XBOX Gamepass Ultimate conversion is back for £1

Turn on your VPN, go to the Brazilian Xbox site, log in with your normal account and add your live codes. Logout and turn off your VPN.

Log back in to your MS account on the UK site and the £1 offer should be available if you've not used it before.

It actually wouldn’t let me login through the VPN. I logged into the normal Xbox redeem site, then activated the vpn, then entered the codes. Disconnected the vpn and chose the £1 deal. Seeing 2023 on there made me smile :p
Guys. One last thing need advice here quick on the subscribe page.

Redeemed the x3 12 month gold turned off auto renew each time I put the code in so no free month. I clicked on the upgrade to ultimate for £1 link but then it takes me to another page showing I'm signing up to ultimate at £10.99 including VAT every month. This isn't right surely?
@Desmo No don't think so. I did have Ultimate previously but was just paying £14 a month or whatever the exact price was. It ran out yesterday so now doing the trick thing.

If I'm reading the guide right on Hotukdeals, then it looks like you sign up to the £10.99pm but that then states after, that monthly payment will begin after the 3 years is up date. I just want to confirm this page is correct as obviously I've paid for 3 years gold already then don't want to get stung for another £10.99pm on top of that.

Maybe as you're already a subscriber then. If you sign up and pay the £10.99 then everything should still be converted over, it's just cost you £10.99 instead of £1.00.
Ok. Just reading a little around the web, it looks like if you have the upgrade to ultimate for £1 deal showing on the xbox page it means you've never used the £1 upgrade option before. So, hopefully it's exactly as you say. @CaptainRAVE @Puzzled can you just confirm, I wanna make sure this is right.
I think I saw the same thing and it confused me too - it was 6am and I was rushing to get ready for work though. It said next payment is £10 or some such. In tiny text at the top it says that next payment will be at the end of 2023 :p
I think I saw the same thing and it confused me too - it was 6am and I was rushing to get ready for work though. It said next payment is £10 or some such. In tiny text at the top it says that next payment will be at the end of 2023 :p

hmmm its not showing that anywhere for me. This is what it says on mine after I click the "Upgrade now for £1" link. It then takes you to a page that says "join now" but then the next page shows this;

Ultimate 1-Month
£10.99 including VAT every month
By selecting Subscribe, you agree to the Store terms of sale. Starting today, we'll charge you £10.99 including VAT every month. You'll be notified before any price changes. Cancel any time to stop future charges by visiting your Microsoft account. Learn about refunds.
It will say something about £10.99 a month as you go through, it confuses a lot of people but as captainRAVE said it will be after your prepaid period has ended.

If the £1 offer stays on the page that should be what you pay, I'd already used it so for me it said join gamepass for £1 on the front page but then changed to £10.99 on the sub plan page. End of the day the only difference is £10 over however long you are doing it for so I wouldn't worry about it.
Does Gold to Ultimate conversion at £10.99 concert the whole remaining time or is it still done by ratio?
Eg 12 months gold changes to 4 months ultimate
I think people mix up the £1 offer as being the thing that allows you to use these cheap live codes from other countries. The £1 offer just means you pay £1 when you convert your gold sub to GPU, if its not available all that happens is that you pay full price for 1 month or buy a pre paid 1 month code which is a few quid cheaper to convert instead.

So while the £1 offer is nice, that £10 saving doesn't really matter when you look at how much you are saving over 3 years.

However MS are starting to phase out 12 month gold codes so converting might get trickier in the future

Thank you for clearing this up! Not feeling bad that I used my £1 Ultimate trial now!
Does Gold to Ultimate conversion at £10.99 concert the whole remaining time or is it still done by ratio?
Eg 12 months gold changes to 4 months ultimate

it will convert all of it but if you already have ultimate it will convert live in a ratio. I did this before for 24 months and have 1 year left. I will more than likely stockpile Live cards as I think microsoft are discontinuing them.
Quick question - I currently have the basic £3.99 for PC only xbox gamepass active at the moment - do I need to cancel that before I do this 3 year Ultimate thing?

Again, I'm only interested in the PC gamepass here but If I can get 3 years for £90 (as it's going up to £8 a month soon), I'll be well happy...
Quick question - I currently have the basic £3.99 for PC only xbox gamepass active at the moment - do I need to cancel that before I do this 3 year Ultimate thing?

Again, I'm only interested in the PC gamepass here but If I can get 3 years for £90 (as it's going up to £8 a month soon), I'll be well happy...

I'd also like to know this having just entered my first month of £3.99 after the £1 introductory offer.
Quick question - I currently have the basic £3.99 for PC only xbox gamepass active at the moment - do I need to cancel that before I do this 3 year Ultimate thing?

Again, I'm only interested in the PC gamepass here but If I can get 3 years for £90 (as it's going up to £8 a month soon), I'll be well happy...
I'd also like to know this having just entered my first month of £3.99 after the £1 introductory offer.
I'm in the same boat - just on the £1 trial month, but would love to secure a few years cheapo if I can...

Looking at the XBox app, if I click the XBoc button top-left and then "My subscription" in the middle of the page, there's an "upgrade" to Ultimate for £1 box about 1/2 way down the page. The smallprint at the bottom of the page says "purchase of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate automatically upgrades your existing pass ...... .... Maximum 36 months of redeemed Xbox Game Pass Ultimate per account"

So, it looks like I can upgrade my Game pass for PC to Ultimate from the app for £1. I'm just unsure that will exchange Xbox Live Gold to Ultimate? Tempted to add some Xbox gold time and see if it pops up in the app's subscriptions and then hope it will upgrade?!?
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