X99 motherboard previews.

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More ASRock boards, Extreme4 and Extreme6





EDIT: Already been linked, sorry! Nice to see blue + black being used though again, something different! :)

Never been convinced by AsRock personally, I had a z97 mini ITX board 2 weeks ago for all of 3 days before I returned it. Terrible BIOS lol.
JJ is going around with his trunk o'boards meeting up YouTubers like Logan and so forth. Come Aug 29, there will likely be an avalanche of Asus x99 videos.


You can see the box for the x99 WS and Deluxe in there. He also mentioned other non motherboard items coming up soon (Mice, Strix "880" etc).
By lack of heatpipe and single cpu power, I assume this is FTW, right?
I can't wait for mATX :D
I have seen one pic and I am in love, getting it for my new project.

By the way, I think that heatsinks on z87/z97 evga boards looked much better.
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I had a Asrock once, dark days they were. Never again.

I had one. It got stuck in boot loops, black screened direct from the BIOS when overclocking even in sensible boundaries, it hung on random error codes relating to perfectly fine hardware, and it caught fire.

Fantastic bit of kit. :p

Replaced it with this Asus. It hasn't missed a beat.
Hi guys Is it worth me upgrading to the x99 purely for gaming.? As at the moment I'm using the 4790k and z97 motherboard.
I'm liking the fact that it's DDR4 but in reality will i notice any improvements in fps
Hi guys Is it worth me upgrading to the x99 purely for gaming.? As at the moment I'm using the 4790k and z97 motherboard.
I'm liking the fact that it's DDR4 but in reality will i notice any improvements in fps

Depends on your gaming if your going three or more cards yes 1 or 2 no :D
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