XBOX Gamepass Ultimate conversion is back for £1

Time to renew. Game pass has completely expired. I think I'll just pick up 1 year of core assuming that is still the best option? It is what I did in the past at least.
Be aware Core offers a much reduced library of games compared to GPU. Not worth it, imo. Probably cheaper to dip in/out of GPU when some games of interest come along.
Be aware Core offers a much reduced library of games compared to GPU. Not worth it, imo. Probably cheaper to dip in/out of GPU when some games of interest come along.
Ah, yeah. I was planning on converting it to Ultimate as I have done that in the past. I just wasn't sure of the ratio of core to ultimate.
Just tried buying a year of core on CDKeys but the order failed for some reason. I got refunded so that isn't the problem. I'm confused why the order didn't go through as I've used CDKeys before and it was fine.
I'm thinking of getting 12 months of ultimate. Assuming current ultimate subscription has lapsed, and I don't want to use VPN or non UK codes, I calculated the below:

Easiest (most expensive price)
Buy via console/ms site: 12x£14.99=£179.88.

Minimal faff (medium price)
cdkeys sell 3 months keys of gamepass ultimate for 22.99 so buying 4 of those and stacking would be £91.96 (monthly price £7.66).

Most faff (cheapest price)
12 months gold/core from cdkeys for £31.99
stack 2 codes for 24 months for £63.98
convert to 12 months of ultimate by paying 1 month £14.99

Total for 12 months ultimate 63.98+14.99=£78.97 (monthly price £6.58).

Does that sum it up?


Is this still the best way? Looks like core has gone up a bit now on cdkeys; £33.99 for 12 months.
Hi, it's been a while since I've done this ( 5+ years). If I bought two 12month core keys do I add/redeem them both to my account back to back and then it will still prompt me at some point after to upgtade to Ultimate (for £14.99). Just want to make sure the Ultimate part is not some prompt that once rejected never comes back again.
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