X79 Overclocking Guide

Nice work mate.

Steady Clock that. Kitkat just post up what your not sure about and I will help ya.

Pretty much everything. I am a complete novice overclocker.

I know simply, higher multiplyer= Better, Lower Vcore=better and lower temps =better.

I'm using 3930k with ASUS RIVE if that helps.

I want a stable-ish OC if that is possible.
Pretty much everything. I am a complete novice overclocker.

I know simply, higher multiplyer= Better, Lower Vcore=better and lower temps =better.

I'm using 3930k with ASUS RIVE if that helps.

I want a stable-ish OC if that is possible.

What kind of cooling do you use? When overclocking an expensive chip like you have, it is better to do lots of research so as not to blow it. What works for one system will have a good chance of not working in another. Chips are different and some will require less thatn 1.5V for 5Ghz and others will require more.


Give that a read. Raja does a great job of explaining what each option for overclocking does. It helped me greatly understand what I was doing on the 2011 chip.
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What kind of cooling do you use? When overclocking an expensive chip like you have, it is better to do lots of research so as not to blow it. What works for one system will have a good chance of not working in another. Chips are different and some will require less thatn 1.5V for 5Ghz and others will require more.


Give that a read. Raja does a great job of explaining what each option for overclocking does. It helped me greatly understand what I was doing on the 2011 chip.

Alright thanks looks good. Also I am using H100i.
I tested a H100 against custom water only a week or so ago.

H100 should net you 4.6 stable with most chips.

Raja is a great guy and his guide an excellent starting point.

Any further questions post back
Need a little help with my 3930K + H100i + Sabertooth X79 getting stable at 4.6Ghz properly.

First of all, i can bench at 4.6GHz and 2390MHz RAM, easy. But Prime fails very quickly. I think my CPU is just naff and i lost the lottery. 4.5Ghz is rock solid @ 1.38v set and 1.35v recorded underload and with 2333MHz RAM at good timings.

Here's what i bench at:

36 x 127.75
CPU Vcore: 1.4v
VCCSA: 1.15v
VTT: 1.15v
PLL: 1.8v
DRAM: 1.6v

LLC Medium
130% CPU Current
120% VCCSA Current
130% DRAM Current
All Phase Control @ Optimized

I've tried:
1.41v cpu - No difference, and starts to get toasty
1.2v VSSCA - No difference
1.2v VTT - No Difference
Lowering RAM overclock - No difference
PLL @ 1.85v - No difference

Any ideas where i should focus my efforts? Or should i just give up on the CPU? I was wondering about the Turbo Power settings.... These aren't mine but they show the max settings, i have them set to Auto. Is there anything like this on the RIVE? If so, what do you set them to?


In fact, I will get screenshots of my 24/7 4.5GHz settings for you and create a separate thread.
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Thanks, it's easy when you have a guide to follow :-) I tried an arbitrary 2000MHz when I was following your guide and that worked no problem. Haven't had time to try and optimise/maximise either RAM or CPU yet. I killed my x58 after 4 years as I think I was a bit overenthusiastic with the voltages in my quest for every last MHz, part of me says keep them as low as possible this time and part of me says I will be upgrading in 4 years anyway so get as much as I can out of it.
Just trying to translate as much of this as I can to my msi board, a few things I'm not sure on (more to follow):

Cpu I/O voltage, searching suggests its something to do with the 3.3v line.

Also have a few cpu power limit related options that are currently set to 250w?

Edit: CPU I/O voltage, Maintained power limit (200w?), short duration power limit (250w?) and something called DDR VREF Voltage (0.75v, separate to DRAM Voltage).

MSI Really need a new bios for this thing :(

Edit 2: CPU I/O = VTT
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Yes I/O is VTT, DDRVREF can help by setting around 0.775 when clocking RAM and BLK.

Raise the power limits that is not a problem.
Cheers mate :)

I do recall having the power limit of around 500w with my UD7, too many manufacturers call too many things something slightly different to confuse me :p

I'll never know why I didn't buy Asus for X79, loved my P8Z68 on 1155, such an easy bios to work with.
Just trying out some of your recommended settings. This one particularly interests me.

PLL is interesting on this foramt as what I have fund is on the 100 strap the CPU like around 1.9v and on the 125 strap they like around 1.65v. Experiment with this as getting it right means Vcore down for a certain frequency.

I'm running my 3820 currently at 128.25*39 so I've dropped the PLL to 1.65v and it's looking nice and stable, and notably more consistent gflops in IBT (which I find is a good indication of stability). Is it worth now trying to sneak down the vcore?
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