**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

I had 2 360's break on me. One was my original model, and I also had an original Elite go as well. I've had the Slim model pretty much since release and that has been rock solid, and I play it a hell of a lot.

Some people are just unlucky though I guess.
For the PS3's

YLOD, BluRay Laser, Currently on my PS3 Slim.

360's have been awful. must have had 4 RROD within the first 12 months.

I have a clean smoke free home with plenty of ventilation where I game.

The 360's have been a combination of RRoD, Drive failures and general hardware failure.

After my 11th one died I just couldn't be bothered to get another one. That was an Elite (Jasper? I think) which RRoD.
My Jasper Elite works but the HDMI is flakey due to my abuse (dont move your tv cabinet with it plugged in). My slim is fine, and very, very quiet.
Ultimately this is the most key point anyone can make. I've seen some people say how they're buying the PS4 simply because it's more powerful, yet haven't mentioned a single game they're interested in. That always seems weird to me.

It's not weird, in fact it's a very valid point.

Games will come and go as they always do, and more often than not games will not live up to the hype or get overshadowed by a better game. But everyone will want the best running/looking version of that game.

My point is I like a lot of others brought both the 360 and PS3 this generation, the reasoning behind this was to enjoy the best version of multiplatform games (360) and imo the best looking exclusives (PS3).

So in summary if I have to miss out on the odd exclusive on either platform to know my system runs the rest of the games great then so be it.
Ultimately this is the most key point anyone can make. I've seen some people say how they're buying the PS4 simply because it's more powerful, yet haven't mentioned a single game they're interested in. That always seems weird to me.

It doesn't help MS that their initial policies alienated a lot of people, and some haven't forgiven them for it. I do think some people are cutting off their noses to spite their face, but I guess a fair amount of people can't see past the "evil" policies MS were initially looking at.

Anyway, less than 3 weeks to go now. All being well, barring any last minute hitches or delivery issues, I should be playing Dead Rising 3 relatively soon, and I can't wait :D

Very true, I think some people now dont trust MS as if they thing Sony are out to sell the PS4 purely for the benefit of their consumers!

But then again I have friends on XBL who havent heard about any of this hoo-hah and will be buying an xbox1 oblivious to all the sandstorm their early policies threw up!
It's not weird, in fact it's a very valid point.

Games will come and go as they always do, and more often than not games will not live up to the hype or get overshadowed by a better game. But everyone will want the best running/looking version of that game.

My point is I like a lot of others brought both the 360 and PS3 this generation, the reasoning behind this was to enjoy the best version of multiplatform games (360) and imo the best looking exclusives (PS3).

So in summary if I have to miss out on the odd exclusive on either platform to know my system runs the rest of the games great then so be it.
Is it really a valid point, to buy a system (at launch I'm talking about) when there is nothing you want to play on it, simply because it's more powerful than the competition? I don't know about anyone else, but I buy a console to play games on, not to look at it and think about how powerful it is.
I'll be getting a PS4 simply because I have PSN subs till Dec 2016. So I might as well benefit from the free games.

I also have a Vita that I can use for remote play in bed :)

I won't be getting a PS4 until next year tho. I might get an Xbox One when it gets a hardware revision in the future.

I'm going to hold off on both consoles and wait for the launch reviews.

I hope you all enjoy both, even the Wii U (I just love that Mario and Zelda goodness :)
Ultimately this is the most key point anyone can make. I've seen some people say how they're buying the PS4 simply because it's more powerful, yet haven't mentioned a single game they're interested in. That always seems weird to me.

I'm one of those people :). I'm more excited about future potential then any one launch game or existing franchise. There will be a 90% overlap of games anyway and who knows what the big franchises of tomorrow will be. To me it makes the most sense to get the console with the best foundations for providing the greatest next generation experience.
and who knows what the big franchises of tomorrow will be.

This is my point though. I'm not saying don't buy a PS4, or you must buy an XB1 or anything like that, but if there's nothing at release that you're desperate for, why make a decision to tie yourself into a console when no-one knows what console will eventually end up with the best games.

To be clear though, I'm only talking about some people I've seen say they're buying the PS4 but actually don't seem to be interested in any of the release games. I just wonder if they're going to be sat there appreciating how shiny it looks, while everyone else is enjoying their games.
Yay, just had my days off confirmed for the 22nd, 25th and 26th November. With the 24th being my birthday I should have a lovely gaming weekend. All I'll need is Everton to beat Liverpool in the derby and my weekend will be complete :D
Enable your trust and you can email him through that :)

Don't think Shopto sell anything Amazon don't and we're allowed to mention them as long as it's not in relation to 'those' products.
Contacted via Trust (forgot about that)
To reply here, ShopTo are still fine to mention (as are pretty much all gaming shops). I've had this clarified with other Dons and Admins since I returned as a mod, so it's all good :)

Shami has it right though. If you're talking about Amazon or ShopTo in relation to games and games peripherals it's fine. If you're linking to the latest graphics card, it's not. Common sense really :)
To reply here, ShopTo are still fine to mention (as are pretty much all gaming shops). I've had this clarified with other Dons and Admins since I returned as a mod, so it's all good :)

Shami has it right though. If you're talking about Amazon or ShopTo in relation to games and games peripherals it's fine. If you're linking to the latest graphics card, it's not. Common sense really :)

Thanks for clarifying.
The Xbox One won't get a hardware revision. It might get a redesign like the Elite and Slim 360s did, but the hardware inside won't change.

I don't mean any hardware upgrades.

Redesign is what I mean, its still technically a hardware revision as the motherboard and maybe some chips may be shrunk, merged and re-arranged.
I don't mean any hardware upgrades.

Redesign is what I mean, its still technically a hardware revision as the motherboard and maybe some chips may be shrunk, merged and re-arranged.
Yeah I guess, I thought you were referring to something like an improved GPU or something like that :)
Is it really a valid point, to buy a system (at launch I'm talking about) when there is nothing you want to play on it, simply because it's more powerful than the competition? I don't know about anyone else, but I buy a console to play games on, not to look at it and think about how powerful it is.

Unless the launch line up is really poor I'm sure everyone will find something to play and enjoy. And tbh it's no different to people wanting a game before we even know if it's any good. Will you still be hyped for Dead Rising 3 if it reviews poorly?

I'm one of those people :). I'm more excited about future potential then any one launch game or existing franchise. There will be a 90% overlap of games anyway and who knows what the big franchises of tomorrow will be. To me it makes the most sense to get the console with the best foundations for providing the greatest next generation experience.

Totally agree.
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