dmpoole said:
So he is guilty as hell then.
He would have known the risks like I'd know the risks of drinking a bottle of vodka before getting into a car.
If I had killed my family because of drink driving absolutely no one on here would defend me.
He is a killer.
No it doesnt. Steroid Abuse is an illness, its no different to alcholism, drug abuse, substance abuse. To those that do not suffer from it, it is wrong, illegal and to some even the person suffering from it is regarded as a criminal and a low life.
Yet to those suffering from it, and the small number who can look beyond it as someone doing something illegal it is an illness, and to the user/suffer it isnt doing anything wrong.
We see Benoit as a steroid abuser and therefore fully aware of his actions and therefore a murderer because he must have known that taking steroids is illegal and wrong.
However, to Benoit it could have been perfectly normaly, and considered so. He is in a business that steroids are widely used, the medical staff of the WWE even support it, they prescribe the wrestlers with them to assist them, they offer guidance, but in the pressures of the business, and the stresses of being forced into working 7 days a week on a grueling schedule and pressures to improve the increase usage of something he has been prescribed by a medical professional that you should be able to trsut is easily done.
He takes the steroids and ups his dosage, before long he realises he cannot cope with just the 10mg he should be taking and starts taking 100mg a day, he is not addicted and suffering an illness, and to him its normal, its not abuse.