Xbox 360 mod project log

I sincerely hope this works for you! god knows you could have just bought the new xbox but you really have balls for doing it this way!
Project on hold..

Ok, project is on hold for a while...

ordered some fittings from ocuk on the 22nd jan... a week later they told me the tubing is out of stock... fair enough. so i removed that from the order... yet still although i have called 3 times, and have confirmed everything is in stock, it still has not been posted...

So... really hoping i get these fittings soon... :) as i said... ocuk have never let me down yet :/
Fair play on the build, have thought about WC'ing my 360 before but just seemed too much hassle but respect to you, will be awaiting the results though :D

Ok, so the quick release fittings dont work, they are too big to fit inside the small xbox... so i had to think of another way... my solution was to route the tubing under the dvd drive to give enough slack to be able to remove the top... Awaiting one more anti kink coils so that i can start filling probably in about a week to finish from now... with any luck..



excuse the poor iphone 3g photos :)
Really nice build that is pure dedication for you most people would have given up ages ago, hope it all goes well will be keeping an eye on this thread.

Makes me wish I kept mine when it RROD, too lazy I guess just bought a slim instead.
Penultimate update.

Ok. So I have filled the system and bled. Now, I have once final problem to overcome.. The compression fitting on the block its the fins on the fan so i need to swap that for a 15mm thick one...

Will do that early next week then final pictures by next weekend...

Quick Iphone pics...




My hat goes off to you mate for your dedication in getting this working looks really smart!

I can't wait to see the final thing up and running, this has been a great project to follow. Credit to you engstrom :)

Thanks guys!! Means a lot!! I'll tell you what though... its got the point where working on it feels like a chore!!

Oh well... Ive pretty much done it now... all i need to do now is swap the noctua for the 15mm thick fan which i will do tomorrow.. or wednesday, depending on delivery... Ill borrow my bro's D-SLR for final pictures!!
Can't wait man! Followed this from the start through ups and downs... feel like I've been doing it myself!! (but without the stress! ;))

As said before, this is a real credit to you man! Cracking job!!
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