleep the night before, oh well always next time :(

60 5 5 10
100 3 x 5
120 4 x 3

40 10 10
50 4 4 4

40 10
50 10
60 8
70 3 x 5

Cable row

Lat pulldown
Fasted session very happy with this as everything felt solid.

I do feel I need to improve my conditioning as I feel I'm unable to do longer sets as a result of poor conditioning so looking to start up swimming again.

60 10
100 5 5 5
120 3 x 3
130 3 x 2

60 10
100 5 5
120 5
140 2 2 2

Lat pulldown

Seated DB shoulder press
20 10 10
22 3 x 6
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