X-Com 2 - Announced

I think their mistake was pressuring people into making sub-optimal desicions, as opposed to providing a reward for doing so, like the meld canisters did in EW. They seem a bit fixated on forcing people into a particular style of play, as opposed to providing rich and varied systems and letting people get on with it.

On a separate note - what the hell with the research trees? I reckon I'm about 2/3 of the way through the game now and everything's researched to the max. Really short weapon and armor progression.

Edit - actually, come to think of it, the first game wasn't much better. I've been playing Long War so much that the extra progression tiers have spoiled me.
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Well in fairness, the research tree in the original was pretty shallow. I always thought that would be one area ripe for massive expansion. Don't need Civilisation style research trees, but something more than 1 line of human advanced weapons and 1 line of alien weapons.

So I was sad to find that Firaxis XCom had not massively beefed up research. But then they Jake Solomon openly states that complexity is bad for mass appeal.
If there was a demo, I would ;) But that's what reviews and metacritic are for.

No way I'm splurging £30 to see if I like it or not... that's insane advice.

Fair enough if you don't want to spend £30, but maybe wait until you've played something before critiquing it...
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Fair enough if you don't want to spend £30, but maybe wait until you've played something before critiquing it...

Actually I was commenting on other people's critique. And I played the first (Firaxis) game anyhow. So I'm happy to speak my mind, thanks for your concern tho.

Most of the missions in EU I turtled through, taking about 30 turns every time :p Having just 8 turns will prevent me playing the way I'm used to. And frankly I find it tedious to be told how to play the game. "L2P" and all that crap.

Going to vote with my wallet. And especially as the number of bugs being reported ties in with my experience of the first game, which was also very bugged. Several of those bugs ONLY being removed with paid for DLC.
Pretty happy with the game myself. I'm not doubting other peoples bug woes and performance issues (way too much smoke etc), but I haven't seen a single issue in 2 playthroughs. The game was only 2/3 normal AAA price to boot.

Happy with the re-design too. So few games are procedurally generated. Takes some balls for the designers to aim for that rather than just making another scripted cut scene shooter. And I got so board seeing the same maps every time in the first game. The gameplay was a total snore fest with all the overwatching. The DLC maps/missions were a pure test in memorising enemy spawn points.

Seeing some people's criticisms of the time limit mechanic reminds me of criticisms of politician budget cuts without offering a counter suggestion. Useless wishful thinking. They are remembering the first game with far too rosy a tint. Infinite time limit =/= good engrossing game play.
I've found if you get two rangers with the stealth skills (concealment being a key one) you can push forward very quickly - spot the pods, move up with the others & gun them down.

It's actually easier than the original & you can push faster (you can snipe them from overwatch with concealed scouts, with being just as safe. It forces you to make sure you have a plan B for each move "what would I do if I pop a pod with this move?" is what you should ask for each move.

Not pushing with the last unit, opening a door when you've already activated a pod - not spreading too thing when engaging - all key tactics to staying alive & working within the system presented.
Had a good battle on the
UFO chasing Avenger dark event

Would have carried on but the frame rates got really really bad in the end. I wish I took one of the PSI people to take control of the gatekeepers :)

How in the nine hells do you kill 121 aliens with 6 soldiers? I can't begin to fathom how that's even possible!
Yeah, but the early game on Legendary is impossible.

4 rookies vs 13 enemies inc lancers and sectoids. No chance.

And the recovery time for injuries on Legendary is about 6 weeks.
It's true that the early game on the harder difficulties is tough but it's definitely not impossible... You need to make a lot better use of some of the items that don't seem that useful on Veteran (like flashbangs, which are invaluable in the earlier pre-mag weapon days)
By wasting your time. you get reinforcements. Pretty much pointless.
It was a bit pointless in the end. I thought the troops would be coming back with loads of promotions. It seems it's limited to one promotion per mission though as some of the soldiers got loads of kills and only one promotion.
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