XBOX Gamepass Ultimate conversion is back for £1

Just did this today after nabbing a Series S, so it’s still possible for anyone considering. The Brazil Xbl codes are now £29 a pop on CDkeys, but it’s still a cracking deal.

Had a delay getting one of the codes through from CDkeys, but was straightforward from there applying them using a VPN, then taking up the £1 first month offer from MS to convert the lot. Subscribed until Oct 2022 for £59 :cool:

Not planning on upgrading the Pro until some big exclusives drop, so this’ll give me some next gen goodness until then. They better sort Halo out :p

Thanks @TheOracle
Just did this today after nabbing a Series S, so it’s still possible for anyone considering. The Brazil Xbl codes are now £29 a pop on CDkeys, but it’s still a cracking deal.

Had a delay getting one of the codes through from CDkeys, but was straightforward from there applying them using a VPN, then taking up the £1 first month offer from MS to convert the lot. Subscribed until Oct 2022 for £59 :cool:

Not planning on upgrading the Pro until some big exclusives drop, so this’ll give me some next gen goodness until then. They better sort Halo out :p

Thanks @TheOracle

No worries mate

It's a cracking deal
Anyone tried this after letting GPU expire?

I've used the £1 offer before and currently only showing full price if I subscribe again, seen elsewhere that it still works but you pay £10.99 for the first month rather than £1

I'd like to know that too :-)
I've done this and it works perfectly but you do get pinged for the full value for month 1 (still a blinding deal though since I had over 24 months of XBL to convert).
Hmm I did this during the E3 promotion, bought 3 years worth of live passes to convert to ultimate for £1?

Can you do it again or do you have to wait for the existing period to expire? Noticed they were doing 3 month ultimate passes for £18.99 somewhere the other day too was tempted to grab a few of those and try and add them too?
just done this today...3 years worth of Brazilian Live Gold and converted to Gamepass for £83.23 all in :D
I didn't need it right now (although I can make use of the PC pass) but from my understanding the "convert to ultimate for £1" is a limited deal but happens quite regularly.

Were you able to do this through the PC?

I've not got an Xbox atm but am likely to pick up an S at some point. Meanwhile I do use Gamepass for PC and I just pay monthly, so it makes more sense for me to do the Gold and upgrade offer anyway, and if I get an S then it's even better value!
You have to do it on a computer as you need a VPN to login in as Brazil.

I didn't know whether to do it now or wait but in the end I got it out of the way. Wasting 6 weeks of Gamepass was worth the 3 years upgrade and I didn't want to risk missing out.
You have to do it on a computer as you need a VPN to login in as Brazil.

I didn't know whether to do it now or wait but in the end I got it out of the way. Wasting 6 weeks of Gamepass was worth the 3 years upgrade and I didn't want to risk missing out.
So just to check:

1. Buy the Brazilian cards from Cdkeys
2. Log into your regular Xbox account (not a separate Brazilian one) via a Brazilian VPN
3. Redeem the cards
4. Log out of the VPN
5. Upgrade for £1, and that will upgrade all of the gold time on the account for max 3 years

Is that right? And it gets you access to game pass for PC too? Sounds great!
Also beware that if you are buying 3, you can only stack 3 years maximum. This means that when you redeem your keys, you're offered an extra month free ... DO NOT TAKE the extra free month each time otherwise you can't add the final card as it will be longer than 3 years.
Used Brazilian VPN trick to stack 2 years and converted to GP Ultimate with a code I got from a WD Drive promo. £54 pounds for 2 and half years, nice.
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