**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

DR:3 looks very nice in that vid... better than what I thought in the early promo vids. I'll definitely be picking that up once I'm bored with Battlefield 4 (might be in the Classics bin by then) :D
Cancelled my pre-order, being a PC gamer the resolution thing does bother me some. Had some good years with the 360, I just don't like the direction Microsoft are going in for the price they are commanding.

Can anyone recall how long it took them to drop the 360 price?
Some talk of Ryse.

I spent two hours with the Xbox One title, but it felt like I was entering random numbers into a computer rather than actually playing a video game.

After a painfully generic story intro, the game began teaching me similarly uninspired combat mechanics. While it tries to sound like an in-depth action game with familiar elements like perfectly-timed blocks and focus meters, the actual experience is anything but deep.

With my left hand completely off the controller, I was able to slice and dice through tons of enemies simply by inputting the same sequence ad nauseum. On a couple of occasions, the game would shift to sequences that involved me defending an area with crossbow stations or ordering my men to block arrows with their shields. These were somehow even less exciting than the tedious swordplay.


Ryse: Son of Rome feels like all sizzle and no steak. It's a procession of CPU-controlled warriors lining up to fall on protagonist Marius' sword in a stylish slow-mo ballet of blood and dismemberment. Killing enemies feels less and less triumphant with each strike, which is kind of a problem when the main focus of the game is seeing just how high you can stack the corpses.


Well it looks like it is not being award for xbox live length. Ive been a gold member for 8 years, and got no email. Granted not a very high Gamerscore, but still ive paid MS each year for my gold service. Not happy.
It could be to do with Xbox Live Rewards as well. I've been a member of that for a while as well, so it could be a combination of gamerscore and Reward status.

Edit: Here's a link about it - http://www.oxm.co.uk/65597/microsof...inct-game-for-free-to-selected-xbox-one-fans/

I got it too...

140k Gamerscore but only just renewed my gold, was a member for about 6 years but not had an active sub for the last 1-2 years. And i've barely played more then 10 hours on the console in that time either, it's just a paper weight!

Not sure of their criteria!
Been quick reading about how cloud could force games to reboot mid way etc if so that's bloody retarded and will **** me off if true. They need a new pr team they have failed at all pr this time
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