WWIIO: Battleground Europe

I think it's $12. About £5-6. Well worth it. Trust me you'll be putting in many hours into this if you give it a chance :)

There's a 14 day trial period so give it a go and see what you think after 14 days.
What do you actually play for in game? You mention campaigns, how do they work?

Basically there are two sides, allied and axis. Allied is atm made up of British and French (who get a lot of american equipment later on). There are plans to introduce the Italians, americans, russians etc. Who knows when that will be though.

Right now the campaign map stretches across southeast britain, northern france, benelux countries and west germany. It's all free roaming so if you take a bomber in britain you can fly to dusseldorf and bomb their factories if you want. Let's just say it's huge and you'll never feel like you're in a constricted space ;)

The campaign basically pits the two sides against eachother on a middle starting line, axis are generally given a slight advantage by owning most of the forward bases along the line at the start. Forward bases are basically spawn points for infantry and vehicles close to the oppositions town, there are two between each town, one for each side. If you take down your enemies your one becomes active letting you attack their town.

Anyway the campaign starts with early equipment, Matilda tanks, hurricanes, 110s. As it progresses roughly every 7-10 days a new tier is reached that gives better equipment. Each sides progress through the tiers can be affected by damaging their factories by bombing or sapping raids. Campaigns lately have been around 30-40 days long so you'll reach tier3 which is the last one, this gives you the best shermans and Tiger tanks as well as Spit9s and 109G and 190s.

The campaign ends when either side controls roughly 90% of the maps towns. There are roughly 200 towns on the map and each one is a big fight to take. The amount of Attack Orders (AOs) your side has depends on the current server population. Generally you have between 3 and 5 AOs. These can be placed on a town, once an AO has been placed for 10 minutes you can start capping the flags in the town. These flags are depots that are linked to each of the surrounding towns (usually 4 or 5). Once you have capped a depot the town is contested, if you keep the town contested for 10 minutes the Army Base(AB) of the town can be capped. The AB is the towns main flag, once you get that the enemy brigade(s) in the town are routed to the next town. After that you just have to cap any remaining depots and the town is yours and you can move your own brigades in.

The AO placement and brigade movements are all controlled by members of the High Command(HC) of each side. There are about 40 or so HC members on each side so there'll always be 3 or 4 on even in the low pop times one of whom will be map OIC and he generally dictates the course to take such as concentrate on pushing this area here or attritioning an enemy division here in advance of a big attack later on.

Each side has about 30 brigades split up 3 to a division so about 10 divisions a side. Each division can move anywhere on the map and each brigade can move to any town so long as it's next to another brigade in its division. Sometimes towns will be left defenceless without a brigade in them. The only way to defend these would be if you have a brigade in a linked town you can spawn into the empty towns linked depot or you can paradrop in to defend.

It's pretty hard to explain all the details without showing them in game. Basically at the start you'll be looking for the big battles. These are easy enough to find, you can ask on the chat or just listen out for calls from the HC members or people at the towns requesting help. All you do then is right click on the town and join one of the brigades defending it or if it's an attack you right click on the town the attacking brigade is in and join it then join any of the missions that are up within the brigade.

I think I've rambled on a bit much on it. If you have any other questions just let me know. This game is the best online game I've ever come across, all it needs is a larger playerbase to be phenomenal.
This certainly does look like a good game - just the sort of game I'm looking to join :)

May have to give it a try in a week or so!
Just been over on their web site and forums look quite empty. Surely a game with a large fan base would have very active forums?

The forums are very very busy with discussion, and some of its even constructive! Unfortunately, CRS made the decision that if you havent subscribed you cant see barracks, hangar etc. just the tech ******** and some main announcement pages.

As a long-time wwiiol'er (currently on a LOA) I love this game with one exception - the infantry game. Perhaps im spoilt but in my opinion its pre-HL1 in its mechanisms, latency and smoothness of movement. Seriously, if they could get it to HL1 standards, id be in there every day. However, given the size of the map, everything going on, the buzz of getting a kill, the planes, tanks, mortars, the huge battles, the community especially - best wwii MMO out there.
It was but 2 weeks ago i was talking to a friend about how I would absolutely love a game like this. FPS, but on the scale of a proper war. With proper units, proper damage, proper movement time..

However, I'm not usually one to judge a game based on it's graphics, but there is flat and there is flat :S I'l give the 14 day trial a whirl and see how it pans out :) Something like this combined with newer graphics could really be something special though.
Looks good, subscribed.

A game like this is something I've been looking for for a while now. I'm just so tired of being headshotted by a bunny hopping 12 year old l33t kid in COD4 and feel I'd get on better with something with more depth, and although I liked ARMA, I couldn't make do with it's bugs and many, many shortcomings. If the 14 day free trial offer's still open I'll give it a go.

Cheers. :)
Don't worry too much about the graphics, they're constantly improving them and there is a huge update coming by the end of this year that completely overhauls the game engine to let them use a more accurate terrain model, higher poly models and shader 2.0+ effects.

Just thought I'd mention, the free trial requires you to give them CC details, they won't start charging you though so it's completely safe. They just had a lot of people making free accounts over and over when they weren't using the CC check so they had to do something about it.

The infantry play at close quarters is a bit laggy but tbh if you're at close quarters with a rifle you're doing it wrong ;)

This game truly excels at 50m+ ranges, the lag isn't such an issue, it's all about outsmarting your opponent, getting the kill in those situations is something else again.

Of course if you like CQB there are spray and pray SMGs and LMGs available for dashing through buildings with, running into the flag building and spraying 3 or 4 EI full of bullets before they can react is always quite enjoyable.

Expect some odd lag effects like being shot after you've killed the other person though. The server gets the message that you've shot the other person at the same time as the other person is telling the server he shot you so you both end up dying. Not really avoidable in the situation especially with the enormous amount of packets going to and fro.

I dare any of you to stand in the middle of a large battle, planes roaring overhead, tanks fighting in the next street, your friends running past you towards the advancing enemy and not think to yourselves that this is what gaming is supposed to be about.
Can you play many classes? I'd love to be in charge of firing mortars on an enemy position, is that sort of thing possible?
Can you play many classes? I'd love to be in charge of firing mortars on an enemy position, is that sort of thing possible?

yep, you start off with rifle just but you quickly rank up to get SMG, sapper (placing satchels on tanks to blow them up), LMG, mortar, sniper etc. You have different ranks in Naval, Air and Ground. So whatever rank you are as infantry is the same as the one for tanks but your rank in a plane is different.

By rank 5 you can get all infantry weapons and tanks.
Sounds fantastic. Can you oick and choose waht you want to be? Could I be a grunt on the front line today but tomorrow take a Lancaster to Berlin?
My mate has been playing this for quite a while now. He is trying to get me into it. Was thinking of the trial. Alternatively I can try his old mans account out as he has stopped playing it recently but it is still paid for.

I saw a youtube video on the weapon ballistics and how they are calculated. An armor piercing round travels through the armor of a tank and ends up decapitating the gunner or something. Was very impessed by it. It does look basic but I guess the empahsis is on gameplay. The ultimate game of soldiers.

Have been playing Red Orchestra recently and Darkest hour. Loving that and the level of realism. So it think this might be the next progression. I think I would mainly focus on infantry. Can't fly for toffee.

Have been playing Red Orchestra recently and Darkest hour. Loving that and the level of realism. So it think this might be the next progression. I think I would mainly focus on infantry. Can't fly for toffee.

I used to be into RO big time. It was great fun panzerfausting the same wittless solo T34 crewman over and over because they didn't have the common sense to not comeback and park in the same spot time and time again.

I was also quite handy with the iron sights on the M/9130 and the Kar. 98K, skills I can hopefully transfer over to WWIIO when I take the free trial.
Sounds fantastic. Can you oick and choose waht you want to be? Could I be a grunt on the front line today but tomorrow take a Lancaster to Berlin?

Yup, can be flying one minute, tanking the next, infantry the next. You can even get destroyers if you have the patience to rank up in the naval side of things :)

The ballistics are part of what make it a fantastic game. In the words of the developers themselves, nothing in the game has health points. It's all modelled realistically. If you shot doesn't penetrate the armour of a tank you could fire a thousand shells at it and it won't make a difference, aim a bit different though and you'll take out his ammo storage and he'll blow sky high.

EDIT: Go here to download the penultimate infantry guide for wwiio. It is the single best reference for the game if you want to try out the infantry side. It's got everything you'll ever need to know:
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Where are the servers hosted and what's the ping like from the UK?

Servers are hosted in the states. Ping is around 150~. Really not that big a deal. As was said above everyone lags pretty badly in CQB. The game excels in mid-long range battles with rifles, LMGs and tanks. There's a large contingent of australian players and they never complain about any unfair lag so I think we've got it good compared to them ;)
I remember you posting some screenies in the screenshot thread a few weeks ago and you had me tempted to join up then.

I'll deffinatly be trying it out with the free trial. How often do you play Darg?
Yup, can be flying one minute, tanking the next, infantry the next. You can even get destroyers if you have the patience to rank up in the naval side of things :)

So say I wanted to go firebomb Dresden, can I do it alone or does there need to be a player for every position on the plane - Pilot, navigator bombardier etc or can I do it with just me?
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