**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Unfortunately the deciding factor for me is the controller, I can't use the dual shocks at all, they feel terrible in my hand. I'd probably sacrifice performance in favour of using the 360 pad.
Has anybody though that not charging for second hand games could hurt Sony, if Microsoft stick to there guns and charge then surly games developers will want to develop more for Xbox one as there guaranteed to get more money from there games rather than the ps4

It depends if the consumer is stupid and buys the Xbone in enough numbers. Same goes for Sony if they go the same route.

Less new games will be bought full stop as people depend on the resale value of their old games to be able to buy new ones.
Unfortunately the deciding factor for me is the controller, I can't use the dual shocks at all, they feel terrible in my hand. I'd probably sacrifice performance in favour of using the 360 pad.

I prefer the Xbox controller for some things and the Dual shock for others.

I use the 360 pad exclusively on the pc though.
Oh great " d pads" im sure they are great to use in the modern 3d era.

Lets face it the sticks were just bolted on in the most aweful place just so they didnt fall behind the N64.
Unfortunately the deciding factor for me is the controller, I can't use the dual shocks at all, they feel terrible in my hand. I'd probably sacrifice performance in favour of using the 360 pad.

Yes, me too. I'll need to find somewhere that will let me hold the DualShock 4 before I commit to buying a PS4.
No it isn't "bad design."

The sticks are wider, the dpad is still awesome and it now has a touch pad .

I'll admit the d pad is better on the PS3 controller, but the controller overall is too light and feels very uncomfortable to me. Until we see what they actually do with the touch pad, we can't know if it is anything more than a gimmick.
Oh great " d pads" im sure they are great to use in the modern 3d era.

But they are still in use in a lot of games? Even if it's just weapon switching. And a crappy d-pad can still make for a crappy experience in that case.

Literally with the early 360 controller dpad you could not even switch weapons reliably using it. It was awful.
Same here, I hate a lot of what MS have done with the XBOne but the 360 pad is so much better (for me) than the PS3 controller that I find myself leaning towards the XBOne just because I know that playing FPS on the PS4 controller will leave me wanting my 360 pad back.

I'll no doubt end up buying both of them (hell, I bought a Wii U so I obviously have no sense or control) but if they are released close to together as it seems they will be then I'll probably go the MS way unless Sony's launch line up is much stronger.
Yep its still the same bad design that is what over 10 years old now.

The grips are longer and a bit wider which should, by my reckoning, make it quite a bit more comfortable as your hands won't be so far up on the pad.

As with everything else though, people are seemingly intent on passing judgement and making purchase decisions before any of this stuff has actually been put in the hands of people.
Supposing that the second hand market is what rumours suggest, wouldn't that reduce the price of the games at launch? I know PC games are much different in terms of licensing and a single license is tied to the account but games in general are cheaper at launch, like £25 and that seems reasonable for decent games, I suppose!
If it's a small reasonable fee then it might lead people to change there mind but when ms said it would be msrp it's just ridiculous.

I don't have any problems with publishers making some money back from used games as the prices that retailers charge for used games is just ridiculous. BUT publishers need to be sensible.

There was that article saying retailers would only get 10% of the price of a used game. Whereas I think it should be the publisher that gets 10% of the resale price of a game.
So that way when it first sells the publisher gets the most money and then when it re-sells the retailer gets most of the money. That's fair for everybody and hopefully the consumer wouldn't suffer too much. Really it should mean you'd get maybe £3 less on the price of a trade in game than you do now.
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