**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Pre-paid my order at game this morning, all i have to do is go to the midnight release then its a job done.

Why are some of you guys leaving it so late to pre order.
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Oh dear, seems there is a massive oversight with the Xbox One supporting 5.1/7.1 via the optical out, meaning my A40's will be stereo only!!!


Oh MS will you ever learn! Not only do they change the plug so all old headsets don't work until the release of the adapter at some undefined time in the future they also rule out the use of them as earphones too. Surely they are going to have to change this though?

It makes me glad I haven't got an order for day 1, as if they don't fix these things really off putting of getting a xbone.

It's early in the morning for me and I'm not totally awake yet but I've read that twice and still feel like I need to clarify, will my headset not have surround sound available for this on launch?

Depends on your exact set up but probably not.
what are the chances of someone getting an xbox one before Christmas if they didn't pre-order ? lol (not me I don't want one, found out my stepson does though but to stupid to preorder)
Easily I would have thought, just pre order now. I'm sure Game are still advertising guaranteed by Christmas.
No. The Xbox One does not output 7.1/5.1 via Optical Out.


Really not happy about this.

Are we referring solely to the Kotaku article? Only skimmed it, but I thought they were referencing the throughput. Games movies et al from the xbox itself will all be 5.1/7.1 optical out surely?
most places stated you can still get one before christmas check online. only difference is it won't be day one edition or have the free game

yea but even the MS website is out of stock with a warning saying people won't get them on release but some time before december 31st with no more orders taken
Are we referring solely to the Kotaku article? Only skimmed it, but I thought they were referencing the throughput. Games movies et al from the xbox itself will all be 5.1/7.1 optical out surely?

I certainly hope so, but reading NeoGAF they seem pretty certain the XB1 does not output 7.1/5.1 via Optical Out ONLY via HDMI.

I read it that it is throughput too, as they talk about cable boxes and other setups, I would hope having the optical out straight out the back to the Mixamp gives the surround Sound.

Guess I'll find out in two days time.
Otherwise, it downmixes your cable's 5.1 surround to stereo.

People people. The Xbox One can output surround sound from the optical port. It just won't do it for US Cable boxes being sent through the HDMI input at launch. You have nothing to worry about unless you were plugging in your Sky box.
No 5/7.1 from optical out seems a large oversight as its a blu-ray player too.
It wont affect things for me as I'll keep my nice Pioneer BD anyways, there is room in my TV unit to replace the 360 with the One, and use pass through so everything can hook to my tv via HDMI.
BD and Sky have optical and analogue direct to amp as is., so will the one when it arrives. would be a bummer if the games aren't 5.1 though.

The only question is will passthrough work as an straight through even if the One is totally off, if so Sky gets to share, if not I'll hook the BD player on pass through.

Edit, after seeing Tobes post, all is right again :)
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People people. The Xbox One can output surround sound from the optical port. It just won't do it for US Cable boxes being sent through the HDMI input at launch. You have nothing to worry about unless you were plugging in your Sky box.

That makes more sense.

Connecting your Sky box to the Xbox at this stage seems rather pointless anyway, considering the lack of functionality.
People people. The Xbox One can output surround sound from the optical port. It just won't do it for US Cable boxes being sent through the HDMI input at launch. You have nothing to worry about unless you were plugging in your Sky box.

Shame it doesnt support sky yet really :p
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