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X1900 Thread - no nonsense

28 Nov 2005
Hardcore facts, curiosity, and people willing to discuss this card here.

should really wait til tuesday like, then we can have some real scores and proof about its performance.

i tried to post this in the thread that has just been closed:

why dont people just wait til the x1900 is actually being tested.. and we have proper scores to look at....

its only 2 days away... then we can all discuss this with hardcore proof of true tests and scores on the x1900... then we can know for sure whether its a good buy or to wait again for the new nvidia card...for performance not for hardcore fans to argue
Well I'm going to try and get one ASAP and also hang on to my 512 7800GTX, that way I can test which one performs better in the real world and which one I am going to keep!

Will post some info when this happens!
I'm also going to be getting one on Tuesday. So far the results for leaked benchmarks have been really inconclusive. Some benches have the card performing very well, and others seem to be below par. I'm going to do some testing myself before I decide if I want to keep it or not.
be interesting to see some "real" unbiased results. Im currently waiting to see how the X1900 performs. What Nvidia will do as a result of the x1900 before I part with best part of £500 on a gfx card, for that money I want the best available. So lets see some User unbiased results on here :)
what time can we expect to see the x1900 cards to be on ocuk cause im going out at 9:20 and be back just before 10:30 and i dont wanna come back to find there out of stock.

Would they all go that quickly :confused:
I doubt they are going to disappear that quickly. Early indications are that supply to retailers is very good, so we can expect a decent amount of stock.
I don't have a problem with the average Joes' results. This one is interesting if only because it puts the 7800-512 neck and neck with the X1900XT at stock on the same rig. All with 6 meg of ram and dual opteron 252's, so probably no cpu bottleneck. This one is worse, but is on a single core opteron 148 @ 2.97ghz. Reading around there maybe some driver optimisation planned for the release. I guess none of these early results can be definitive, but I'm still hopeful the XTX will pull ahead.
Yeah, by no means do these prelim numbers mean the X1900 is hopeless, but these people aren't lieing and it shows what a home user would expect to gain with their normal CPUS and not £700 FX60s.

And I have heard from several sources that it seems quite loud.

We'll see.
D.P. said:
And I have heard from several sources that it seems quite loud.

We'll see.
I would think it's as loud as the 1800, maybe less as it runs with lower core voltages and should be cooler. I didn't think the X1800XT was too loud up to about 40%. After that it did sound a bit like a jump jet on full hover.
bakes0310 said:
what time can we expect to see the x1900 cards to be on ocuk cause im going out at 9:20 and be back just before 10:30 and i dont wanna come back to find there out of stock.

Would they all go that quickly :confused:

Think it will be about the same time as the Nvidia cards were released, about 1-2pm. :)
D.P. said:
And I have heard from several sources that it seems quite loud.
I find that very hard to believe as Gibbo said they run a lot cooler.
For me it depends on how long it is before the XLs come out and how much the XTs cost.
Performance figures look good since they are using old drivers (apparently the 6.1's dont pick it up?). For me and my 19" TFT, this really should be as good as it gets before Vista.
Surely some proper "offical" benchmarks are going to be leaked on monday? or at least one of those "previews"! :D
Well some say the x1800 XT is loud, but i disagree, its only loud for about 2 secs once you turn yer machine on as the fan runs full pelt, then it drops to its 2D speed which you cant hear, and then mine only picks up a tad from that when heavy gaming, all i can hear from mine is a slight whine. :)

My x800 XT PE was louder imo.
Goksly said:
I find that very hard to believe as Gibbo said they run a lot cooler.
For me it depends on how long it is before the XLs come out and how much the XTs cost.
Performance figures look good since they are using old drivers (apparently the 6.1's dont pick it up?). For me and my 19" TFT, this really should be as good as it gets before Vista.
Surely some proper "offical" benchmarks are going to be leaked on monday? or at least one of those "previews"! :D

1) Noticeably louder than the nVidia 7800 GTX 512 (the fan can have a high pitch whine to it at times).
Yeah but that doesnt say its louder than the X1800 does it? Most people seem to be ok about the X1800 noise output... so as long as it doesnt exceed that I dont expect it to be problematic.
Also I would expect it to be louder, or at least hotter than the 512 GTX as its cooler is considerably bigger. I think a more fair comparision would be the 512GTX with a standard 256mb GTX cooler.
Anywho im going to try and avoid 1 vs 2 atm, as it might send this thread the way of the others.
Ive got a slight dought in buying the x1900xt cause after seeing on another thread on here that farcry is going to be dx10, and by the way looks stunning. Is there any point in buying a £400+ card when dx10 cards will be out next year. I was hoping that the x1900xt would last me a 2-3 years, but will it still play dx10 games. So ive got some options:
Buy the x1900xt and make it last for about 2-3 years and put up with not playing dx10 games :(
Buy the x1900xl and change the card when the first or second lot of dx10 cards come out.

So what should i do??

Does dx9 cards still work with dx10 games, cause i cant rember having a dx7 card playing dx8 games :confused:
From VR any Fear experts?

Originally Posted by Visionary
All right, here are more F.E.A.R benchmarks at higher resolution if you can't wait for our full review :

All settings to Maximum, X1900XT at stock, FX-60 at stock :

1600x1200, Soft Shadows Off


1600x1200, Soft Shadows On


1600x1200, 4xAA + 8xAF, SS off


1600x1200, 4xAA + 16xHQAF, SS off

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