WWE's Chris Beniot & family found dead.

Gilly said:
Does that make the blindest bit of difference to what he did? :confused:

Not for the eventual crime no, but sympathy-wise I think it does, at least to his fans. I think many will be blaming the steroids for causing him to do this so he'll get a lot of sympathy from them.

The college killer mentioned previously is a random unknown so won't get anywhere near the level of sympathy Benoit will get.
benktlottie said:
When did I say say that what Benoit did was justified or defended him? I never said that mate. I said I thought he was having a mental episode.

Resorting to name calling just makes you look silly, and I think it concedes defeat cause youre out of your league...

Get your apostrophes correct then tell me I'm out of my league. Too often name-calling is given as a reason for someone losing an argument when in fact it is because the accuser has nothing more valuable to contribute.

This specific argument boils down to the fact that you do not believe he is responsible for his actions. Mental health is too often an excuse used by people to diminish their responsbility. We might as well say that anyone who could bring themselves to kill their family isn't "quite right upstairs" and as such (assuming they live) deserves a reduced sentence. Garbage.
Trojan said:
Given the following, do you really think that it's surprising that people are being judgemental?

No, because I know what most people are like...but I should be able to say yes!

"We are looking at this case and ruling it as a double homicide-suicide,"

That does not mean Benoit has been pronounced guilty; this man Pope is merely an investigating officer. It is for the coroner, in place of a jury because Benoit is dead, to decide whether Pope's take on the situation is correct, and to then declare a verdict.
Robbie G said:
Get your apostrophes correct then tell me I'm out of my league. Too often name-calling is given as a reason for someone losing an argument when in fact it is because the accuser has nothing more valuable to contribute.

This specific argument boils down to the fact that you do not believe he is responsible for his actions. Mental health is too often an excuse used by people to diminish their responsbility. We might as well say that anyone who could bring themselves to kill their family isn't "quite right upstairs" and as such (assuming they live) deserves a reduced sentence. Garbage.

Yeah, that made me change my mind totally Robbie! :)

EDIT: I still totally believe he was suffering from a mental health issue BTW

You have such a 19th century view mate. Well, this is the 21st century, and medical science has now proved, beyond a doubt, that mental illness exists and can make the sufferer do some extreme things. I do agree that mental illness is citied a little too often for the most minor of things, but when it comes to murder, you only have to look at Broadmoor to see that its real. (ooppss...missed another apostrophe - silly me, cant be taken seriously now, oooppss...and another!!!) LOL

Lighten up Robbie, please...
benktlottie said:
You have such a 19th century view mate. Well, this is the 21st century, and medical science has now proved, beyond a doubt, that mental illness exists and can make the sufferer do some extreme things.
He's brought up an interesting point actually. You state that no sane man could ever do what he did. That means no person that kills family is sane.

To go from this what you're saying is that anyone who kills their family, cold blooded (like in this case) or not, deserves to be charged on diminished responsibility.

This is complete rubbish :)
Gilly said:
He's brought up an interesting point actually. You state that no sane man could ever do what he did. That means no person that kills family is sane.

To go from this what you're saying is that anyone who kills their family, cold blooded (like in this case) or not, deserves to be charged on diminished responsibility.

This is complete rubbish :)

You know aswell as I do that this would not be the case for each and every individual murdering of a family member, so I cannot say 100% that every person who kills his wife and child has mental issues. So of course each and every case has to be measured. There will of course be cases that are truely cold blooded murder. Thats why Doctors and Psychologists are there to assess the level of sanity.

And I think you knew what I meant, and youre now being picky! This isn't court your honour! ;)
benktlottie said:
You know aswell as I do that this would not be the case for each and every individual murdering of a family member, so I cannot say 100% that every person who kills his wife and child has mental issues. So of course each and every case has to be measured. There will of course be cases that are truely cold blooded murder. Thats why Doctors and Psychologists are there to assess the level of sanity.
Why is this case different?

benktlottie said:
And I think you knew what I meant, and youre now being picky! This isn't court your honour! ;)
I really didn't :)
Gilly said:
Why is this case different?

Steroids, fame, pressure - multitude of possible reasons. And a gut feeling...dont count for much I know, but I just got a feeling.

EDIT: Its just a pity we'll prolly never know. If only he hadnt killed himself. Althought it could be interpreted in 2 ways.
1. He was mental, or,
2. He was sane and realised he would get the death penalty and was a coward.

Gilly said:
I really didn't :)

afraser2k said:
Not for the eventual crime no, but sympathy-wise I think it does, at least to his fans. I think many will be blaming the steroids for causing him to do this so he'll get a lot of sympathy from them.

The college killer mentioned previously is a random unknown so won't get anywhere near the level of sympathy Benoit will get.

The fact that he was famous, and idolised by millions of people shouldn't make a difference, but the fact that he has not yet been proven guilty should be enough for the man to still have his reputation in tact. Its typical sterotyping and typical of the British Society in this day and age that people are automatically presumed guilty before the evidence and the facts are actually known.

I am willing to wage a bet that those people who are slating him as a cold blooded murderer wont be as quick to admit they are wrong in the off chance it is proven he wasn't behind it.

The majority of people, including the investigating officer have already highlighted steroids as being an influencing factor, and as previously posted by me, it is medical proven that steroid abuse can make people do things that they are unaware of.
Twinblade said:
The majority of people, including the investigating officer have already highlighted steroids as being an influencing factor, and as previously posted by me, it is medical proven that steroid abuse can make people do things that they are unaware of.

So, as a professional he would have been aware of the risks?

If yes, then steroids or not he was solely responsible for the murder of his wife and child.

I don't think this '4th' person will ever materialise, and he will be judged forever as a murderer of two innocent human beings.
dannyjo22 said:
Don't remember too many people feeling sorry for that kid a few months ago who went all gun ho whup ass on his college friends. He was clearly ill, yet didnt get anywhere near the sympathy of this killer wrestler.

Oh well what can you expect from people who think this panto is a sport.

Very sad for the poor kid and wife. :(

The WWE has never regarded it self as a sport, hence the name World Wrestling Entertainment, thats all they ever regard it as, "Entertainment". I certainly would never regard it as a sport now as far as the WWE is concerned.

yaboy said:
Hope he burns in hell.


Even Vince hates him, everyone should.

**** RIP

Nice to see Vinces hair is back :p
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Twinblade said:
The majority of people, including the investigating officer have already highlighted steroids as being an influencing factor, and as previously posted by me, it is medical proven that steroid abuse can make people do things that they are unaware of.

So he is guilty as hell then.
He would have known the risks like I'd know the risks of drinking a bottle of vodka before getting into a car.
If I had killed my family because of drink driving absolutely no one on here would defend me.
He is a killer.
sniffy said:
Why is anyone defending someone who most likely killed his wife and child? :/

Because regardless of what he did if he was still alive he would be entitled to a fair trial by a jury of his peers before his innocence or guilt was judged. Trial by media tends not to work - OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson etc.

I think the main issue here is people condemning Benoit before all the facts are known and have been deliberated over by trained investigators. Look at Virginia Tech - for a few days afterwards the police were still unable to rule out a second shooter. Let the professionals do their job and let the speculation die out.
dmpoole said:
So he is guilty as hell then.
He would have known the risks like I'd know the risks of drinking a bottle of vodka before getting into a car.
If I had killed my family because of drink driving absolutely no one on here would defend me.
He is a killer.

No it doesnt. Steroid Abuse is an illness, its no different to alcholism, drug abuse, substance abuse. To those that do not suffer from it, it is wrong, illegal and to some even the person suffering from it is regarded as a criminal and a low life.

Yet to those suffering from it, and the small number who can look beyond it as someone doing something illegal it is an illness, and to the user/suffer it isnt doing anything wrong.

We see Benoit as a steroid abuser and therefore fully aware of his actions and therefore a murderer because he must have known that taking steroids is illegal and wrong.

However, to Benoit it could have been perfectly normaly, and considered so. He is in a business that steroids are widely used, the medical staff of the WWE even support it, they prescribe the wrestlers with them to assist them, they offer guidance, but in the pressures of the business, and the stresses of being forced into working 7 days a week on a grueling schedule and pressures to improve the increase usage of something he has been prescribed by a medical professional that you should be able to trsut is easily done.

He takes the steroids and ups his dosage, before long he realises he cannot cope with just the 10mg he should be taking and starts taking 100mg a day, he is not addicted and suffering an illness, and to him its normal, its not abuse.
IceBus said:
Because regardless of what he did if he was still alive he would be entitled to a fair trial by a jury of his peers before his innocence or guilt was judged. Trial by media tends not to work - OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson etc.

I've only watched the news conference posted in this thread where the police state he is suspected of double homicide and suicide. That's hardly trial by media, it's straight from the police who are investigating this. I'm putting 3 deaths and the very dodgy circumstances claimed by the police into account and coming together with a conclusion.

I think the main issue here is people condemning Benoit before all the facts are known and have been deliberated over by trained investigators. Look at Virginia Tech - for a few days afterwards the police were still unable to rule out a second shooter. Let the professionals do their job and let the speculation die out.

The Virgina Tech killings and this are very different. The only similarity is that people died and all the things that come along with that. This whole situation was probably confined to just the home where as Virgina Tech is a massive area. Evidence can obviously can gathered much quicker in a home then over a massive campus so a clearer picture can be made much faster. There's load of things that make the two things different. I do see where you're coming from, it's just I've come to a conclusion and will wait until more information is available until I change that :)
IceBus said:
Because regardless of what he did if he was still alive he would be entitled to a fair trial by a jury of his peers before his innocence or guilt was judged. Trial by media tends not to work - OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson etc.

I think the main issue here is people condemning Benoit before all the facts are known and have been deliberated over by trained investigators. Look at Virginia Tech - for a few days afterwards the police were still unable to rule out a second shooter. Let the professionals do their job and let the speculation die out.

Exactly. The fact that he is dead means that the authorities can spout what they like without a comeback. They could even go as far as stopping any investigation now and come out and say that Benoit did it, end of story because they don't want the extra workload, and who is going to contest it, hes dead so cannot defend himself.
IceBus said:
I think the main issue here is people condemning Benoit before all the facts are known and have been deliberated over by trained investigators.
I don't agree. I think the main issue is fanboys excusing and lessening the impact of what has transpired - raising the hackles of those of us that can use logic.
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