Xbox 360 SSF4 LEAGUE -Season 3-

Losers Final: Zid vs elrasho

Grand Finals:

overmostheads vs Zid


GRAND FINALS - (1 Set = first to 3 wins)
Player from Winners Final (OMH) needs 1 Set to be crowned CHAMP.
Player from Losers Final (Zid) needs 2 Sets to be crowned CHAMP.
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Just remembered Zid needs 2 sets, but he's done it before against OMH, so maybe he can do it again!


GRAND FINALS - (1 Set = first to 3 wins)
Player from Winners Final (OMH) needs 1 Set to be crowned CHAMP.
Player from Losers Final (Zid) needs 2 Sets to be crowned CHAMP.
Awesome! I'll be ready and waiting to record/upload. So when its all done, do not post the scores, save/sort the replays in order then just msg me on xbl. Inv me and I will record them on my phone and upload TONIGHT! :)
R088ieS86 & Phantom Zamber, are you signing up to Season 4 ?

Probably not mate, I'm going on hol for a week Feb 5th which would be right in the middle of it. With prep before hand etc i wouldn't be able to guarantee the games.

Good luck to both OMH and Zid, not sure who i want to win. If Zid wins it will be all I hear about for the next month... If I cheer for OMH then Zid will give me the **** tasks to do at work.....
DF > Palm whiff > Super is not an OS, he's just using the broken recovery on the palm to get a quick super off.

It was a good move, as he noticed in the round before that his opponent falls for the adz special.

He does the same thing with a DF > palm whiff > dp soon after, but he didn't get lucky that time.
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It can be an OS if you time it right. First time I did, second time I didn't :(.

Adz you should download the costume catalogues off of XBL, they're free and it means you can view everyone's Alt3 costumes even if you haven't bought them.
I'm not convinced you did it right the first time, and that it just happened to hit.

I'd like to test this out on the weekend if you're up for it.
The fiver he sent me over paypal had nothing to do with it.[/QUOTE]

Loooooooooool I was crackin up lol.
A fiver only? Times are tough.
Well I just got to see the Grand Final and it was a treat. I will have it uploaded by tonight. There could not have been a better, more tense, closer Grand Final then this, simply awesome! Excellent play by both guys and it is unfortunate that someone had to lose.

Watch this space... :D
Season 3 Grand Finals - Overmostheads VS Zid

Overmostheads needs 1 Set, Zid needs 2 Sets, to be crowned CHAMP!
(1 Set = first to 3 wins)

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