Poll: *** Xbox Series X|S - General Discussion Thread ***

Which will you buy?

  • Series X

    Votes: 536 59.4%
  • Series S

    Votes: 107 11.8%
  • Not interested

    Votes: 235 26.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 25 2.8%

  • Total voters
I disagree. I’ve already played Gears 5 on my PC albeit at 1080p and thought it was the second best entry. Loved it. Hence why I am looking forward to playing them all again on Xbox in 4K. I can’t wait for Gears 6 to come along.
I find the gears games enjoyable as a bit of mindless violent fun.

But do agree it couldn't hurt Ms to find a killer new ip.

I thoroughly enjoy a number of the ps exclusives such as horizon, lou, gow - enough that i will get a ps5 just for them.
But the series S won't play xbox one x enhanced games...

I'd also be stuck on an ageing architecture that struggles to run most games at a steady 30fps? No thank you. :p

I'll be playing all the Gears games over the holidays I reckon. I only ever played the first one not long after I bought my first 360 back in 2008.
When you look at Sony games like Zero Dawn, MS don’t seem to have much equivalent currently, it was a truly fantastic game. Long term though they seem to be moving in this direction. There are no games I want more than Fallout 5 and ES6.
No amount of Next Gen can polish those turds. I'm a huge Gears fan but 4 and a 5 are such dreadful campaigns. Even Gears 2 onwards the games are so far behind anything else that get's released at the same time. Gears 1 was of it's time, people were blown away by the visuals and gore. Now it's just a dreadful story, boring campaign and more colourful visuals. As I said before Gears is so dead in Europe I can't believe they have bothered updating the campaign so you can play with another skin as the main character.

"I'm a huge Gears fan"

But 4 and 5 had dreadful campaigns. And Gears 2 onward were all behind the times. And the first game is boring, with a dreadful story :p

Not saying you're wrong though. I played through the original trilogy as it came out and enjoyed them, though I was getting a bit bored of the formula by the time I completed Gears 3. I skipped Judgement. And I didn't own an Xbox when 4 came out. Tried to get back in to the series with Gears Ultimate, but it didn't click with me at all. Then tried again with Gears 5. 5 looks stunning. And I didn't dislike the game. But... it's been out over a year now and I still haven't finished it. That speaks volumes really. It hasn't gripped me at all.
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When you look at Sony games like Zero Dawn, MS don’t seem to have much equivalent currently, it was a truly fantastic game. Long term though they seem to be moving in this direction. There are no games I want more than Fallout 5 and ES6.

Both titles are extensions to existing franchises. Im also personally very much looking forward to ES6 - but its still going to broadly reflect all previous ES titles.

It would be great to have a couple of awesome new IP's - new worlds, new lore, new gameplay etc. Something to really take advantage of the new consoles and not just tarting up of existing content with patches or running endless remastered titles. I have been playing AC Odyssey recently and whilst I am enjoying it, it stikes me that it is practically the exact same gameplay as Origins. Similar terrain and structure design ratios and NPC behaviour too. Its basically the same game re-skinned.

In terms of enhanced or remastered games its monumentally lazy and safe development and as long as gamers keep lapping it up, we won't see new IP. Why would devs bother if they can reskin a 5yr old game and flog millions of copies?
I think Microsoft need to let it go and produce some outstanding new IP. Gaming has moved on, they should too.

Totally agree with everything you said and I'm a daily Gears player. The only good thing about gears the last 8 years has been the PVE modes. Beast, Over run, Escape and Horde. The rest is dire. The campaigns and PVP need to be forgotten. As you say I think they should move on with new Games and IP.
Both titles are extensions to existing franchises. Im also personally very much looking forward to ES6 - but its still going to broadly reflect all previous ES titles.

It would be great to have a couple of awesome new IP's - new worlds, new lore, new gameplay etc. Something to really take advantage of the new consoles and not just tarting up of existing content with patches or running endless remastered titles. I have been playing AC Odyssey recently and whilst I am enjoying it, it stikes me that it is practically the exact same gameplay as Origins. Similar terrain and structure design ratios and NPC behaviour too. Its basically the same game re-skinned.

In terms of enhanced or remastered games its monumentally lazy and safe development and as long as gamers keep lapping it up, we won't see new IP. Why would devs bother if they can reskin a 5yr old game and flog millions of copies?

Hopefully starfield will bring something new and exciting.
I disagree. I’ve already played Gears 5 on my PC albeit at 1080p and thought it was the second best entry. Loved it. Hence why I am looking forward to playing them all again on Xbox in 4K. I can’t wait for Gears 6 to come along.

Do you play the Multiplayer?

Second best entry? When you consider the previous games where the music starts, you kill 4 enemies then the music dies off, you walk forward a few steps with a finger in the ear, music starts again on the next set piece it's not really a great endorsement ;)

Then tried again with Gears 5. 5 looks stunning. And I didn't dislike the game. But... it's been out over a year now and I still haven't finished it. That speaks volumes really. It hasn't gripped me at all.

The funny thing is as a constant on the Gears forums the original gears players, the die hards, hardcore fans straight out hate how gears 4 and 5 look. I agree visually it's excellent but they hate the colour added compared to the older ones. Laughably, it regularly get's called Gears of Fortnite. Gears 5 didn't even get a thread on this forum, I know because when I started posting I looked for one. It's not the system seller it might have been on the 360 that's for sure.

It's interesting though how many people on the gears forum want the Series X purely to cure some of the input lag/framerate issues. Bit of a result selling another console to play a previous Gen game that was poorly optimised.
lSecond best entry? When you consider the previous games where the music starts, you kill 4 enemies then the music dies off, you walk forward a few steps with a finger in the ear, music starts again on the next set piece it's not really a great endorsement ;)

So... you're a "big Gears fan", yet you seemingly dislike every entry in the series?

****posting at its finest.
I tried playing 4 on PC but I didn't get on with it, I didn't expect too though as I don't like 'dudebro' shooters and alien stuff. Made me LOL that there was a Monster energy drink advert when the game boots up too.
Oh, you’d hate death stranding then :p

It's not so much the fact it's an ad, it just fits in very well with the stereotype for that kind of game. I don't think I'd enjoy Death Stranding purely from the gameplay I've seen. Tell you what I wanted to play that I missed on 360, Viva Pinata.
I like that the more recent titles got some colour. Playing through 2 now, it's just got such a bland colour pallet. 20 shades of brown, 3 shades of red and 2 shades of blue.
So looks like Germany has started a second wave of pre-orders at select stores. I wonder if we'll get that over here, the new gen bug is pulling hard at me and this might mean I can jump in.
So... you're a "big Gears fan", yet you seemingly dislike every entry in the series?

****posting at its finest.

What part of campaign do you not understand? You can dislike a games single player and love the MP and vice versa. I loved Rainbow 6 vegas single player but didn't like the MP at all for example. I'm sure we all have similar examples.

Gears 1-2 I played a lot of PVP
Gears 3 I played the PVP and PVE
Judgement I played a tonne of PVP
Gears 5 I've played days and days of PVE because the PVP is in a well documented dreadful state sadly.

You can do all that and still think the campaign is garbage. I mean do you even see people on you're friends list playing the game regularly, yet people still think of Gears as a big Xbox draw, it most certainly isn't outside of Mexico!
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