**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

My preorder is with Toys R Us . Status is waiting on due date on consignment. Spoke to toys r us and they say they are waiting on microsoft delivery and all should be ok ...

Hope this puts anyone one like me a little at ease.....

Me neither please just dispatch, I'm all Set for friday will be poor without the main event
Dear Mr xxxxxx,

Good News!

We've despatched your order - if we've not already delivered it your order will be with you in the next few days. If when you ordered we told you we'd call you to arrange your delivery date, you can expect to hear from us shortly.

Order Reference: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Delivery Address
Console Day One Edition with Forza Motorsport 5 3NPG419
So, it got rated better than the ps4 by Polygon....could we be seeing more of this?

I'm not sure using Polygon is a good example. According to many sites and early users the voice recognition is very hit and miss, this alone should knock the console down a bit...it is after all one of the major feature of the X1.

I think its very early in both consoles lifetimes to be marking out of 10 personally.
My preorder is with Toys R Us . Status is waiting on due date on consignment. Spoke to toys r us and they say they are waiting on microsoft delivery and all should be ok ...

Hope this puts anyone one like me a little at ease.....

Me neither please just dispatch, I'm all Set for friday will be poor without the main event

Still waiting on delivery from Microsoft ??!??
I'm not sure using Polygon is a good example. According to many sites and early users the voice recognition is very hit and miss, this alone should knock the console down a bit...it is after all one of the major feature of the X1.

They acknowledge that in their review :)

I think its very early in both consoles lifetimes to be marking out of 10 personally.

I agree. I actually think it makes no sense to score them at all, considering both consoles will be ever evolving. Just list the good points and bad points and leave it at that.
They acknowledge that in their review :)

I agree. I actually think it makes no sense to score them at all, considering both consoles will be ever evolving. Just list the good points and bad points and leave it at that.

They acknowledge a major flaw yet still rate it an 8 ? Sure it can be patched but you review what's in front of you. Not having the voice stuff nailed down after all those Microsoft videos is inexcusable...

For balance, the escapist chose the PS4. Its all about what games and UI you prefer, from what ive seen I prefer the PS4. I auto login so the face stuff doesn't interest me and I prefer to watch my sky on my sky box...maybe that will change but hey ho.
They acknowledge a major flaw yet still rate it an 8 ? Sure it can be patched but you review what's in front of you. Not having the voice stuff nailed down after all those Microsoft videos is inexcusable...

I wouldn't call it a major flaw personally. The hit and miss seems to be more apparent when there are other people in the room talking. That's completely expected IMO.
You understand how many different accents for English alone there are? Of course they wont be perfect on launch. It would be foolish to think otherwise.

Then why make out that it is ?

They have had enough time with the Kinect now to get it working, especially when certain aspects such as "XBOX play FORZA" seem to work fine yet the TV side doesn't...

The guys using it now, Scott Lowe for example hardly have an unrecognisable accent..
Cancelled my preorder for my day one edition, and kept the PS4 preorder.

I know I'll get the XBO eventually, but I'm waiting to see how the resolution thing pans out.
I wouldn't call it a major flaw personally. The hit and miss seems to be more apparent when there are other people in the room talking. That's completely expected IMO.

Reports are advising its hit and miss without people in the room (EDIT).

I think when the USP of a console is the Kinect and that USP doesn't work as it should then its a major flaw...personally.
You won't be throwing away your remotes once it's done so, but what genuinely surprised us is how well the Kinect-powered voice controls work. Navigating the user interface is usually easier using voice than it is with traditional joypad inputs, because the quality of the speech recognition is highly accomplished. We were impressed by the accuracy of the PS4 version last week, but its dictionary is significantly more limited than Xbox One's. Virtually every major UI option, game or app is accessible by voice on Xbox One and, by our reckoning, accuracy is probably in the 90 per cent range.

Indeed, it's not knowing exactly what to say that accounts for many of voice control's misfires, rather than issues with recognition itself. Some commands require an "Xbox" prefix, others don't; sometimes Kinect seems to be in listen mode, other times it isn't. There's an inconsistency that doesn't feel quite right. What does work well is the UI's highlighting of specific options in green text - when Kinect is in "listen" mode, it's awaiting those specific commands, but when the text is white, Xbox One needs to be prompted back into voice recognition mode.

From Eurogamer.
Hit and miss but when it works its brilliant, when it doesn't well it obviously doesn't. Personally id expect it to be higher then "probably 90 percent" but they should iron that out.

Does the Xone have to be on for you to watch Sky etc when using it through the X1 or does it work on standby ?

Giantbomb were inconclusive on their podcast.

I will get the X1, just not right now :).
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