Poll: *** Xbox Series X|S - General Discussion Thread ***

Which will you buy?

  • Series X

    Votes: 536 59.4%
  • Series S

    Votes: 107 11.8%
  • Not interested

    Votes: 235 26.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 25 2.8%

  • Total voters
AC Valhalla and Star Wars Squadrons. I won’t be bothering with Cyberpunk until a Series X patch is out.

I want the XIII remake as well but will wait for a sale.


Don't see it happening, timed maybe but I highly doubt it will just be flat out exclusive. Anyway, after the mediocre FO4 I'm only really interested in ES6 as I loved Skyrim despite it being dumbed down.

“This deal was not done to take games away from another player base. Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was: ‘How do we keep other players from playing these games?’ We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games.”

He is coming cross as pro-consumer so not sure why they would do that. Guess we will find out in 5 years whenever the next game is actually out.
It’s not about denying PS5 players the Bethesda games. It’s about getting those PS5 players to buy an Xbox Series X|S as well or using Game Pass on Xcloud. So everyone can play... in a fashion!
Do we know yet if the 4k blu Ray player will play dolby vision disc movies? I know it supports dv games and streaming but what about dolby vision movie discs?
Don't see it happening, timed maybe but I highly doubt it will just be flat out exclusive. Anyway, after the mediocre FO4 I'm only really interested in ES6 as I loved Skyrim despite it being dumbed down.

He is coming cross as pro-consumer so not sure why they would do that. Guess we will find out in 5 years whenever the next game is actually out.

"Asked whether it’s possible to recoup the organisation’s enormous investment by skipping PlayStation’s sizeable install base, Spencer replied resolutely: “Yes.” But he added some additional context: “This deal was not done to take games away from another player base. Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was: ‘How do we keep other players from playing these games?’ We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games.”

However, he admitted that his company “doesn’t have to go ship those games on any other platform other than the platforms that we support in order to kind of make the deal work for us”. It’s still a slightly ambiguous statement from the executive, because he’s technically answering the question of whether Microsoft will get a return on its investment by not releasing on PlayStation platforms – but he never actually says they won’t ship on PS5."

Seems like quite a genuine response to me. They don't need to put games on PS5 for the investment to make sense. But they aren't actively trying to steal games away from players. It'll be interesting to see how this works in practice. They're sticking the Game Pass cloud service in a browser next year, which is how they're getting round the Apple problem. Could a similar solution be possible on PS5?
Why is it needed for Xbox to put Bethesda games on the PS5?? Xbox spent the money to booster their own lineup on Console,PC and Xcloud. If Sony had purchased Bethesda it would no question be Playstation exclusive with maybe a PC port 2-3 years down the line.
Why is it needed for Xbox to put Bethesda games on the PS5?? Xbox spent the money to booster their own lineup on Console,PC and Xcloud. If Sony had purchased Bethesda it would no question be Playstation exclusive with maybe a PC port 2-3 years down the line.

Yep, and those of us that only play on the Xbox wouldn't hear the end of it from the Sony fanboys. I'm sick of hearing about exclusives for Sony. I've not had a PlayStation since the PS2, and have never been bothered about the exclusivity of games, but the fanboys shout it from the rooftops that Xbox has crap exclusives and the PS has amazing exclusives (not that I believe that, loads of Xbox exclusives are amazing as far as I'm concerned).

It's not like they couldn't make some of the exclusives work on the Xbox. They purely don't to monopolise them. Death Stranding came to the PC, Detroit: Become Human did etc so I'm sure it wouldn't have been difficult to put them out on the Xbox as well but they chose not to so as far as I'm concerned, I hope that Microsoft do make ES6 an Xbox and PC exclusive. It would be an odd business model to buy out a stuido and then continue to make games for the competition. I'm sure that they'd rather keep them for their own services and make more money that way.
Unfortunately Xbox messed up with the Don Mattrick era leading into the Xbone launch. It's taken Phil Spencer this whole generation to build back up the game studios and turn everything around.

The Microsoft gaming ecosystem now has 23 studios pumping out content for Xbox,PC, X-Cloud and for Game Pass. They don't care where you play and currently pushing Game Pass massively. This is where they want to grow hugely over the next few years. With Sony increasing game prices and most 3rd party doing the same the Game Pass value proposition is great.

There will be much more consolidation in the gaming market over the next few years. Microsoft is still looking for more studios with rumours pointing to two new ones already about the be completed and announced by years end. Sony are looking for more along with Amazon/Apple/Google all looking to throw into the mix. Its going to be a rough few years with everyone's walled gardens and timed deals etc.

Hang on, so you cite monopolising exclusives as a negative but you want ES6 to be exclusive. Surely you can see the hypocrisy there.
I think by the time ES6 is even near completion we will have had a hardware revision and there will be cheaper models available so shouldn't really be an issue if someone wants both consoles. Anyone who chooses to miss out on games because of brand loyalty is just plain weird.
So what are all of your day 1/first couple of weeks games going to be?

I’m fancying Gears 5 (not played), AC Valhalla and then Cyberpunk.

Cyberpunk would be my number one but since we have to wait for release it will probably be Subnautica.

Even on the One X performance wasn't great so I'm hoping even without a patch the brute force power of the Series X will get this running smoothly.
I'm getting both consoles and I have a gaming laptop so for me I guess its "I'm alright Jack". But I can see why not releasing Bethesda titles on PS5 will be a problem for a lot of PS5 only gamers, if it actually comes to that.

One one hand it seems like a cynical move to boost console sales. On the other it seems like they are just moving towards a more Sony-like studio development strategy, and gamers that can't or don't want both platforms will need to choose which gaming lineup is best for them. I think there will be some cracking content this gen across both consoles though, so I doubt gamers will be struggling to play decent content.

Its probably never going to happen but I would love to see id revisiting some of their other franchises. I just hope Bethesda don't cartoonyfy them like they have with Doom Eternal.
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