Wreckfest devs go bankrupt.

Picked this up on a whim during a STEAM Sale in 2014 for £9.99?, still never played it :D It's down at No. 124/205 in the list of games I bought in STEAM Sales I've yet to play, I'll get there one day! :cool:
They get paid for their time do they not? As for putting their own savings in, I would like to see some proof of that if you have it. So many early access games fail, I got burnt with Godus, never again. As far as I am concerned the only game I feel worked with early access was Kerbal Space Program, most others have been to grab a bit of money for little effort at the start and it is only getting worse.

I was gonna buy it but it was taking so long and i do not do early access after DayZ burned me. People like this and D Hall need to be found and thier pockets emptied to re-fund everyone.

Where else do muppets pay for things that are not yet finnished? The industry at the minute is the worst i have ever seen it in 15 years. But then again look at the signup date for OP 2013 so im guessing the younger generation need to get some sense. Steam greenlight, Early access or Goat simulator selling loads pretty much get me into a horny rant mode instantly.

Sorry sympathy level 0.

Why on earth would you assume someone's sign up date has anything to do with their age? Am I to assume that I'm one year older than you?
Why should the risk be put on the shoulders of the customers? That's what ****** me off about Kickstarter as well, the financial risk is on the consumers shoulders, not necessarily the devs.

Because your "risk" is what, 30 bucks ? And without it and other people like you, the game would never have a chance of happening in a first place.

And yeah, usually developers invest their own money as well.
I have only done and will only do one kick starter and that was Elite. I knew it was not a risk and David and frontier would produce. If anything the backing let the company realise how great the demand was.

But as for others using KS to fund a game it should only ever be a small part of the funds. If a game is funded more or less by KS funds its too easy for them to just walk away. Great we got paid for a year and produced nothing when nothing much was at risk personally. Does this attitude effect how poor they plan ahead and fail to produce a marketable product? With say DayZ fans expected result’s, they became self entitled thinking the Davs now owed them, This only exasperated even more once it was know how much money had been banked.

Some of the best results have been the simple games that work and cost nothing like £20-40 but £5 etc. Prison break for example cost so little it was a win win when it got better and better and before you knew it, you felt you got a lot of bang for your buck.
The major problem with Wreckfest is that originally it was fun. It had a destruction derby engine that worked well with multiplayer netcode.

They could have made it fun and silly, with a focus on destruction, speed and chaos. But they decided to make it all po-faced and serious with hard, slow physics, which just led to boring races with the occasional trashed car.
However they have just released a 2.1gb update with Modding support.

Update 2016-04-20: Modding Support!
We're back with a bang and you read it right: the latest update to Wreckfest adds an official vehicle modding support for both single and multiplayer, something that obviously many of you have requested to make Wreckfest an even more thrilling, unique experience. A recipe for awesomeness!

We're providing you all the tools you need to export your vehicle model from Autodesk 3ds Max and then set it up correctly. The provided TGA to BMAP texture compiler can be used for other modding purposes as well, not just for vehicles. Be aware that since this is the first time ever that mods are officially support by the game it's very likely that there will be quite a few hiccups along the way to make Wreckfest a robust platform for modding. Please also note that many things will still change and there is no guarantee that your mod will not break in a future update (or every update!).

To create a new mod first you should create a new folder under 'mods' that will contain your mod data. You can name the folder as you wish; for example 'mods/MikesPowerMod', 'mods/SamsVehiclePack', and so on are all valid names. You can create as many mod folders as you wish, so it's definitely a good idea to create an own folder for each mod. The mod folders should have the same structure as the game's main data folder (so first subfolder will be 'data'), but only contain edited or new files. After you've created your mod car, you can enable it in the in-game mod manager found in the garage and the car will appear in the in-game marketplace (price can be set to 0).

More instructions can be found in the game's 'tools' folder.

Things to note:
Provided tools allow exporting car models from 3ds Max and converting them to the game's format.
TGA to BMAP texture compiler is also provided for texture modding.
Use the included BagEdit editor to modify car's parts and parameters and create completely new parts like custom engines and gearboxes.
An example Wwise project and a guide for creating your own vehicle sounds can be found in tools/wreckfest_vehicle_audio_tools.zip.
Mod cars give no rewards and are not allowed on the leaderboards.
You should not edit stuff inside the game's original 'data' folder, rather copy the files you want to edit to your mod folder.
Multiplayer requires that server and clients have the same mods enabled (though some things like car skins are excluded as before).
Dedicated server can also require mods by configuring mods=some_mod,other_mod.

Other changes and new stuff in the update:
Parts no longer wear in multiplayer. As a consequence, multiplayer gives no crew experience and much less money reward.
Multiplayer now offers "rental cars" which cost nothing but also give no rewards at all.
You can now view server's welcome message before joining, in the server browser. Feel free to list your required mods there.
You can now bring your favorite car to the front of the list by clicking the star icon.
Added lobby context menu options to show Steam profile page and open Steam chat for selected player.
Fixed Asian 1 shadow.
Fixed derby scoring sometimes stopping.
Fixed incorrectly set aero drag/torque.
As always, thanks for sticking with us!
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Quite surprised by that update, shall be testing that!

Ok modding isn't for me, 3DS Max is too much, I've zero idea what I'm doing..
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Does anyone know what actually this was all about then?

Their debtors took it upon themselves to declare Bugbear bankrupt?
Good, sick to the back teeth of 1 or 2 'devs' riding off the thousands of muppets who pay for early access.

Another one down, let's keep it up and clear up the crap.

Come on. Muppets? By its nature the system is open to abuse but Muppets? Indys and other such devs wouldnt survive without backing and your calling us muppets for doing so?
with more difficulty and less success i expect.

They had no issues in the past. So...

All the money does really for indies is pay rent and allow them to work 24/7 on the game. Or in some cases, spend a year not doing anything relocating to a big office and spending money on booze n hookers.
Otherwise its just a hobby, they could make money on when the product is finished.
They had no issues in the past. So...
. What, all of them , really?
All the money does really for indies is pay rent and allow them to work 24/7 on the game.

Yes hense supporting them makes it easier or, shock, they might not having the funding required to complete the project without support from us.
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Wow, I wonder how Indie devs made games before EA.. ;/

Games used to be much simpler to develop back in the day. Even well into the PS2s life cycle a decent team could be fully staffed with 30ish team members.

360/PS3 era saw it just to 80+ and the modern consoles . . there's a reason why only a fraction of the big games get released these days.
Wow, I wonder how Indie devs made games before EA.. ;/

They mostly didn't.

You remember any indie games on PC from 10 years ago? I sure don't. The only indie games available commercially were on Xbox Live.

Indies started to gather speed before EA, but some genres or series need upfront cash to actually get made.
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