**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Been quick reading about how cloud could force games to reboot mid way etc if so that's bloody retarded and will **** me off if true. They need a new pr team they have failed at all pr this time

I don't believe this at all. You would just do updates in batches. Nothing more than FUD.
Ignore me as ign just posted this CORRECTION: Our original story suggested that players' Xbox One consoles may reboot without warning due to cloud updates. This has been corrected to note that it's the host servers that may reboot during multiplayer games. We regret the error.
They have gotten allot worse last couple years in every regard
Ignore me as ign just posted this CORRECTION: Our original story suggested that players' Xbox One consoles may reboot without warning due to cloud updates. This has been corrected to note that it's the host servers that may reboot during multiplayer games. We regret the error.
They have gotten allot worse last couple years in every regard

It wouldn't even do that. Common sense,just stop allowing new lobbies until the server is empty, THEN reboot.


It's a really old gif that one and obviously early version of the game. Previews aren't doing it any favours atm but I'll hold off judgement until I see some proper reviews.

It's a really old gif that one and obviously early version of the game. Previews aren't doing it any favours atm but I'll hold off judgement until I see some proper reviews.
Ah, so I'm meant to be laughing at the graphics in the 1 second, really badly compressed gif?
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