I finished the game a couple of days ago. Unfortunately my opinion of the game has steadily decreased as I play. I enjoyed it but there a some massive flaws that put me off ever wanting to play it again, even ignoring the technical issues and more minor but still irritating bugs that mar the experience.
I think my main problem is with the pod system. I actually didn't mind this too much in the original (the repetitive maps were my biggest gripe there) but the concealment mechanics and time limits really exacerbate the problem in the second one.
What annoys me is that even when you can get advance knowledge of a pod through scanning or a concealed ranger if the rest of your party is exposed there is no way to sneak up on them, they are alerted as soon as they enter YOUR line of sight. And even more annoyingly there is no damn way to determine exactly where that will be. The only save scumming I did in the game was when a unit would inadvertently alert a scouted pod because I had no way of knowing this before-hand.
This reduces play to the tiresome crawl along the map that was the only way to win in Classic mode in X-COM 1. I can do it but I don't want to, it's too boring.
Combined with the games general clunkiness this puts me off ever playing again, which is a shame because other aspects (the random maps for instance) are really good.