**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Lol at people STILL playing down the power difference. You are in for a rude awakening soon. Why don't you stop talking about graphics and just talk about the games?
Why would they be? The only way games will looks the same is if the game is only going to be developed to the lowest common denominator (XB1).

I think for some studios, their games will be. With the architecture being similar, it would be the cheapest thing to do.

The PS4 will probably give a higher frame rate however, with all things being equal. Also, the studios wouldn't want to make their games look significantly worse on one platform over the other.

The likelihood is exclusive games are where the biggest margin will be. So on paper, if you want the best looking games, (not necessary the best games) then I would hedge my bet on the playstaion.
Lol at people STILL playing down the power difference. You are in for a rude awakening soon. Why don't you stop talking about graphics and just talk about the games?

False information? Like pushing the power difference on consoles before they are even released, let alone mature?:confused:
False information? Like pushing the power difference on consoles before they are even released, let alone mature?:confused:

The power difference is fact, we know the difference, we can see the difference already in the launch games, and there will always be a difference becsuse the hardware isn't changing. It just seems microsoft fans keep trying to deny this, which is wrong when some people who aren't in the know might want to base their next gen purchase on which console is the most powerful.

Is it really so hard to just admit that games will not look or run the same on both consoles, but that you don't mind because you sre buying it for the exclusive games?
I think for some studios, their games will be. With the architecture being similar, it would be the cheapest thing to do.

The PS4 will probably give a higher frame rate however, with all things being equal. Also, the studios wouldn't want to make their games look significantly worse on one platform over the other.

The likelihood is exclusive games are where the biggest margin will be. So on paper, if you want the best looking games, (not necessary the best games) then I would hedge my bet on the playstaion.

Hopefully this generation will see some glorious exclusives on both consoles. The PS4 will, obviously, have better looking exclusives, would be hard to deny that.

But the XB1 could make for some very immersive games. The developers know that every console has kinect. We could have accurate voice commands for squadmates, physically leaning to peer around corners, horror games that actually know your heart-rate (and so how scared you actually are). The PS4 can't do any of that nearly as well as the XB1 can.
I think also there is no points taking sides, with consoles that have 7 - 8 years of longevity, most of us will end up with both. Even if you are 18 years old now, in a few years, after you finished university, the consoles will be in its full stride and you would likely to be working full time so there is plenty of time in the life of the console for people to afford them both and enjoy the best of both.
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Is it really so hard to just admit that games will not look or run the same on both consoles, but that you don't mind because you sre buying it for the exclusive games?

I don't care about the power difference due to wanting the exclusives.

But the gap will be a gap, not a monstrous chasm.

Have you been following me Raymond? ;)
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I think also there is no points taking sides, with consoles that have 7 - 8 years of longevity, most of us will end up with both. Even if you are 18 years old now, in a few years, after you finished university, the consoles will be in its full stride and you would likely to be working full time so there is plenty of time in the life of the console for people to afford them both and enjoy the best of both.

This matches my view, If the PS4 is streets ahead in two or three years that is when I will pick one up
One of the biggest factors for me is I've never really regained trust in MS for the 360 failure rate.

During it's lifetime I went through 11x 360's compared to 3x PS3's. A mixture of hardware fails from RROD, YLOD, DVD bearings going etc.

I'm holding off for a long time before I go anywhere near MS hardware again.
The power difference is fact, we know the difference, we can see the difference already in the launch games, and there will always be a difference becsuse the hardware isn't changing. It just seems microsoft fans keep trying to deny this, which is wrong when some people who aren't in the know might want to base their next gen purchase on which console is the most powerful.

Is it really so hard to just admit that games will not look or run the same on both consoles, but that you don't mind because you sre buying it for the exclusive games?

I know the PS4 is more powerful and yes there will be graphical differences but YES it is all about the games. I am buying both, whoever in my opinion the power difference isn't enough for someone to make the decision based on computes alone, its still primarily a software decision.

No point buying a PS4 then spend you time wishing you had Titanfall and Halo, conversely there is no point buying a XB1 and wishing you were playing Uncharted 4 or whatever.
No point buying a PS4 then spend you time wishing you had Titanfall and Halo, conversely there is no point buying a XB1 and wishing you were playing Uncharted 4 or whatever.

Ultimately this is the most key point anyone can make. I've seen some people say how they're buying the PS4 simply because it's more powerful, yet haven't mentioned a single game they're interested in. That always seems weird to me.

It doesn't help MS that their initial policies alienated a lot of people, and some haven't forgiven them for it. I do think some people are cutting off their noses to spite their face, but I guess a fair amount of people can't see past the "evil" policies MS were initially looking at.

Anyway, less than 3 weeks to go now. All being well, barring any last minute hitches or delivery issues, I should be playing Dead Rising 3 relatively soon, and I can't wait :D
Well, I personally want Titanfall, but I know I can get that on PC if I really need to. And while Dead Rising 3 looks fun, I disliked the first so intently that I never even tried the 2nd.

And when I look back on this gens exclusives, the only ones I really cared for were Gears of War - also Mass Effect and Alan Wake, but those moved to other platforms.

Whereas PS3 had a lot more exlusives I liked.

I would like to own both, and am still toying with getting a XB One, but not sure I can justify it.

Interesting link regarding EULA:

Specifically the point about consent to share info with third parties. I wouldn't want to consent to that, but then I wouldn't be accepting the EULA, which means I would likely be barred from Live...
You're referring to this bit I assume?

More app experiences available via Xbox Live are provided by a partner with whom you may have a separate online account. If you choose to link this account with your Xbox Live account, we confirm key data points across the accounts by sharing data such as your name, address, email address and date of birth with the partner.

That just reads to me that if you link your XBL account to any 3rd party app, they will share some details with that 3rd party (which the 3rd party may already have). Don't have any real issues with that personally.
One of the biggest factors for me is I've never really regained trust in MS for the 360 failure rate.

During it's lifetime I went through 11x 360's compared to 3x PS3's. A mixture of hardware fails from RROD, YLOD, DVD bearings going etc.

I'm holding off for a long time before I go anywhere near MS hardware again.

I would have said neither of those are acceptable. But 11! Jesus! :eek:
He only went through 11 because he kept them wrapped up in towels, in the airing cupboard.


11 is nuts though :(
I would question as to what the hell you are doing with them that you also managed to go through 3 PS3's

I too would have to ask this question. Even with the RROD problem it only ever happened to me once and by that time the new slim model had been released so I could replace it with no worries of it happening again. To go through 11 you must have been just dropping them off your roof :p
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