Yep, and those of us that only play on the Xbox wouldn't hear the end of it from the Sony fanboys. I'm sick of hearing about exclusives for Sony. I've not had a PlayStation since the PS2, and have never been bothered about the exclusivity of games, but the fanboys shout it from the rooftops that Xbox has crap exclusives and the PS has amazing exclusives (not that I believe that, loads of Xbox exclusives are amazing as far as I'm concerned).
It's not like they couldn't make some of the exclusives work on the Xbox. They purely don't to monopolise them. Death Stranding came to the PC, Detroit: Become Human did etc so I'm sure it wouldn't have been difficult to put them out on the Xbox as well but they chose not to so as far as I'm concerned, I hope that Microsoft do make ES6 an Xbox and PC exclusive. It would be an odd business model to buy out a stuido and then continue to make games for the competition. I'm sure that they'd rather keep them for their own services and make more money that way.
I would imagine Bethesda games being a timed exclusive rather than a complete exclusive. Release first on Xbox and the say 6 months later PlayStation release ?
But why? Would you expect the same if Sony had purchased them instead?
it will probably be Subnautica.
Even on the One X performance wasn't great so I'm hoping even without a patch the brute force power of the Series X will get this running smoothly.
What a bafflingly immature and hypocritical attitude.
Thanks for your valuable input there. Would you like to expand on why you feel the need to say that?
Probably not, but then that's sort of the point because MS have demonstrated several times over the past few years that they aren't entirely obsessed with making games exclusive to their console. They've improved their offering on PC, and have continued to support other games such as Minecraft on other platforms including the PS4.
It may well be that they hope the appeal of such a large catalogue of future titles will be enough to bring people over to Xbox/Gamepass, but they'll also be well aware that a key reason Bethesda is such a valuable acquisition is because of their continued support on other platforms including PlayStation. The value of Gamepass mostly speaks for itself, but they'll still make games available to buy individually for those that prefer that.
The whining about Sony fanboys then coming across as an Xbox one, for a start.
Sony started this nonsense. Now their followers can’t handle that Microsoft have fought back. The whole thing is ridiculous and terrible for the consumer, but the obsessives can’t see this.
Exactly this! No one says a word when Sony is money-hatting games constantly, they get away with it being the market leader. Just like they didn't want to make games cross play but they got forced by Nintendo,Xbox and PC using cross play between their platforms.
Shady anti consumer practices are horrible unless it benefits Sony's walled garden.
Sony have done their fair share of buying exclusives or timed exclusives
There wasn't any whining about Sony fanboys in my post. You sound like a salty Sony fanboy to be honest.
I made a point about how PS players are always going on about how superior their exclusives are, and now when Microsoft pull something pretty big by buying out Bethesda, they're all going nuts because the games might be exclusive to Xbox. That's hypocrisy tbh.
I hope that Microsoft do make ES6 an Xbox and PC exclusive.
It really sucks as it's been said for those who can't or wont pay for two platforms which is understandable. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed many Sony exclusives over the years but to suggest that any reasonable person wouldn't want others to enjoy them on their chosen platform is beyond logical.