Microsoft seems to have done a great job of selling a machine with no games. I can't knock the job they have done this time creating the kind of must have it desire they did around the 360 launch. People scrambling for pre-orders, only this time there's next to nothing of interest to play. People keep quoting the improvements to Gears, you know the game no one in Europe plays. I've never seen a console launch where there's so little I'd want to play or available but seemingly selling so well. Kudos to them. Even having only the xbox one I can't see any reason to bite for 6 months at least.
Just been into Smyths. They had an allocation of 12,000 machines and if you have a pre order you are guaranteed a machine. Regarding lockdown, they will have a click and collect service and the rest of the payment will be taken when the machine is collected.Cheers Mate. Am just wondering how I will pay the remainder if they start a click and collect due to lockdown. Think they are already doing this in parts of the UK.
Thanks Mate. That's nice to know. Happy days.Just been into Smyths. They had an allocation of 12,000 machines and if you have a pre order you are guaranteed a machine. Regarding lockdown, they will have a click and collect service and the rest of the payment will be taken when the machine is collected.
Microsoft seems to have done a great job of selling a machine with no games. I can't knock the job they have done this time creating the kind of must have it desire they did around the 360 launch. People scrambling for pre-orders, only this time there's next to nothing of interest to play. People keep quoting the improvements to Gears, you know the game no one in Europe plays. I've never seen a console launch where there's so little I'd want to play or available but seemingly selling so well. Kudos to them. Even having only the xbox one I can't see any reason to bite for 6 months at least.
Microsoft seems to have done a great job of selling a machine with no games. I can't knock the job they have done this time creating the kind of must have it desire they did around the 360 launch. People scrambling for pre-orders, only this time there's next to nothing of interest to play. People keep quoting the improvements to Gears, you know the game no one in Europe plays. I've never seen a console launch where there's so little I'd want to play or available but seemingly selling so well. Kudos to them. Even having only the xbox one I can't see any reason to bite for 6 months at least.
I think he or she means no launch exclusives. It is pretty unusual not to have at least one at a new launch, to be fair.
Yeah exactly, I understand everyone is different and I think back compatibility is great even if I almost never revisit games but I don't see the rush, but they have created demand by 'limited stock' perfectly again. The fear of missing out. I'd rather play new games and expect some when a new console comes out. But hey at least they have cured the god awful input lag on Gears 5.
I played a bit of Dirt and Valhalla and tbh they ran really well but I would not say they locked especially next gen in comparison to what we have seen already on PS4 and Xbox. I’m just hoping they actually utilise the hardware rather than just a bit better than base systems.
You played them on series x? Valhalla is running at 60fps 4k, odyssey ran at 1800p 30fps.
Just those differences should be immediately next gen...
This is a ridiculous statement.. the entire Xbox library is available.. why would anyone upgrade their PC only to play the same games? £449 isn't a lot of money for significant visual improvements..
I play sea of thieves and assassin's creed a lot having them in 60fps is worth the price alone.. not even mentioning all the upcoming games..
you don’t get that wow feeling like before.
My brain is currently conditioned to PS3-level visuals. I've been using that console for almost a month now catching up on some old trophies and whatnot. Saving all the PS4 games to play on PS5 so I'm expected to be "wowed" when I get one.I haven't had an Xbox for years so looking forward to being "wowed" by Gears 2 and 3 in 4K as well.