Had mine for a week now (working at least, not a glorified ornament
) and booted it up at 2.5 (250 x 10) with mem on the 166 divider (208mhz).
Each core will run super pi fine, gets around 37 secs, but when i try and run two (seperate) instances on the 1mb test 1 core will complete fine but the other gives "not in round" errors. This varies from core to core.
I currently have it at 2.4 so that the mem I have can run 200mhz at cas 2 (Corsair TwinX 3200 C2PT). Its completely stable in everything else, like BF2 (which is a fair indication of stability IMO) and general tasks.
EDIT - Actually it always locked up in BOINC stuff after 20 mins at 2.5,
Question is:
Should I relax the memory timings to say cas 2.5 and try and keep that on the 166 divider and maybe try for higher FSB?
Keep the memory on cas 2 and leave it at 2.5 even if it would give errors in dual super pi?
Havent done too much testing, am off next week so will give it a better go then.
BTW i have an Asrock Dual board so am limited to 274 FSB (dont ask about flashing the BIOS as thats why it was a paperweight for 1 week...)
Also I've got an older Toledo core chip.